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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OMG

    what are you all talking about?
  2. To Partition or Not to Partition?

    There are some really good, free backup utilities available too...this is the one I use http://www.paragon-software.com/home/br-free/
  3. The Illustrated BOC News, July 4, 2011

    LMFAO!....Excellent stuff!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  4. To Partition or Not to Partition?

    It doesnt really matter to be honest whether you have one drive partitioned, or two drives. The important thing to remember, is they're gonna f*ck up someday!...So back up what you don't want to lose!
  5. It's not just cats that have nine lives

    This little fella just used all his up in one go!
  6. I know I didnt!....stunning!
  7. It's not just cats that have nine lives

    I think he may have had his tail broken however...if you listen closely..I think there is the sound of an impact of some sort
  8. To Partition or Not to Partition?

    I have a 1TB drive m8...And have it partitioned as 250GB for Windows and stuff...and the rest for Data.
  9. This little chap sure has luck on his side!
  10. Press Misrepresenting Electric Car Study

    The Fossilfuel industry don't believe anything will effectively replace..well... fossilfuel basically...but then they would of course!...Makes me laugh, when they say they are spending billions of dollars trying to find an alternative...hahahaha...yeah right
  11. OT Sometimes lady luck is on your side

    Brilliant Olham...thats gone straight on my Facebook!
  12. I bet you never thought you'd see this in FS2004!

  13. Website P4 Screenshots updated

    Indeed Herr Olham...a mix of anticipation of the Kill..versus utter terror at losing a Snipe and Pilot in the last actions of the War!
  14. Just had a short three hour fishing trip this evening...and caught this rather Spiffing Carp...on a floating Dog Biscuit!...thanks to Max, my faithful four legged friend...for letting me pinch some of his dinner!
  15. OT Lovely way to spend an evening

    That woulda scared me sh*tless Lewie!
  16. OT Lovely way to spend an evening

    haha Well, apart from only really liking Tinned Tuna (very unimaginative I'm afraid)...I just don't like eating fish...not because of any 'protest' against it...just don't like the taste of fish!..lol Angling is the biggest participant sport in the UK...with almost 4 million of us venturing forth at 3:00am...to sit all day drowning Worms...and I completely understand why non-anglers think we are completely insane! (Indeed, I wonder it at times) Approx 3 million of us pay a minimum of £27 per year for a rod licence...which the Environment Agency spends on fighting Bank Erosion, pollution and stocking etc....and the Anti brigade who try to get fishing banned, happily ignore this fact sadly....in reality, all the lovely Ponds, Lakes and Rivers you come across in the UK..are that way, purely due to Anglers paying for it. So, I guess I don't fish for food...so why do I do it? Well...a combination of many factors....Not least, the solitude...all my worries seem to get absorbed into those rippling waters....if that rod tip trembles...or that float dips....it could be 'The Big one'..... I just can't go more than two weekends without doing it!...it's just magical (for me at least)
  17. OT Lovely way to spend an evening

    haha...that has been pointed out to me in the past...but sadly, one only has to hear me sing in the bath...or check my Bank Statements, to realise...there is no connection!
  18. OT Lovely way to spend an evening

    Absolutely not going to eat him...He swam happily away! If anyone was seen/caught eating Carp here in the UK...they would very likely be lynched!...they are our most esteemed species! (I know the American's don't like them) but they are spoiled for choice!....here in the UK...the only freshwater fish that you are allowed to catch and eat are Trout. I could'nt possibly Kill and Eat such a lovely looking creature You guys just wouldn't believe how loved they are here...they have almost 'religous status' amongst British Anglers...and there is a multi-million pound industry grown up here, just perfecting Carp fishing techmiques and tackle. Have a quick look at UK Carp Fishing tackle on the net....you American chaps will be gobsmacked!...it's almost Space age!.... We are World Leaders in the subject Many of the Bigger Carp are known by name!...there was even a news item when a particularly well known fish died!...they have a memorial service at the Lake every year!!!....it's mad! Eastern European's who come here, and have tried to catch and Eat Carp, have met with Violence on Occasion....one chap in the news a while ago, was staked out and left spreadeagled on the Bank for 24 hours!!....not a good idea to f*ck with our Carp here! That of course, is 'people' justice!...the Law actually treats it as 'theft'...So, you could well find yourself carted off to Prison (if the Carp Anglers don't get to you first!)
  19. OT Lovely way to spend an evening

    :rofl: now THAT woulda been something!
  20. Hard Drive Down!

    I remember last september, when a University student friend of mine lost her entire dissitation..... I'm afraid, when it comes to hard drives...it's always a case of 'When' rather than 'If' I always think of my HDD as a cruel, heartless fiend...who will destroy your life's work in an instant!....If you let him!...they are not your friend!
  21. Hard Drive Down!

    Sounds like it's Kaput m8....If you cannot detect it in the BIOS...it usually means that it's destined for the Bin...sorry The SATA cable may be broken, but unlikely....any chance you can plug the Drive into another pc? That would at least give you a difinitive answer
  22. Website P4 Screenshots updated

    Absolutely beautiful...Of course, I love the Snipe...she's wonderful!..but the scenery is also amazing!...the lovely Azure skies of 1918...with a Squadron of Snipes...beautiful!...I could just fly her around....and to hell with the Jasta's
  23. Happy Birhday Slartibartfast

    Happy Birthday old chap!...have a few cold ones!
  24. Great, free online backup app

    Dunno if you guys have seen this? http://www.dropbox.com/ You can share, backup your stuff (up to 2GB) free....and access from any computer or Phone. Well worth watching the short video!

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