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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I must be having a brain tremor! I was flying a patrol, in my Red and Black DVII just now....when I spotted two SE5a's flying parallel with me..but at least 2,000 feet below....and with a maniacal disregard for my campaign pilot...I dove on them at full speed......my wires were whistling...and the airframe creaking terribly....my speed increasing all the time...I had the fixed grin of a killer on my face....as I screamed upon the hapless Doves with my black-hawk! Their direction never faltered...they hadn't even seen me coming...but I saw them alright!...growing larger and larger in my gunsight...the first now easily within range...I let my Spandaus do their grisly work!...at suicidaly point blank range!...I could'nt of had more than 1.5 seconds of fire....but as I swooped past him, still almost vertical..I heard him scream....I pulled back on my joystick so f*cking hard....I yanked it clean off the table!!! ............pulling up just before buying the farm..I smacked it hard back onto the desk...applied full right rudder....and to my astonishment....his wingman was square in my sights.....I instinctively fired....and heard him scream too, as I swooped past!....I swear, at that moment...I felt I had killed two REAL people!...I was sweating like hell.......god almighty....There is nothing in the world like OFF on a good day....I headed straight back to base...trembling like a noob!.....I even saw a British Recon patrol...but my nerves were shot to sh*t.....I let them be!...Damn..I need a coffee!....bye for now
  2. OMG...What a Kill x2

    Good point Von Baur...there will no doubt come a time when I will be forced to in P4...NEIN
  3. Phase 4 - the DH4 Petition

    Good choice chaps..haha Pol..indeed!.....let's hope for your sakes, I don't get a bee in my Bonnet for the DH4! (I doubt your nerves..or mine..could stand it!)
  4. Extreme Low Pass

    Puts me in mind of Ramstein Only a matter of time, before one crashes into the crowd I bet
  5. Alternative DVD Cover

    No reason not to start one anyway is there?
  6. British Armed Forces Day

  7. No offence taken...each to their own (the fuselage on the Alb is however untouched...As OvS is also keen on weathering effects, and did a magnificent job with all the Albs) Actually these four aircraft are the only ones I've ever 'weathered'....All my other skins in the D/L section are as clean as a whistle....just learning still
  8. Wouldnt it be great if you could personalise your wingmen names!....you could fly with people you know...it would certainly up the ante!
  9. haha...beautiful looking Olham...but I can't wait to 'Rough her up'
  10. I thought of you when I decided upon a Dragon Lou....I was hoping you would comment!!
  11. Colombo actor passes away

    Same day as George Custer....though he didn't pass away....he was hacked away!
  12. thank you...I'm doing a DVII...and then I will upload a four plane pack..the Alb..DVII, SE5a and Camel
  13. Looking forward to those m8!
  14. My First Albatros re-skin in ages
  15. JK Rowling unveils Pottermore website

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/8593930/JK-Rowling-unveils-Pottermore-website.html I'm not a Harry Potter fan personally...But I am a JK Rowling fan....single mother bringing up kids on a Housing Estate..writing in what little spare time she had...to multi-millionairess World renowned Author! Fantastic!
  16. Personalised wingmen

    hahaha...quite possibly Capitaine
  17. Children and Animals

    http://weruletheinternet.com/2010/10/27/34-pictures-of-kids-with-animals/#553 Sometimes it's just nice to be able to say...Awwww
  18. Personalised wingmen

    That's going to open up a whole new experience! In the old B-17 game, my entire crew were made up of real life friends...it made a real difference to the experience

    Words don't do it justice!..
  20. Personalised wingmen

    Sh*t!...I never knew that!...thanks
  21. Alternative DVD Cover

    I think we'd all agree with you on that one Shiloh
  22. Alternative DVD Cover

    I agree...especially when up against the 'Unmentionable' Sim...whose cover is actually better than the content! (IMHO!!!!) After all...I know I have bought games in the past, where the cover has sold itself to me...and the same with books
  23. Alternative DVD Cover

    That is superb m8...I think I may just have to nick that for my OFF DVD cover!.....maybe we should have a competition??? (Olham and LOU would defo like to have a go at that I bet?)
  24. The Science of the Hangover...

    I think Alcohol is vitally important! After seven pints of Old Speckled Hen...I finally know the answer to Life, the Universe..and everything! Problem is...In the morning...I can never remember what the question was!
  25. Whitey Arrested

    what a swarthy bunch!...Bin Laden looks the most Innocent!

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