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Everything posted by Dej

  1. The Lone Wolf

    You know, the more often I read this the more I like it. The third stanza is a powerful image. The verse 'bathing my face in God' too, is evocative. It immediately makes me think of the last line of John Gillespie Magee's well-known poem 'High Flight'. All the same, I'm struggling to help with the second verse of the second stanza though, since 'Took in a heartbeat's time' still isn't idiomatic to me. You might like to consider '... in a heartbeat's space' instead. In English one could say 'in the space of a heartbeat', meaning a brief moment. Also, personally, I think '...spared my life. In chivalry.' might be better in the fourth stanza... and historically more accurate, too
  2. The Lone Wolf

    Like it. Though Olham, 'Takes in an eyeblink's time' isn't idiomatic. I think an English version would more likely say 'Takes, in the blink of an eye,' And perhaps, in the fourth stanza second verse, 'Now' ought better to be 'Then', especially as the poem is 'looking back' at a moment in the past.
  3. British Eh

    Ah, nothing wrong with PC12, a proud and noble shade... but I meant this lovely shade of green...
  4. British Eh

    'Y Ddraig Goch Gymraeg'. Guaranteed to improve anything. Reckon the fin ought to be green though
  5. What a load of bollocks! There are only four Marsle vanes for a start-off, and they're not hydro-coptic, they're hydro-hieratic. I hate it when so-called scientists try to 'sex up' the obvious just to get a wider audience. Grrr.... it makes me maaaad
  6. Of interest to some

    I SECOND THAT! Aussies, Canucks and Kiwis... and the various other affiliated nationalities. Great service and sacrifice for the Mother Country. That's why my sig. says 'RNAS The Pride of the Commonwealth'. Not ignoring nor diminishing those who served in the RFC, mind.
  7. Imaginary Grief

    In my first serious BHaH campaign I had two wingmen KIFA whilst 56 Sqdn. were on a posting back in Walmer, England in June '17. They'd been with me since April, when I'd joined 56, and had saved my ass a number of times. I was really saddened, and livid that their imaginary lives had ended in such circumstances... Jem Spillsby and Drew Palmer, I still remember their names, even.
  8. Sagittarius Rising, Winged Victory, Flying Fury (McCudden) are MUST reads, IMO. I'd also recommend any of those Lou has mentioned. If you want a good RNAS pick and read, then 'Naval Eight' from the Imperial War Museaum is worth getting. As for Biggles, you'd need to read Biggles Pioneer Air Fighter, Biggles of 266 and Biggles Learns To Fly to get all the stories
  9. Sorry to hear about your bad luck, Lou. The frustrating thing, of course, and to which VP alludes, is that there is likely nothing at all wrong with the actual magnetic storage medium. If you could take that little disc out - as used to be possible - and put it in another drive unit, it could be read perfectly well. Your data is sitting there, probably mostly undamaged, but inaccessible.
  10. According to Fokker DR1.com it could be the one below, Karl Jallwitz of Jasta 12... but it's by no means certain.
  11. Or in English we might say 'Bird' in the same context... which brings it full circle because that DVIIF is a beautiful bird too. Wonderful thing, language.
  12. Looks lush. They're missing a trick though having only Land and Air battles... where's 'Jutland in your Bathtub'?
  13. Don't suppose he'd be up for this beauty by any chance?
  14. My hat's off to whoever skinned Sachsenberg's black and yellow chequered DVII. Navarre's Nieups are very nice too, in fact, the Escadrille skins are under-appreciated, IMHO. Me not voting, just expressing my appreciation - they're all great. 4000+, you OBD guys are the absolute tops.
  15. Those batch files are very conscientious of you HPW, thank you. I'll try the mod out tomorrow evening.
  16. Of course, I won't give up on it though it looks like being a longer job than ever I thought. 400+ maps take a bit of going through, if I'm going to be thorough. Then there are lots of other sources aside from McMasters so I'm cross-referencing more than I anticipated. I'm still enjoying it though... need to win the lottery, so I can devote all the time I waste on work, to history instead.
  17. Good find, Olham. And indeed, not just the Germans. Aside from Bapaume... Villers-Bretonneux and Fere-en-Tardenois are two Entente aerodrome names I immediately recognised as soon as I looked at the first page. I see on the second page there's a station at Marchelepot, which is where I have one of my 'unidentified' aerodromes placed because a trench map shows it, the station is corroboration.
  18. Bit of early war action... 'The Fokker Scourge'
  19. For those Brits on these fora who haven't found out from elsewhere... it would seem that there is a chance that funding for the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) may be stopped in the next round of defence budget cuts. I know it's 'outside our era' here but if any Brits would like to protest, there is a petition set upon the Prime Minister's website at Number 10.gov.uk: Link to 'Save the BBMF' Petition Ta.
  20. Well, thank you for trying Olham, and for your generous words. Echoing Churchill indeed. "What General Weygand has called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin... Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'" My italics of course, but the last words of that speech are what the BBMF commemorates.
  21. The screenshots sticky has 71 pages, surely there must be something in there to content you, Morris. Some of the shots in there are awesome, MacIlroy, Cameljockey, Red-dog and CptKremmin being some names to look out for.
  22. Thanks for the information SB. Alas, when a 'For Sale' sign goes up it'll be already too late. So, I've signed the petition too, like WM, just in case.
  23. Newbie pilot

    When your copy of OFF arrives: Go into the Workshop from the Main Menu, select graphics config and set your resolution and no AA. Choose custom and set your sliders to whatever you fancy trying. Go into Overrides and deselect every check box but Dual Render. File --> Exit and grab yourself a QC session. Hit Z to see your framerate... if it's over 40 you can relax and take your time to browse around these parts for things to try out, if not you'll have to read a bit more. Welcome to OFF. At any graphics setting it's as immersive a sim as you'll ever find. BTW, it's a good idea to fly at leat one CFS3 mission before loading OFF.
  24. Sorry, just kidding... made you look though Small chance of ever getting one of these in OFF. Bragging rights for whoever's first to name the type.
  25. Yep, Mike Dixon had it, the Sopwith Camel 'Comic', hence the joke at the start. The pilot's seat and fuel tank were swapped around and the Vickers, which the pilot now couldn't reach anyway, swapped for Foster-mounted Lewis. Opinion seems to be divided as to whether it's perfomance was improved or worsened. Intended as a night fighter to equip Home Defence squadrons. The longer-looking nose does indeed give it a Bristol Scout aspect so I could see where Uncleal was coming from. The 2F1 variant, which caught JFM out, looks like this:

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