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Everything posted by Dej

  1. Which DM do you use

    Hardcore. If I 'spray and pray' I might be lucky. If I fly well, stay on his tail and put well-placed rounds into the engine or into the pilot, he goes down, for sure. As far as I've read, that's what it was like and if it wasn't, well then it's making a better fighter pilot out of me so I'm still happy.
  2. OT Free full games

    Mattel. Plus the Intellivoice unit with B-17 Bomber, Bomb Squad, TRON Solar Sailor and Space Spartans (awesome game)... ah, joy.
  3. OT Free full games

    Me too, still. Gawd, I remember when that was the Mutt's Cajones. Sorry 'bout that but it was inevitable that this thread would turn a bit nostalgic... so many 'free' games are golden-oldies, Elite, Privateer etc.
  4. I'm guessing, but maybe white would show up too much at night, giving your enemy a target - literally, given they're roundels - to aim at.
  5. OT Free full games

    I second themightysrc's recommendation, I d/l'd it last year with loads of the add-ons and spent a month wallowing in happy nostalgia... it's excellent.
  6. I'd hazard it was Jasta 7, Hellshade. The 'ace' in the Dr. 1 would therefore probably have been Josef Carl Peter 'Kobes' Jacobs... depends what year it is where you are though.
  7. Phase 4

    Is it possible to incorporate any other scaleable format and its associated plug-in into CFS3, without changing the hardcode? I'm thinking of the .SID format maybe. I assume you've considered the 'usual' lossy and lossless formats. [EDIT] Nevermind, got my answer from Pol's response in the World War 1 era maps for flying thread [/EDIT]
  8. Hmm... if an Italian and/or UK Home Defence campaign is introduced then 'Over Flanders Fields' won't be accurate any longer either. I think 'Flying About, Doing Stuff' is sufficiently generic that anything can be added without having to think of a new title each time.
  9. I think the balance in terms of effectiveness is good.. it took a Sopwith Pup right out from under my guns yesterday, so when it hits, rarely as it should, it's damned effective. I agree with the comment about how it clusters though, it doesn't seem to have enough visual concentration where you would expect it to. That's on a normal setting.
  10. Phase 4

    I'd have said complete the aircraft list first so the plane packs news is AWESOME! UK Home Defence would be a great major addition as far as I'm concerned but otherwise as others have said, an increase in the whole two-seater scenario and individual skins would be top of the list. A related minor one and hopefully not too difficult to implement, could there be a filter of some kind for the QC skin selection drop-down, say a radio button to opt for either ace or squadron skins? I know scrolling is not exactly a laborious activity but there are just SO MANY skins I'd like to filter the list. [EDIT] But whatever you guys do, it's bound to be good... we've the incontrovertible evidence of P1, P2 and P3 by which to be assured of that.[/EDIT]
  11. Finally beat the odds!

    Maybe it's an AI thing. I've lost two 18+ hour pilots to friendly collisions, one was a serious DiD/T campaign pilot, the other a non-DiD bit of fun (still dead is dead in workshop though)... and other people have posted similar. It may not be programmed as a 17 hour limiter but is it possible the AI respond to your experience, i.e you ought to have enough SA to avoid friendly collisions by 17.5 hours, therefore they take more risks with you? Or am I being paranoid too?
  12. Eek! Don't take anything I say as a 'yes' for anything. I was just offering an example.
  13. Blimey! That rant is an enjoyable read Hellshade. It reminded me again just how much is in this conversion in case I should forget and I appreciate that. Not sure tttiger is quite as unappreciative of BHaH as he seems and he's in the same group as many others (me included occasionally) who want everything to be perfect because so much already is . Anyway, I came onto the thread only to say that I know the medals are being worked on by Paarma and colleagues and from what's been posted the new system looks awesome. Not sure when it'll be released though. Meanwhile, here's a suggestion. If you swap around the file names for the US medal images in the medals directory you can have the correct medals come up... you just need to be sure of what the sequence was in WW1 as many American pilots received French awards prior to joining the USAS proper, I believe, which may screw that up.
  14. Nope, he means bumpmaps. In 3D modelling, bumpmaps are greyscale images used to determine depth, where black is the lowest and white the highest of a given depth-height range. It'd be used in a 3D game for things like panel lines, wiring, surface mouldings, ribbing etc. Without bump mapping height and depth can be conveyed by shading and drawing shadows but these won't shift dynamically as lighting changes... bumpmas will. Quickly knocked-up example below, a crude model of a section of wing. The first image is the model without a bumpmap, the second blurry image is the bumpmap and the third is the same model with the bumpmap applied.
  15. Ace skins

