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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT - children, gotta love 'em

    Change 'Daughter' to 'Son'...and it reflects my life in a mirror image!
  2. Dunno if you guys have seen this? http://www.dropbox.com/ You can share, backup your stuff (up to 2GB) free....and access from any computer or Phone. Well worth watching the short video!
  3. Hi Guys wondered if anyone has a solution to this? Installing XP on a machine here...it hangs at 34 minutes...traced it down to a faulty Network Card...trouble is...it's onboard, and although I've disabled it in the BIOS...Windows installation still hangs at 34 mins. Anyway of NOT installing the driver for it?...I'm stumped
  4. Computer tech problem

    well, slapped another HDD in...formatted...sorted!....weird things computers!...thanks Guys
  5. Computer tech problem

    thanks Guys ..all valid advice...have since found this http://support.microsoft.com/kb/828267 have had a couple of Beers tonight..so will check it out in the morning
  6. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/islamic-movement-leader-in-israel-arrested-in-london-1.370246 Sorry guys...you can have him back! We don't deport visitors for no good reason, but you can probably take it as read, that he was inciting Racial Hatred in his 'Talk' in Leicester! We don't tolerate that sort of behaviour here...so f*ck off back home!
  7. Computer tech problem

    Hi Lewie it's a Packard Hell...and due to the guy losing his HDD...I have replaced it..but obviously lost the recovery partition..so, it's a fresh install of XP
  8. Oh the Irony

    http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/latest/2011/06/30/police-probe-snake-breeder-s-death-115875-23236618/ Trying to prevent their extinction....and they end up making him extinct
  9. Computer Tech Problem

    Hi Guys wondered if anyone has a solution to this? Installing XP on a machine here...it hangs at 34 minutes...traced it down to a faulty Network Card...trouble is...it's onboard, and although I've disabled it in the BIOS...Windows installation still hangs at 34 mins. Anyway of NOT installing the driver for it?...I'm stumped
  10. Computer Tech Problem

    Hi Fubar...It's a Packard Hell...was trying to do a Windows repair..but it kinda screwed up...as the guy I'm doing it for had a HDD problem...and lost the recovery partition
  11. War Horse

    Wow Shredward...thanks so much for posting this!...My son has his own Horse, and has read the book about 100 times!...he is going to be thrilled to know there's a movie coming!...and Speilberg too!....he's gonna flip when he sees this!
  12. OT... But Widowmaker will like it...

    hahahaha Scarily accurate too
  13. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported


    I will down a pint of the Speckled stuff to that!...hussah!
  15. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    Well, that's EXACTLY where you're wrong!....If you'd care to read through some recent posts of mine..I have defended Muslim's on more than one Occasion!!!
  16. Lost the will to fly/play

    Although I love Flightsims...they can get a bit 'samey'
  17. OT Wrong war, interesting story

    fascinating stuff..thanks
  18. Lost the will to fly/play

    I know exactly what you mean!...sometimes it's due to a glut of playing...sometimes it's just uninspiring...don't worry though, something will trigger it again
  19. As two more Dogs Die.....

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008691/Sergeant-Ian-Craven-suicide-bid-police-dogs-die-heat-car.html?ito=feeds-newsxml A timely reminder (and I'm sure you don't need to be told)...about the dangers of Dogs left in cars...please keep a vigilant look out for any dogs locked in cars in this hot weather...and call the Police. A dog can be past saving in just 20 minutes!! Thank you
  20. As two more Dogs Die.....

    yup...different species...same result!...why are some people so f**** stupid?
  21. Now THAT'S what I call...

    Couldn't agree more. Utter Drivel (imho)
  22. Customize Your Pilot Page

    My God!...you guys need help!
  23. Albatros D.V (later) Basic Skin for Jasta 2

    Nice one Olham..will enjoy playing around with this!...thanks m8
  24. Customize Your Pilot Page

    Excellent Lou (I'm going to print this out)

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