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Everything posted by Dej

  1. Had to go for 'Dawn Patrol' in the end. Wouldn't want to lose any of the others though, there are too few as it is and each has its own scene or aspect to commend it. 'Aces High' and 'Hell's Angels' a close second. I'm sure 'Aces High' as available now though has had a bunch of stuff cut from it that I remember being in it when I saw it at the cinema as a kid. Now, I can't imagine why you left 'Von Richthofen & Brown' out of the list!
  2. Awards system

    There are issues with the awards system which the devs are well aware of and it is being fixed (i.e. completely overhauled and re-contextualised) for a future release. I've seen a couple of preview shots and it looks fabulous.
  3. Reason for screen name....

    Nickname coined for me at college when I was seventeen by my best mate because I didn't like any of the usual short forms of my christian name. It's the name by which I'm generally known now.
  4. Olham, Just a suggestion, how about the dev team having a different colour? I know they're also just OFFers like the rest of us, but they deserve a badge of honour of some kind, hmm?
  5. New recruit to BH&H

    Welcome aboard, Paul. If you're true to your forum name and fly with the RNAS you'll have a geat time in OFF and you'll get to fly my favourite machine, the Sopwith Triplane. Seriously though, the RNAS do get the best machines, shooting down Albatri with alacrity while the poor pongoes have to muddle through Bloody April.
  6. Hi Condor, Flight/Eval Log set to Campaign Only will record QC flight time but not QC kills. Player Stats give you your percentage hit rate and rounds fired etc - you don't need it unless you're interested in how accurately you're shooting. Setting date advance to manual is a good idea, otherwise your pilot will never get any leave, poor b*st*rd. I can't explain why your flight went unrecorded. My advice to all new players though, is NEVER to use the same pilot for QC and campaign. Not only does it confuse the log but more seriously, if you're playing DiD you can lose a valued campaign pilot in a QC moment-of-madness all too easily. Roll separate pilots and keep them apart, use a naming convention such as a QC suffix or initials, whatever works for you.
  7. Missing Labels?

    Steve, Turn your engine sound volume down in workshop or switch to ambient mode (I think that also works), you can hear the imminent stall - deathrattle as Creaghorn says - on some aircraft. Can't say for definite which ones but certainly the SE5 and the Alb.
  8. One more in the air

    Welcome W Mitty, OFF:BHaH is definitely the game for a handle like yours We're all Walters here and OFF:BHaH feeds the imagination like no other sim.
  9. Henry Allingham

    Not quite the last. Harry Patch is still alive at 111. I feel even more sympathy for him now than I did when I read his autobiography. Awful, sorrowful, burden - to be the very last.
  10. Henry Allingham

    God rest his Soul. Now he can forget, at last.
  11. I know what you mean. If I flew any other WW1 flight sim I'd have to play the OFF theme first to get me in the mood. You can download a hi-fi version of it here: Hymn to the Fallen Pilots of Flanders. Check out some of Matt Milne's other music as well while you're there. The man has real talent.
  12. Damage Model

    If you read around the forum a bit, you'll see various strategies for engaging the enemy. Bottom line seems to be, on my reading I hasten to add, that best results come from letting the AI mix it up first. They share the same advantages. So if you put yourself above or outside the fight for a while and use your wingman commands judiciously (see posts by Olham on this) you can not only keep said wingmen on hand but ideally get back into the grinder to help 'em out after they've nibbled at the foes' performance a little. 'Course, it won't always work. But that's the true beauty of this game... just when you think you've reduced it to a formula and are about diminsh in interest, it grabs you by the nuts and makes you think again. And, if you've invested a lot of time in a DiD pilot... that bloody hurts.
  13. Firstly, I'm not ignoring the rest of Hellshade's post. His point is validly and lucidly made and I agree with it. I am simply highlighting the above because, to be honest, I don't have such a wish. This is an OFF forum, I'd rather it were devoted to OFF and not cluttered with posts about every other comparable sim, from a purely housekeeping point of view, if naught else, but particularly when such posts degenerate into name-calling. To argue that it's a 'public' forum (where 'public' means 'I can post anything I like without censure') is nonsense. I discovered OFF whilst browsing in the general WW1 Sim Forum on CombatACE after downloading some of the FE mods, IIRC. Again, AFAICR, I discovered FE through the same forum. Basically, if I want to know what sims are out there to satisfy my desires I only have to look. No one is doing me any favours popping up on OFF to talk about RoF or Flight Sim XYZ, nor vice versa. Posts about other sims have been granted room here freely in the past and experience has shown that in certain cases they have become very sour and caused bad feeling. Wherefore in order to prevent such things OvS and the other moderators have taken the gradual steps they have. To sieze upon such evidently necessary measures as an opportunity to indulge in personal insults against another person - whom one may never have met, nor ever meet, face to face and who may have no more tangible an aspect than an alphanumeric string at the end of the mish-mash of wireless tranmission, fibre-optic, copper wire and wet string that is the WWW - is, frankly, disappointingly immature and sad.
  14. Excellent! It's never a simple 'fix' with you guys, is it. Always something extra. Customer service sans pareil.
  15. Flyin' in the rain...

