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Everything posted by sordo

  1. Version


    Here we have the classical EF-18 HORNET from the Spanish Air Force including the HUD with CCIP. Vista, Suerte y al Toro! *Admin Edit based on work of the Mirage Factory.
  2. C-15 Spanish EF-18 HORNET

    Nadie dijo que fuera fácil.... VST!!!
  3. File Name: C-15 Spanish EF-18 HORNET File Submitter: sordo File Submitted: 19 Jun 2008 File Updated: 20 Jun 2008 File Category: F-18 Here we have the classical EF-18 HORNET from the Spanish Air Force including the HUD with CCIP. Vista, Suerte y al Toro! Click here to download this file
  4. Hi I have a CH Combat Stick and I can use the Hat Switch to control de wiew around the cockpit. My Combat Stick did not have any default function. I have had to configure it using the Options section in WOE or WOI. Hope this helps you
  5. I have donwloaded the Blue Angels F-18 from http://www.checksix-fr.com and the FA-18 from http://www.column5.us. The Blue Angel F-18 has CCIP but the FA-18 has not this bombing mode. What I have to do in order to install the CCIP in the FA-18? Thanks!
  6. Hi FastCargo I`ve followed your instructions but,..it does not work in my computer. The HUD seems to be completely crazy. The CCIP is in but al the displays in the HUD are ON. Moreover some of the HUD info is out of the HUD glass, invading parts of the cockpit around the HUD glass. I will try it again. Thanks for all!
  7. I have installed Desert Storm Campaign and the air bases are missing Please help!!
  8. ups this is my first time here I am not a expert user so,...any alternative??

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