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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    Thank you Flypc...that's the answer I am going to stick to!
  2. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    It certainly left a 'mark' on me Shiloh...And I hope it washes out!
  3. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    youve just described it perfectly Olham!...Google i suppose?
  4. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    It certainly does Lou...I'm certainly not the sort to get spooked by unusual happenings (Most of the time)...but this was quiet a shock
  5. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    OMG...you're not VICE are you?
  6. The Illustrated BOC News, July 9, 2011

    I am very disappointed to see that the Pro-Celebrity Ant Rolling race has been postponed...AGAIN! :nea:
  7. OT-OFF Casual Wear

    if you got to http://www.zazzle.com/ you can design your own
  8. The Illustrated BOC News, July 9, 2011

    "OFF Community divided over whether to patition or not" I don't know whether it's because it's Python-esque...but everytime I read this, it cracks me up!!
  9. XP Home edition vs. XP Pro

    Well, I'm on W7 64...but onluy have 4GB RAM at the moment...So, if you're correct Lou...slamming some more in should make a big enough difference to warrant it?
  10. The Illustrated BOC News, July 9, 2011

  11. The Illustrated BOC News, July 9, 2011

    Seriously brilliant Lou...I look forward to reading this everytime!... I have some seriously silly snaps to add to a future edition Lou...pm your email addy, and I'll send them to you!
  12. XP Home edition vs. XP Pro

    Have to say, I thought that too
  13. A Beauty sleeping in the Dust

    Oh yeah..we have those too...but they always seem to go exactly where you dont want to be!
  14. A Beauty sleeping in the Dust

    is your IKEA as bad as ours?...in that you have to follow the route all the way around the damn store?..god, i hate the place!
  15. PETA get on my P*sser

    As anyone who has read any of my posts here will no doubt be aware...I am a self confessed Animal lover. I keep them as pets, I fight for their welfare, I spend hours watching videos about them..I read as much as I can about them...I stick up for the less 'popular ones, like Reptiles and Amphibians...and yes..I occasionally eat them, or fish for them too.. But, when I have to argue against some of the blinkered, self righteous weirdo's that PETA seems to attract, I can hardly contain myself! The latest lunacy I'm fighting against, is a Vegan diet for Cats and Dogs!...WTF are these people on? If I gave my two Dogs a bowl of vegatables to eat...they would sh*t in my shoes! (what my Cat would do, is almost too horrible to contemplate!) It's PETA who should be prosecuted for Abuse! Rant Over
  16. PETA get on my P*sser

    yup... A dog will 'survive' on that diet...but a cat?...No way!....top predator those dudes!
  17. So it's the end of The World...

    dunno what my puppy is gonna s**t on now!
  18. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    well, ive updated all the newest stuff...and it's still sh*t
  19. PETA get on my P*sser

    yes, but the dog will be Ill anyway if he don't get fed proper food to go with it
  20. 7Jul 2005, London

    A day that will live in infamy
  21. sorry for double post

  22. XP Home edition vs. XP Pro

    As far as I am aware, there is absolutely No difference between the two, when it comes to frame rates, or speed.
  23. Thought I would start a new topic on the various options re:- Resolution for skins Here are some screens I have taken.....the first thing I noticed, was Allied Green..'tends' to be less noticeable..see what you think?...and please post some high res - Low res shots of your own....as I often wonder if it's hardware related too? Also, of course..a lot depends on the angle of shot..sunlight, weather conditions can make a big difference in screenshots..as i'm sure you're aware
  24. Ah...the joys of not hitting the flip button hard enough in CS3!.....
  25. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Well done Sir...looking forward to trying them out!! I am especially looking forward to the Pfalz.... As this aircraft is almost unsurvivable in use in combat

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