    And how're you supposed to be sensitive to the control your machine needs? Straight and level must be the absolute you could manage... and then only by virtue of being frozen stiff and effectively being an autopilot. Small wonder McCudden's high-altitude victims put up little if any fight, the poor observer could probably barely get his fingers near the trigger.
  16. Not quite the same format as your avatar Vasco, but I thought Hauksbee'd like a look. [EDIT] Apologies for the temporary hijack, Louvert. [/EDIT]
  17. Not so sure Louvert. My family thinks I'm on another planet half the time!
  18. Just to extend the OTness. I'm also a Lefty, as was my mother, as are both of my sisters, as is my ex-wife and my wife. The latter wasn't a conscious choice either. However, both my sons are right-handed. I do all 'right-hand biased' computer-related things right-handedly though, e.g. mouse, joystick and throttle... too much hassle not to. As to the percentage being 'off' in flight sims, well, left-handers have better spatial awareness, don't they.
  19. Taking the man at his word, I believe Osterkamp was the only fighter pilot to be an ace in both conflicts. There was some dispute on The Aerodrome forum as to whether it should count because four of his WW2 victories were unconfirmed. To my mind though, someone who shot down 32 aircraft in WW1 knows a victory when he sees it. Unfortunately, now that my interest is piqued, I can't find an English translation of Du oder Ich - Deutsche Jagdflieger in Höhen und Tiefen. I'll have to look out for a German copy and muddle through.
  20. ... and shredward in Canada. BTW, Olham, that looks like Whitchurch in Shropshire you're pointing at for me. You want Whitchurch in Hampshire, a good way further East. Lots of Whit(e)Church(es) in England, you see.
  21. Ace skins

    If anyone wants to post ace skin screenshots in the format that Olham's been doing them I attach a template below. There's no pressure to do so, but I just thought some people might want to but weren't sure how and hadn't time to faff about Aces_Skins_Post_Template.rtf
  22. Félicitations à tous nos amis Français. Au nom de la Liberté, il n'y a pas beaucoup des nations qui ont saigné plus que la France. I think...
  23. Good ol' Onkel Theo, eh? 32 victories in WW1 and another 6 in WW2, not many did that AND survived both wars. Luftwaffe High Command kicked him out in 1944, a clear illustration that they had no respect for their veterans. Must get around to finding his biography siome day.
  24. I think Hauksbee's cheating... I swear that's a poorly-disguised parachute pack on the back of his chair!
  25. First Mission

    BuB, OFF manuals are in your [OFF Installation Folder]\manuals\. There is no way of previewing skins on the aircraft model. You can look in the skins directory [OFF Installation Folder]\campaigns\campaign data\skins\ and get a good idea of what they will look like. you'll need a .DDS file format viewer. There's one here that integrates with Windows Explorer DDS Thumbnail Viewer Mission time in QC counts on your pilot log but not kills. NEVER, EVER, EVER USE A CAMPAIGN PILOT FOR QC. Create separate pilots for this, named in a way you can recognise - I use film directors/producers, e.g. Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, Francois Truffaut etc. To avoid having to recreate them I also switch to 'Pilot Never Dies' in Workshop. It's a bit of a bind having to remember to switch back to 'Dead Is Dead' for a campaign but once you get into the routine of doing so you won't lose any more campaign pilots in QC nor accidentally undermine your DiD campaign pilots' scores.

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