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About f4CSlad

  1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew were F22 joystick config files could be found as at least samples that i could modify. Alot of the old sources have disappeared i know there must be knew ones i just can't find them , Thank you very much!!!
  2. Wanted to know if anyone has the digital chipsets for flcs/f22/tqs eraser head or trackball and would be interested in selling them. I have been looking, i know they are not currently being made, bummer. Also, A few years ago a couple companies used to make these nifty joystick brackets you could attach to your office chair arm rests. They could be used for most any josticks. Looking for those as well. thanks
  3. Config Files Question

    Hello, I had a question, thought someone might know or be able to help. I am newer to LOMAC and got the config files for the flcs/f22 tqs , both digital and non, but i have digital stickworks chips. Can't get the throttle to work, tho throttle does respond in windows calibration ( did that to just see that it was working for sure). using win2k sp4 and stickworks driver software. Any thought and suggestions would be very helpful. LOMAC 1.02 as well

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