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Everything posted by Dej

  1. I could have sworn someone had posted about this but I couldn't find it... Stow Maries Aerodrome was a WW1 Home Defence aerodrome in 1918, the home of No. 37 Squadron. It's one of the few in the UK to have any original buildings still standing and the only one to have MOST OF THEM! The guys who are restoring it to it's WW1 condition now have a website up with news, photos, video and more... Click Here
  2. Ah, but he DID. Well, British gravity anyway, which is different from continental gravity owing to us being an island. Mind you, my favourite gravity was Original Gravity... but we're not allowed to use it anymore
  3. 100 years of Royal Navy flying this year... that'll be their big event I'd wager, FN100. I'm not too far from Yeovilton, 'bout a couple of hours, so I could go over of a weekend if I can be of any help when the fuss dies down later this year. My son's at Uni over that way too, so I head West (in the non-terminal sense) quite often.
  4. Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion that Sir Isaac was (is) a double agent. He's certainly a little... ahem... indiscriminate about whom he brings down! A cross does pretty well as a target marker too, you know... 'X' marks the spot and all that.
  5. Awesome! Cheers Shredward, watched it a dozen times back-to-back. At least I now know my landings are authentic
  6. It's the closing stages of the War and Germany is on her last legs. A spiffing new crate is delivered to your Jasta that'll run rings around anything the Crumpets and their allies have... but you're not allowed to fly it. Are you going to pay attention to that, or did you notice the CO wink when he told you? In any case, the mechanics will turn a blind eye and so will the Recording Officer (whatever the German equivalent is) if you slip him a few DMs. Who's to say they weren't flown but not 'recorded as flown'?
  7. What we have here in these photos is another clear demonstration of the German pilots' obsession with the monoplane. Ever since the Eindecker, however many wings their designers give them, two, three, they constantly seek to compress them to one... by any means they can. Ah, well. Let them have their flying razor... it means fewer wings for we chaps to shoot off.
  8. If there's anything I can help dig out in the UK just send me directions. Although I daresay, being a proper historian rather than a 'dabbler' like me you'd have found all you could over here when you visited. Nevertheless, if I can help, I'd be glad to, the man deserves it. I can't say why his story in particular touched me greatly, but it did - maybe it's a 'clumsy pilot' kindred spirit ... and how did he cope with Camels if castor oil made him ill? Though that particular 'fact' may be one of those anecdotal inventions you mentioned. As for the letter, was that red Albatross Allmenroeder I wonder? If so, what an unnerving premonition for his later demise at Collishaw's hands (disputedly). @Duce: Thanks for looking those up, but scanning them I fear there's no more there than is already on the 'net and in the 'Aircraft of the Aces' series.
  9. The Sopwith Tripe is a pretty formidable aircraft in OFF too. Whilst I can't match the outstanding feat of my avatar, I did manage six in one day. Good to have you here, Steve. I hope Robert Little is now getting the recognition he deserves in Australia. I have a good friend who comes from Melbourne and is proud, justifiably, of the Australian effort in The Great War but he was saddened and embarrassed to realise he'd never heard of Robert Little. To be fair, he's been in the UK for a dozen years. I confess though, I was merely browsing for a decent photo of an RNAS pilot when I created my Naval 10 pilot (yes, I know, wrong squadron, sorry) because the ones in OFF lack a little, ah, clarity, and came across Robert Little's studio shot on Wikipaedia. What an inspiration! I've now added a link to my signature and will do that with any other ace photo I may use. If you've any more information about Robert Little, Steve, I like to see it, he really seemed a great guy.
  10. Heh, considering the effort you folks have put in on our behalf I'll take that as a Freudian slip.
  11. We don't need any more proof of that, it been ably demonstrated from the first release. Beautiful machine though, looking forward to that patch
  12. Battle of Waterloo

    Yep. We should enter the future looking backwards.
  13. Which would you choose?

    Why worry about the 40% Realism if you want to improve your enjoyment of the game go for TrackIR, but look for a second hand one on eBay first. I'm using a TrackIR 3 with vector expansion that my son picked up for me in a Computer Exchange store and I see no reason to upgrade it yet. As far a joysticks go you could give this one a try as it seems to have had pretty good reviews on the whole.
  14. looking for maps

    I dare say you've already checked the 1:100000 maps at McMasters University . I suspect they're missing, the very areas you're missing, but you may be able to build a consistent, e.g. 1917 map of the bulk of the Western Front. Means a bit of screenshotting and pasting together but it's doable.
  15. Battle of Waterloo