    Good idea, RD. Let's have some Entente action in this thread. Charles Dawson Booker - 29 Victories - Naval 1, 8, 5W (RNAS), 201 Squadron (RAF) - DoW 13/08/1918 On 11 August 1917, Booker scored his 21st victory when he and William Jordan shot down an Albatros D.V piloted by Adolf von Tutschek. Moments later, Booker was shot down by Viktor Schobinger of Jasta 12. He landed safely behind British lines. Flying a Sopwith Camel, Booker shot down three Fokker D.VII aircraft on 13 August 1918 but died from wounds received the same day when he was shot down by Ulrich Neckel of Jasta 12. The screenshot below depicts Booker's Tripe engaging von Tutschek...
  16. From what I have read (and seen in BHaH) an archie hit on a machine wouldn't go unnoticed and I'd venture to think that nor would it have resulted in similar initial damage. However, if it was a very indirect hit then I imagine it could have caused the inital damage reported depending on how close Bohme's machine was to Boelcke's at the time. But, if there is nothing really striking about he impact it could have been either a collision or archie. So either the unnamed artillery man scribbling in Red Air Fighter, or Bohme and Richtofen could be wrong... equally, and we'll never know. Unless and until you bring in the propaganda agenda. GAWD! You're correct WF2. it IS another Brown vs. Aussie MCG Crews debate.
  17. Starting Engine commands

    I think is a time-limited download, or was last time I tried it - very good though. Creaghorn: One of your posts had me intrigued - given the title of this thread. Is what you posted what a German WW1 pilot would have said instead of 'Contact' 'Clear'? And if not, does anyone know?
  18. Ace skins

    Enough Albatri already.... To paraphrase Fagin "You gotta pick a Fokker or two..." Fokker Dr.1 Hans Kirchstein - 27 Victories - FA3, 19, 256, Jasta 6 - KIA 16th July 1918 Fokker Dr.1 Hans Korner - 7 Victories - FA(A)246, Jasta 8, 19 - Killed in a motorcycle accident after the end of the War and one classic... Fokker Dr.1 Paul Friedrich 'Fritz' Kempf - 4 Victories - Jasta 2 - Died 1966 (Thanks Shredward for the last digit )
  19. Many, many screen shots later I've finally finished a webcomic for OFF, as per Red-Dog's original idea. I've called it 'Tales From The front' rather than 'Over The Front' because the latter name is taken. Link below: Tales From The Front Issue 1 June 2009 There's room for another story in June if anyone fancies a go. I can supply a template for the pages and links to good comic strip fonts if anyone's interested. Can't offer to host the pages though... running out of space
  20. Skin Deep

    That brings back some memories. On my first patrol in my first campaign after P3 dropped through my letterbox, as Llewellyn Rhys in No. 56 Squadron I ran into both Muller and Ray. I nearly had Ray too, I had him smoking at treetop level, but then my engine cut out (thanks to Muller earlier) and I had to crashland. Never had another chance at him... regrettably.
  21. Actually, if you look again Jim, the last Alb. 'goes in' at 10:58am! I'm surprised no one has yet asked me how I did that bit... because they're not hand drawn
  22. Love the new DVIII

    Lecturer: And students of WW1 aviation will soon become aware that many of the early DVIIIs were, in fact, do-it-yourself affairs, as pilots grew tired of the obstruction posed by the lower wing. In the illustrated example above you will notice the prominent trailing wing strut, provided for mechanics to aid in guiding the machine on the ground... as had been the case in the early Fokker Triplanes.
  23. Thanks Folks, Labour of love it was, for the best flight sim I've ever owned and which it's sometimes practically a privilege to play Hauksbee: High praise indeed, thank you very much. Any chance of your coming out of comic retirement? Griphos: Thanks for the proof-read. I'd have hated to leave a typo in. Now corrected. Red-Dog: This is your fault, so you're owed kudos for the idea Olham: The translation question... thanks.

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