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Everything posted by RangerX3X

  1. Is there a way to select load outs for multiplayer in this game? Everytime I play a game with my friends, the load out selection is grayed out and all we can do is start or exit the mission.
  2. Not foolish at all. For me two games come immediately to mind: Raven Shield - Spent three times more in the Unreal Editor than actually playing SP or clan matches and the King Daddy of them all, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. I spent about three years in the mission editor and about six months actually playing the game. Still have installed and still haven't completed the campaign from owning it since 2001!!!
  3. Thanks...I can't fly without my Mavericks.
  4. Could someone explain briefly what the difference between SF & WOV is? I have WOV and everything I read about SF seems to indicate it has the same planes during the same time period.
  5. I am playing Wings Over Vietnam using patch WOV_sp051506a with the enemy and flight settings on normal. I am having a problem engaging air targets that have the red cone. I can cycle through radar range, select a target lock, get into range fire and kill except for those bandits that come up as primary targets and then have the red cone assigned to them. No matter what I do I cannot select these targets or lock them on my radar for either the Sparrow or the Sidewinder. I hope this is a noob issue and it is quite obvious what I am doing wrong (and not a bug) but I need serious help. Thanks.
  6. Thanks - I was basically flying the game thinking of LOMAC not realizing how different the radar and target acquisition models are. Noob
  7. This doesn't help. As I said, I can lock onto aircraft except for those that are indicated with the red cone. They don't even show on the radar.

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