    Of course, gotta pack 'em in. Not just like Hollywood either also like the tabloids. Will had patronage to consider, working under a Tudor monarch he had to be selective on how he painted the Plantagenets, some were in favour, others not. So the Henrys do okay, excepting ol' Feeblebrain, but Dicky II gets bad press and Dicky III is given a real makeover so that Bessie's grandad gets to be a hero rescuing England from a monster. The media of the day has always manipulated public opinion.
  16. Hi Jaa, welcome to the forum, Different people have had slightly different experiences with the flight models in OFF so this is only my take and may not be true of everyone. I don't have any of the erraticness you are experiencing in CFS. The aircraft in OFF for me are generally consistent with the reports on their true life counterparts in terms of docility or viciousness, easiness or otherwise to fly. They are certainly consistent in themselves, i.e. they don't do one thing one flight and something else the next. There have been some lengthy discussions about one or two aspects, e.g. the stalling speed of the SPAD XIII, but for the most part people seem happy. You don't say how realistic you have you flight mode set in CFS but assuming it's full real are you trimming and untrimming your aircraft? Bring up the control config. screen when you're on the airfield and check the keys if not. To turn your engine off in OFF I use CTRL+SHIFT+F6 which is Mixture Idle Cut-off I suppose it'll be the same in CFS though I confess I've hardly played it.
  17. Phase 4

    Anyone remember a flight sim called Overlord? I seem to remember it did the between missions thing rather well with a diary by your bed; old songs on your gramophone; the intelligence officer telling you stuff and being able to click your way around the aerodrome. All in 2D, not avatar-based but it worked and was very immersive as I recall... long time ago so memory might be somewhat rosy
  18. competiton delayed again

    Well, I didn't touch a WW1 sim on the PC since Flying Corps Gold until I came across OFF P2. I missed out on the whole RB3D thing somehow which is a keen regret. Since then I've dug out everything I could find and the same names keep popping up! So major kudos to you guys, you've played a good part in keeping the appreciation of WW1 air combat alive. My hat's off to you all (no pun intended).
  19. Battle of Waterloo

    I don't think it was the longbow per se (although the number of notched and loosed per minute required of a bowman by English feudal law strikes a parallel with the British Regulars at First Ypres and their 'fifteen rounds rapid' that caused the Germans to think we had a surfeit of MGs) so much as the disruption it caused the French line by dropping the front ranks in the path of the rear... they trampled themselves to defeat. Just as in a furball, sometimes it's better to be fewer in a tight space because your enemy causes himself problems by his own numbers whereas you don't have to worry too much about what you're shooting at.
  20. competiton delayed again

    I d/l'd all the mods available on Pol's site after I picked up a copy cheap. I still take it out occasionally for a bit of uncomplicated good-looking fun. It is arcady, incredibly so by OFF standards but with TIR, the mods and no aids it's a kinda QQC and not bad.
  21. Macklroy, That young fellow should immediately be sent back to Blighty on indefinite leave, lest he fall and demoralise the Nation. Meaning, I want to see what that dossier looks like when the new medals come in the next release... so don't get him killed!
  22. Which DM do you use

    Thanks for doing all that work. The effort you and Herr Prop-Wasche are putting in is much appreciated. I'll definitely give it a go. Whilst everything discussed about accuracy and working for the kill I hold to be true, I'm of like mind with Siggi in wanting a bit more 'visceral eye candy' for the effort I'm putting in. Hope there aren't too many 'flamerinos' though.
  23. Phase 4

    Nice idea. Although if we were truly role-playing I suspect some of my longest-living characters' caution would be interpreted as LMF by some Red Tab who'd have them shot for cowardice! I'm with Cameljockey, too, but suspect it's an impossible dream. Though if the devs could implement a replay camera say, nearly as good as IL2, well, I'd pay twice... and I mean that. Some really creative stuff coming from this thread. Very few grumbles too, and even those few are in a spirit of constructive criticism. Gosh, how mature we are when we want to be I don't expect any of them necessarily to appear in Phase n but I'm sure the devs are picking up ideas.
  24. Phase 4

    Understood, Pol. You've explained that before and I could go back to DoDR but then I wouldn't be DiD. 'You pays your money... etc'. As I say, it's no biggie anyway. As for formatting the hard drive... wouldn't that mean the demise of the AI anyway, period
  25. Phase 4

    In danger of adding 'Theme Hospital' to OFF's list of included applets! I'd like to see Dead Is Dead producing hospitalisation instead of the coin toss live or die that I see, e.g. last night I rolled almost to a stop on a forced landing and died (at 16 mph, I checked in the replay) whereas the night before I ploughed into some trees and survived without a scratch. I don't want to raise the whole issue again and I'm okay with it as it is but I do seem to have more 'uncanny bad luck deaths' than I do 'miraculous survivals'. Doesn't quite sit properly with the number of photos of pilots standing grinning by their overturned or nosed-in machines... though of course those who died didn't get a photo-opp. Hospitalisation could overcome some of that perceived discrepancy... and I'd support some restriction on the use of the pilot until game time says he's recovered. But it's no biggy for me, just on the 'nice to have' list.

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