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reconrick989 last won the day on January 27

reconrick989 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

9 Neutral

About reconrick989

  1. I agree with all rules and regulations. GOD BLESS.
  2. Please accept my most sincere apology

    Good evening, FETCH2015 you are right Sir. Thank you for your advice, guidance and words of wisdom. They are highly appreciated. Your words made me put this into the right perspective. I was wrong by taking multiple downloads without contributing to the effort. There is no I in TEAM. I am willing and able to pay a monthly fee for full member reintegration into this amazing site (Being able to download some mods IAW site Rules and regulations). If forgiven for my offense, I will NOT allow myself to be put into this position again. If I am not forgiven, I fully understand and I give you all my THANKS, RESPECT and BEST WISHES on future endeavors. Thank you again FETCH2015. GOD BLESS. Viper63a Thank you Sir for being the first member to post a response. Thank you for your answer, although Short, it was on point and carried a lot of weight. Thank you, Sir. GOD BLESS. To both of you Gentlemen, as well as all members of this outstanding site, GOD BLESS you and your respective families. Sincerely, Reyes, Ricardo SFC, USA, Ret 19K4K8
  3. Please accept my most sincere apology

    Good morning, First of all, I hope everyone is doing well. I would like to apologize to all Developers, News Staff, Moderators, Administrators, Founders, Principles and the many members of this site. I made an honest mistake by downloading more mods that I was entitled to in a matter of hours. This happened around 2 weeks ago. I am an honest person and I own my Fuckups, and this is a serious one. Please be certain that ALL the outstanding mods that I downloaded are for my own and exclusive use. I recently purchased Strike Fighters 2 and wanted to get it up to speed. Looking pretty and with more campaigns to play. No other intensions were the cause of this fiasco I created. As for myself, I got what I deserved. I got banned from this site. Please accept my humble apology. That's all I am begging for everyone to do. The original message was written and posted this morning. I am not the sharpest knife in the kitchen, and honestly think I posted it on the wrong place. I know a lot of FLAK is coming my way. I am aware it is well deserved. Thank you all for all your hard work and for keeping all these flight simulators alive. GOD BLESS. Respectfully, Reyes, Ricardo SFC, USA, Ret. 19K4K8
  4. Community Announcement

    Well, i guess that everything in life is subject to change and since i've been downloading mods for a while this is not a bad idea, it's not like i'm giving some classified information or anything of that nature.

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