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Everything posted by Dej

  1. 3d Modelling new toy!

    As good a reason for buying a Wacom as I've seen. What an incredible piece of software.
  2. Ah, Lou. You're a credit to these fora and to the humour of existence in general. So glad to see you back. I had tears in my eyes... some bits were well funny. I strongly suspect mind, that your text may be close to the truth, even though the graphics be less so.
  3. The only video compilation I ever made you can download here. It's a bit big mind, I never got the hang of video compression.
  4. Post Signature question

    Click the down arrow next to your name top right. Click on 'My Profile' then click on 'Edit My Profile' on the next page. You'll then see a set of option to change various things including signature, click on that and on the next page enter whatever text you want as your signature just as you would a forum post.
  5. Thoughts about P4

    It was true before HitR and I'd guess it is now, If flying lead then, with radar off, if you press whatever you have assigned as the 'Attack' order (default 'A') from time to time your wingmen will respond and go charging after enemies IF there are any in radar range. It's not perfect and it's without finesse but it's the nearest you'll get to wing-waggling or short warning bursts. On the same theme, and because the OFF team have done wonders with it already, I'd like to see friendly archie lobbing a few 'pointer rounds' into the sky near you to let you know the direction of the near enemy... as they used to do in the day.
  6. Archibald, certainly not!

    I can heartily recommend membership. It's worth every penny of £25, IMHO. The quarterly journals are absolutely stuffed with information. The gazeteer of UK WW1 aerodromes is eagerly awaited by yours truly. I haven't managed to attend one of the evening meets yet but I hope to.
  7. Ah, I reckon there's always room in music for a flash of inspiration that topples the 'accepted' masters. I'm conditionally biased, as are we all who've played OFF, in that I couldn't imagine WW1 in the air without Matt's soaring chords. OFF with a Peter Jackson budget and Matt's music... could be the finest WW1 aviation move ever. So never mind 'working with', if it were in my gift Matt's the WW1 soundtrack #1. By way of illustration of the first point, I think Basil Poledouris' sound track for 'Conan the Barbarian' shoves Howard Shore's 'Lord of the Rings' soundtrack down the toilet and flushes it twice. I know Basil wasn't a small fish but 'CtB' is his best and most under-valued work... I keep badgering Classic FM to play 'Theology and Civilisation'. Howard Shore is bigged up more than he deserves... IMO. Any new music for P4, Matt? Ah, never mind, you probably can't say BTW, I absolutely love what is listed in the shellmusic directory as 'MenuMusic3.wav'... reminds me of Vaughan Williams... any chance of an HD version of that on soundclick?
  8. Grappling hook on a rope was done too, although earlier than BE2cs. Nevertheless, a chance to rip an EIII's wing off as it dives past having shot you to bits would be very welcome. Having them a bit more cautious because that risk was there would be just as good.
  9. Over50, I'm like Duce and still running on the old stuff, but assuming profile editing is still similar I strongly recommend experimenting with that. I have mine set such that forward views within say a 30 to 40 degree arc is nice and smooth and softly incremental, i.e. low down on the profile band. The profile ramps up exponentially outside that arc such that a 'positive' (can't think of another term) head turn to the right looks 90 degrees right and a rapid head turn to the right looks over my right shoulder. It feels natural to me... if I'm 'snatching' a look behind I quickly look at one or other edge of my monitor... if I'm exploring the sky, I move my head slowly. Hope that is still relevant.. and helps.
  10. Didn't enlarge but had to look for a while. It's so much easier when they're moving though... the human eye is tuned to it. Camouflage always works best on stationary things.
  11. I happily glean any information about the FMs and players' impressions of them that they care to let drop, so I would be interested. I'd appreciate a copy of that spreadsheet for one thing and I'm intrgued by your avatar for another what is it?
  12. Calling all Brits

    Save your $40 and buy the book instead Duce. The book is (was) controversial in it's 'warts and all' depiction of RAF pilots in a frontline squadron from '39 thru '40 but it's a good read, IMHO. A better read than the series is to watch. And if you do read the book and like the rather bleak tone, then the author Derek Robinson has done the same with WW1, in a trilogy: 'War Story', 'Hornet's Sting' and 'Goshawk Squadron' - of which the latter is the best. I rate 'Piece of Cake' the best of all his novels though. [EDIT] Oh, and that YouTube video is NOT from the series [/EDIT]
  13. Just so as I hopefully don't look like a total swot, remembering that plural is down to a ferocious Latin master with a very flexible ruler - accurately deployed! See ya in six months, Lou. And if that creek even flexes its muscles give us a shout here and we'll all be round to 'act the little Dutch boy'. Widowmaker, Olham, Von Paulus, just follow that yellow brick road and the wizard will return!
  14. Very sad to see you go, Lou. It'll be a long dark tea time of the soul without you around, but I understand your reasoning. Too little time for all the things one wants to do is a feeling I understand all too well and as I'm away from home most of the week my OFF time is also very limited. It's been a pleasure, a privilege and an education to have known you through these fora. All the very best, Sir.
  15. Give it time, Scouseair68. For as sublime a feed line as that, he has to get properly in character first...
  16. A little program I am working on...

    C:\Users\[uSER NAME]\Documents\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields is where my screenshots go by default. It has three subdirectories: Campaigns, Missions, QuickCom which on my install do not contain anything.
  17. A little program I am working on...

    As far as I can tell my directory structure for OFF is standard for Vista (at least I never specified any alternative to the default). The OFF root is at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\ I think the batch file you're proposing would be very useful.
  18. Lovely job. If Sopwith had Olham as an employee during the War they could have flogged a load of Tripes to the French!
  19. Pol's Avatar

    Christ! Look at that rudder, though. Enough to put the fear of God into any potential pilot, no wonder it flew like a brick! And of course, the RAF at Farnborough was inspired, the dangers of too small a rudder having been fatally demonstrated by said Morane, to repeat the mistake on the RE8... from Moranes to Morons in one fell swoop!
  20. Pol's Avatar

    Looks as if it might be (and I sincerely hope it is) a Morane Saulnier Type L or Type P. Parasol winged early war aircraft, real Eindecker fodder. If there is a corresponding German aircraft in the works there'll be some Bristol Scout fodder too for any budding Lanoe Hawkers [EDIT] I meant Bristol Scout, of course... DOH! [/EDIT]
  21. We keep knovking 'Flyboys' on these fora and until 'Red Baron' came along that was fair enough.... But I was discussing the two with a colleague at work yesterday and came to the personal conclusion that by comparison, 'Flyboys' ain't bad. That pretty much says how bad I think 'Red Baron' is.
  22. The Lone Wolf

    Last touch Duce, I'd suggest 'his foe was an ace' rather than what you have.
  23. The Lone Wolf

    Ah no, I didn't mean limericks weren't AABBA, 'cos they are. Rather I didn't think Duce's poem was meant to be one.
  24. The Lone Wolf

    Well, 'slanders', off the top of my head, but an assonance would suffice. Besides, it's an ABCCD rhyme scheme not ABCCA, so not needed.
  25. The Lone Wolf

    More than happy to air this one any time, it's arguably the most famous aviation poem in the English language... High Flight Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . . Up, up the long, delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or ever eagle flew — And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. John Gillespie Magee Jr. Spitfire pilot, KIFA, 11th December 1941.

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