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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. 11 Confirmed Kills... 1 Month until Armistace.... Killed in mid air collision with another Allied Machine. Bugger
  2. Farewell Flt Lt Stanley Wigmore RFC

    Since May 1918 Shiloh...a late comer
  3. It's a shame he's been banished..I didn't always see eye to eye with some things he said, but as long as you took him at face value..he was a decent enough chap. But hey, we're all guests here, and he had many warnings
  4. Farewell Flt Lt Stanley Wigmore RFC

    Yes..I almost cried when his SE5a crumpled into a heap, and dropped out of the sky
  5. http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2011/07/04/hot-summer-could-wipe-out-goth-population-experts-warn/
  6. OT: Brutal Oblivion Death Knight battle

    The Mods for oblivion certainly added something to the game...however, I kinda moved on to the Fallout Genre from Bethesda....though I wait with interest for the new game...I'm sure it will be very good indeed
  7. P4 - most desirable improvements

    The long and short of it is, you ain't gonna please everyone...that after all, is the road to hell...but from what I've seen, just in screenshots alone, warrants the purchase of P4. I'm looking forward to the other enhancements, whatever they will be. Though, from a selfish point of view, the new aircraft is a real plus for us 'hobby' skinners!
  8. OMG

    Well, dunno about you guys, but I think it's better if 10 criminals walk free, than one innocent person getting convicted. That's how the Law should work (IMHO) Most criminals don't stop..So you get them next time around anyhow
  9. The Illustrated BOC News, July 16, 2011

    Another brilliant edition!..... I would defo buy the annual!!!
  10. Trying my hand at animation

    haha...that was pretty neat
  11. Never get into the boat

    I would never get on a boat...period! Sea Sickness...with an option to Drown!...hate the damn things
  12. CAUTION: graphic carnage

    Sorry Jet Jocky's...but I p*ssed myself!
  13. Duxford Airshow (Lots of Pics)

    Just noticed the front section of a BOAC VC-10....one of my all time favourites!
  14. Sad day at Duxford

    certainly a fitting end to the old girl...crashing into the ground, whilst her pilot bails in the 'traditional' way!...belongs to a different era! :(
  15. Duxford Airshow (Lots of Pics)

    Indeed!...there are some German's around, who will soon find that out, when I get that damn Snipe!
  16. Duxford Airshow (Lots of Pics)

    Such a shame, that such a beautiful aeroplane, can be totalled, by such an ugly one!...there's no justice!
  17. Duxford Airshow (Lots of Pics)

    I may be entirely wrong (often am!)...but I seem to remember reading somewhere, that the Skyraider, due to it's huge bulk, has a limited field of view for the pilot?..if so, perhaps a contributory factor?
  18. Duxford Airshow (Lots of Pics)

    has 'pilot error' written all over it (imho)
  19. Duxford Airshow (Lots of Pics)

    Beautiful photos Mike...there's something about pics done in black and white, that p*sses all over colour photo's..and you've captured that fact really well Sir!
  20. shot soldiers Dog comes home

  21. Sad day at Duxford

    There won't be any warbirds left flying at this rate!
  22. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    Hi Don...certainly some older games (IL2 springs to mind) do not like being installed into the (X86) folder!...best to make a seperate one as HW suggests
  23. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    Have to agree with you Hasse Wind!
  24. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    Me too...no problems
  25. I arrived at the Lake this morning..at 4:30am...the sun was up, and it was a beautiful dawn too....lots of BIG Carp swirling around!..YES! I thought. I placed all my Tackle on the park bench (this is a city Lake, under the shadow of St James's Park (Newcastle Utd Football club for the uninterested amongst you).... I had my back to the water, setting up rod number one...when a Childs voice from directly behind me said "Hello...caught anything?"....."No mate, I have only just got here" I replied, as I bit off a bit of excess line from the hook. I turned round to acknowledge him...and there was absolutely no-one there!...the path led away about 50 yds in both directions...not a sign of him!.....talk about creeped out!..... I dunno if I imagined it or not, but I can't have..it was enough to make me reply to him after all! really spooky.... I'm not sure I'm going to feel so chilled out when I go there next!

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