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Everything posted by Dej

  1. What nationality are you?

    No mate, just humour. I went back to Wales to live in 1997, for four years. Four of the best summers I've known. It only rained when we crossed the Severn Bridge. So we visited some Saesneg friends on a regular basis, just to keep the garden watered!
  2. What nationality are you?

    Sennybridge, Powys. And you're hinking of Hay-on-Wye, Olham. And yes, Wales is beautiful.
  3. What nationality are you?

    My surname is a contraction of 'ap Rhys'. 'ap' is the Welsh equivalent of the Scottish or Irish 'Mac' or 'Mc' and appears in many English surnames, e.g. Pritchard = ap Richard, Pugh = ap Huw, Powell = ap Hywel, etc. Anyway, 'Rhys' has no direct translation but has the general conotation of 'lusty'. There are A LOT of 'ap Rhys'! Tracing the name back across the Welsh border prior to the 18th century is like finding a needle in a haystack! Olham, you'll have to give me two arrows as well. Born in Wales, spent most of my life in Hampshire. If you've never been to Wales, there's an advert here starting at 2:40... (sorry 'bout the subtitles, 'twas all I could find at short notice)
  4. Post a pic of your town

    From Bottom to Top: Whitchurch, Hampshire, where I live. And it's most famous resident (at present) Richard Adams, author of Watership Down, also pictured. It's about 6 miles NE of Whitchurch. Three and a half miles away is Longparish, birthplace of Lanoe Hawker. Couple of pictures of that then one of the house Lanoe was born in, Home Croft, currently for sale at £395,000 and his grandparents' house - Longparish House... on the market a couple of years ago for £9m!
  5. What nationality are you?

    Blimey! First time I've been part of a minority ethnic group. Mind you HPW, you should have spelled Britain as Prydain. We Welsh aren't part of Britain, we ARE Prydain! And by virtue of being Welsh it's naturally 'Great'.
  6. Yeah, I seem to have lost some too, same problem. Great stuff Hauksbee, and all before Photoshop and the other modern conveniences. I wouldn't know where to start - well, I might have a bit of an idea now, but not then.
  7. This just isn't right

    That lozenge fabric you fellows are so fond of looks more like puke than good earthy brown-green ever did. Besides, if you missed your patchwork quilting that much you should have stayed at home sewing instead of bally well strolling univited through Belgium.
  8. Seconded. I'd like to read all of 'Last Award' at least, Hauksbee, any chance of scanning it in or making a .PDF? Your website's jolly easy on the eye, by the way. Your avatar's from 'Enemy Ace' isn't it?
  9. Dunno about the rest of your post themightysrc but I reckon that's the first time anyone's said 'panegyric' on these fora. Kudos.
  10. Well, that's a bally Scotsman. Can't expect those fellows to play by the rules. At least not since that colonial chappie, Mel somebody or other, led them astray, what. <--- HUGE wink. No offence meant. I'm a Welshman. REMEMBER 1182!! [EDIT] And that accent's about as bad as Mel's too [/EDIT]
  11. Missing In Action

    My parrot swallowed my watch... now Polly ticks. See, harmless. [EDIT] Hmmm, or maybe even more offensive. It's such a BAD joke [/EDIT]
  12. Virtual Cockpit view

    Not on my system they don't. F3 as a default toggles your aircraft on and off so you can't see any of it - but only if you're in the Virtual Cockpit, i.e. you'd looking out over your guns or your wings if looking left or right. If you assign a key, say 'V', to Virtual Cockpit then pressing 'V' snaps you back to the Virtual Cockpit view from whatever external or enemy view you happened to be in before, instead of cycling through with F4 - but F3 still works as before. So, Jim, if you haven't already, go into the Control Config (F10 default) scroll down to find 'Virtual Cockpit' and assign a key to it, then go back into the game, press that key, then press F3 and see if that sorts it.
  13. Only, OUCH! I feel your pain. I think, could well be wrong, that Jasta 2 were using colour for unit identification (pale blue tails, maybe) before Richthofen took command of Jasta 11. MvR certainly wasn't the first all red fighter, though. Navarre beat him to that.
  14. Okay then, let's say one can only do Louvert's trick if one's a 2nd Lieutenant or above. No ranker's going to dispute the word of an officer and a gentleman, after all.
  15. Which Few? The privileged few that Louvert has to sleep with or the privileged few that have discovered OFF? In deference to Louvert I won't suggest which would be the better choice!
  16. If you go into workshop and set the claims to Easy - for that one claim - you won't need to. As Louvert indicates, you can just make up a name. your only concern would be the immersive or RP quality of the claim text... it'll be confirmed anyhow.
  17. This I like. It certainly overcomes the stupidity of 'scramble' victories being refused. I used to telephone Wing and scream down the line that they could come and count the bloody wrecks on the field if they didn't believe me! Hope Siggi picks up on this and changes the DiD rules offically. BTW, did you catch the note in another thread that ALL documents, ranks and medal awards are having an historical immersion overhaul... that might include 'proper' claim forms á la the facsmilie you posted a long time back Louvert.
  18. Pips, Does it say anything in the restoration notes about rigging for level flight? Because when I fly the Camel in OFF I need a darn bit more than a 'hint of rudder' for level flight! Like... constant forward pressure on the stick if I don't want to be nose up all the time, which is a PITA in combat because I find it hard to judge the amount of release of forward pressure vs. actual pull back and end up jerking upwards, missing my shot. I'm fine in combat if I autotrim but that seems to lose some of the turn capability even after I turn it off, so I prefer not to. But combat at the end of a long flight means my arm's tired and my accuracy is way off. Maybe that's realistic.... oh, well.
  19. Aye. But they couldn't even spell it correctly. 'Over Flanders Field' No 's', fer chrissakes! So where's the equivalent review of OFF is what one would readily ask, as OvS implies. I've been watching CK closely. There's a lot of nice work gone into it so far and I'll give it space on my drive but I doubt it can ever equal the immersion of OFF. Nor is it meant to I think. The replay facility in IL2 was second to none though, so that'll get my WW1 machinima tastebuds going and is tbh the only thing I'm looking forward to that OFF doesn't already have in spades.
  20. Virtual Cockpit view

    I think it may be simply that you hit F3, toggles cockpit, i.e. the view over the guns etc. on and off.
  21. AFAIK, all patches are complete so you'll only need the latest. And don't forget to fly at least once with the 3.1 install of CFS3... I think that's still a requirement for the CD version.
  22. Not me. I think it was probably Creaghorn, who seems to have the mastery of flying without any aids at all. He also suggested that you hit 'A' occasionally if you're flight leader and see whether your wingies break away after something you can't see.
  23. I think it's legitimate to give Scrambles a miss if you're playing DiD absolute... i.e. no /anything. It's suicide to go up. Better to roleplay by cowering under your desk and vowing to 'have at the bastards' when you're next aloft.
  24. P4 Suggestion

    Exactly. And it's not fanboi-ism on my part. I'm 100% in the camp that says more than one excellent WW1 sim can co-exist on my drive. But, I leap merrily onto the various bandwagons of requesting this and that as if I were talking to a professional SW house of full-time developers and have to kick myself under the table to remind myself that it's actually a 'morethanamod' produced by a few dedicated souls who have day jobs. And who have proven incontrovertibly that, if you ignore the doom-and-gloom merchants and faithfully carry on polishing the turd that was CFS3, it actually becomes a diamond.

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