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Everything posted by Dej

  1. My reading backs up Lou’s statement, and a perusal of Norman Frank’s ‘Dog-Fight – Aerial Tactics of the Aces of WW1’ supports it also. The concept of a wingman, as we understand it from WW2 onward, did not exist. Experienced flight leaders would watch out for the novices (as does Hellshade, and Lou and Olham follow this maxim also) but no one had the specific assignment to protect another’s tail. The RNAS experimented with defensive formations for bombers from mid 1916 onwards (commonly with a view to maximising fire cover whilst maintaining manoeuvrability should archie prove a little bit too accurate) and, later,the RFC adopted stepped tactical formations for bombers and escorts when these became common. Scout patrols on both sides used formations, vics at differing heights for example, but apart from that ‘follow the leader’ seems to have been as far as it went... and then only from 1917 after the ‘lone wolf’ days were definitely past. Indeed, Arthur Gould Lee relates an episode from one of his patrols at the Front where he was so intent on carrying out that very instruction that he failed to notice any of the enemy scouts with which his patrol became entangled! However, the German Jastas do seem regularly to have adopted a tactic where, when finding themselves below an attacking enemy scout formation the rear section would break off, bank away and climb whilst the front section would continue on and then dive, drawing the enemy scouts down thereby allowing their fellows in the rear section to fall upon the pursuing enemy from above in their turn. Once a dogfight began in earnest though it was, on both sides, ‘every man for himself’.
  2. If we're to borrow from that genre, HW, I think 'Over Flanders Fields - The Return of the King' is a better refelction of the esteem in which we hold this sim!
  3. I susect copyright may exist over that one. I had thought of 'OFF: Valour's Cross' whereon the DVD image would have an Iron Cross, Military Cross, Blue Max, Victoria Cross, Croix de Guerre and Distinguished Flying Cross (et al.) fanned out and fading into the background to left and right, with a simple wooden cross at fore and centre, stark and chilling in its comparative simplicity.
  4. Ah yes, quite so. However, in neither case are we talking about transferring between branches of the same Service. For an officer, one would have to resign one's commission in the Army, leave it entirely, and then join the Navy... or vice versa... starting all over again. Neither Service would, I think, have tolerated such an action and the loss of an experienced resource, howsoever temporary, that such a thing would entail. Might have been slightly easier, on paper, for the rank and file but again, as some of those would have been amongst the more experienced, that still would tell against the likelihood of it being allowed.
  5. I'm not aware of any, I confess. And, given that the RFC was only a corps of the army and many RFC pilots records remained with their old units prior to 1st April 1918, I think it would adminstratively have been frowned upon. I think some commanding officers from the RNAS were appointed their RFC squadrons prior to amalgamation, Dallas for example, but not actually present. Up until the advent of the SE and Camel though I doubt any Naval scout pilot would have wanted to trade his superior machine for one of the antiquated kites the brown jobs were forced to fly!
  6. I've an inkling you'll get a good bit of (vi) in P4. But, we'll get what we get. The good gentlemen who create this fine sim are their own worse critics and unstinting in their dedication to bring to life (as much as ever could be in the circumstances) the Great War in the Air. P4 will be vast improvement on BHaH: HitR. Actually I want to know what they're going to call it.
  7. Horses Don't Fly

    I hope you can find them in German at an affordable price, Olham. However, if you are happy to give them a try in English, they are available at the Cross & Cockade online book store at an average price of £12 apiece.
  8. Not indefinitely WM, it's only because we've run out of Rizlas.
  9. In my Vice-Presidential capacity may I mention that 'Fly Swatting with a Toothpick' will definitely be one of the featured events at the next BOC Sports Day along with 'Cocktail Stick Javelin Throwing'; 'Rather-more-than-tiddly Winks'; 'Nailing Jelly to the Wall'; 'Model T Hangar Slalom'; the comparatively mundane 'Bicycle Racing' and other events yet to be determined. Contact (tink... tink... tink...) Clear!
  10. Thanks Olham, yes, an animated GIF it is. Part of the 'Barmyness for the Barmy Mess' music collection, featuring popular songs of that ilk as well as music by J.S.BOCh, Luigi BOCcherini, Arnold BOCs et al.
  11. Another excellent lunatic edition, Lou. And now the News of the World is no more there's a gap in the market... in the UK at least TWITS they may be, but they have a possible point about Cameron! Contact (tink... tink... tink...) Clear!
  12. Aces High film

    I started a thread on 'Songs from the Mess' a while back, with several references to 'Aces High' among others... might be of interest LINK
  13. worst luck ever :(

    So am I and I do too. The X52 won't operate any other way so I'd have been forced into it when I acquired one... except that I've always used a joystick 'right-handedly' despite being completely left-handed, -footed, and '-whatever else one has two of'ed' in every other respect
  14. Splendidly practical idea, mon brave, dangerously close to sensible though... be careful Tell you what else too, a chap wouldn't be safe with that pose in a leather suit these days!
  15. Exactly so, and 'inspired lunacy', so ably demonstrated above by our President, should be tantamount to a second motto for the BOC. That said I think yon broadsheet may want of a beer advert or two, mind.
  16. RNAS Pride

    From the album Image Store

  17. Signature Animation

    From the album Image Store

  18. BOC Pin Resized

    From the album Image Store

  19. Tsk! You asked that before Olham, they're directional lights.
  20. It's the loooong list of things they've already done for P4 that has me licking my lips. Perfection tomorrow, I'll take P4 today... please.
  21. No problem Rugbyfan, if you go to the Cross & Cockade website at www.crossandcockade.com and click on 'Hawker Memorial' under 'Latest News' you'll learn as much about it as I know.
  22. Customize Your Pilot Page

    Ah, I think I came back from a visit to the gents and thought we were still laughing at the story of the military policeman,the rubber duck and the forty foot ladder. But now you explain it, the madness appeals...
  23. Customize Your Pilot Page

    Memory problems aside... we must have been trashed to agree on a FLIGHTLESS bird! I still think 'Per Dementia Ad Astra' has a better ring to it, but I'm happy to be overruled.

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