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About GlynD

  1. Thanks Allen There was no "EAWEuro_briefing.ini" file in the folder so I downloaded the "Briefing.rar" pack and did one of my own - I like yours better, so I will copy and paste that text into the file that now lives in there... All is now super tickety boo!!! Back to flying again now a very minor wrinkle has been ironed out :-) Cheers once again
  2. Ah ha Just had a look at that link you kindly provided Allen... There is a line in the "EAWEuro.INI" that points to the file - BriefingText=EAWEuro_briefing.ini There is no file of that name in the EAWEuro folder! Can the briefing INI file be inside the CAT file as the standard "Desert" folder doesnt have one either? Cheers
  3. Thanks for replying Wrench and Allen I did do the copy, paste and rename of the "desert.cat" file into the EAWEuro folder, I had a quick search on the forums but nothing came up in the 20 or so that I looked at! As I'm brand new to the game, I thought I'd have a quick post to see if the problem had affected anyone else... Yes it's even before I fly - in fact the flying bit is super (love the 5 different terrains) and I can access the Map screen, just not the Briefing screen. If it's un-fixable then that's cool by me, just it's such a super mod I wanted it to all be tickety boo! :-) Cheers
  4. Hi chaps I have just installed Strike Fighters Gold, applied the service Pack to the latest version followed by the latest patch. Just wondered if anyone had the same problem? I have installed the "EAWEuro" scenery and 1.6 patch (from http://www.simwarrior.com/sfp1/terrain.html ) When I pick a single mission and go into the Briefing Screen I end up with a black screen! I can see the mouse cursor in the central part of the screen. Pressing the Esc key crashes the sim back to the desktop... The desert terrain Briefing Screen is OK (as is the Mission map with the EAWEuro terrain selected). Cheers in advance
  5. Hiya all Has anyone found a way to make the trees a little more realistic? It's a brilliant title which I keep coming back too... Cheers

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