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Everything posted by Dej

  1. Here's a couple of techniques you might like BH. 1. Take your image Promote background to a Layer and convert it to Greyscale. 2. Duplicate the layer twice and turn off the visibility on the second duplicate (top layer). 3. Select the first duplicate (second layer) and make it a Negative Image. Change the Layer Blend to Dodge... you should be left looking at an almost white canvas. 4. Apply a Gaussian blur at Radius 10. Voila! Pencil Sketch... you can add a texture for extra 'paperiness' if you want but not if you want to do the next step. 5. Select the second duplicate (top layer). Make visible. Apply a Hot Wax Coating. Change the Layer Blend to Burn. Adjust Opacity to 75% Now it's an Ink Print. 6. Apply the Spheres Texture at Size 25% Smoothing 1 Depth 1. Newspaper Print. Here's the end results... apologies to Olham for making free with his screenie, it was a particularly good one for illustrating the above... skyscapes work best.
  2. Ardent Self-Preservationist. It does depend on the machine though. I'll take on anything at equal numbers in a Sopwith Tripe or an SE5, but am finding myself more cautious in the Camel because it's less forgiving of my crap piloting skills. Nevertheless, my view is that trouble will find you easy enough over Flanders Fields in 1917, without going looking for it. My objective is to finish the mission and come home... the size of my kills tally is a distant second.
  3. Great War Historical Archive

    Some intersting snippets at the University of Birmingham (UK not AL USA) and the prospect of e-versions on old or out of print works on The Great War. Centre for first World War Studies
  4. looks good even on all 2s

    I wouldn't have effects on less than 5, personally. I can't prove it but I reckon there's something in there.
  5. Redone. Legibility comments taken on board (hopefully it's clearer now) and new content.
  6. In his recent book 'Aces Falling' Peter Hart cites James McCudden in a modified SE5a reaching 21,000ft in early 1918. McCudden had fitted high compression pistons in the SE's engine himself, so that he could reach the high-flying Rumplers and LVGs that were his specaility. Hart also quotes McCudden's writings that note the effects of oxygen starvation and particularly the intense cold.
  7. OT talk about Immersion!

    I thought they already had. You know, banks folding, companies going to the wall, markets jumpy etc... I think it might even have been in Phase 2.
  8. Bumper stickers anyone? There's enough graphics talent in this select body to come up with such... Rabu's posters being an clear example.
  9. Best development team on the planet, innit.
  10. HI Prophead, Welcome to the sim that'll truly put life into those textbooks! And a hello from me too to my local hero, Lanoe Hawker... keep an eye on him, PH.
  11. Can I charter that? Anyway, back on topic Breaking the mould... 1) Hawker Hurricane - I love the underdog, Faithful servant, a rugged fighter and the victor of the BoB. 2) Macchi MC202 - Has the look of a fighter, for me, in spades... but the 205 will do too. 3) SE5a - WW1 equivalent of #1
  12. A question about MvR

    And a lot of them ended up equal in Death too in 1918... one year too many.
  13. Aha! Your man BH speaks fluent Scotch. I'll see your Laphroaig with my Talisker Sir, and raise you a Lagavullin. Slàinte mhòr agad!
  14. A question about MvR

    I've always maintained that had the duel between Hawker and von Richthofen taken place in matched machines or had Hawker not been disadvantaged by the prevailing wind then he'd have beaten Manfred. Certainly if the situation had been reversed, then Hawker would have been the winner. Hawker was a hunter too, his father had written a famous treatise on the art of hunting. Hawker was also a superlative shot, and already an ace using a Lewis gun mounted at 45 degrees to clear the propeller... I've managed to shoot down 1 Halberstadt from the cockpit of a BE2 (that being a similar set up) it was bloody hard work. MvR didn't score his first victory until he was equipped with an Albatross DII, with interrupter gear. Hawker was Richthofen's 11th victim, so he'd got in a bit more practice by then but it still took him 900 rounds to get Hawker and only then when the latter was flying defensively, low on fuel and desperately trying to get back to the British side of the lines rather than stay and fight and risk being made prisoner.
  15. Busy day at the office that, glad young Peter survived it.
  16. Without hesitation I'd pay a development subcription or buy any add-ons you care to release. I hope still that sales will take a sudden leap if positive feedback reaches a critical mass but even left as is after the 1.30c patch you'll have demonstrated a level of production quality and especially support that other devlelopers can only aspire to. Thanks for truly the best flight sim I've ever played. Awesome. Period.
  17. That's an awesome skin RAFL, and a damned frustrating one since I'd planned to try to skin a Welsh dragon onto an SE5 to represent Llewellyn Rhys' machine... you've piiped me to the post (second time, as I recall )
  18. That's the future Tate Modern you're buzzing there lad. Show Modern Art some respect yah Philistine! Nice vid.
  19. If ever there were qualifications for immortality, then to fight and die for democracy should be one of them. They pass from our gaze too soon for us fully to appreciate them, these heroes. God rest them all. But in a sense they are immortal, if we are fortunate enough to be touched by their lives... they live on in our memories.
  20. Indian Pilot in WW1

    You can make out the white narrow stripe in this photo too... I've indicated it with an arrow. You can work out the width of the blue stripe from the number of ribs.
  21. It'll certainly be importable to GE as a .kmz file that you File --> Load in or just double click on for GE to load it. I believe Shredward (whom I regard as the 'aerodrome-meister') would like to use the project to improve the accuracy of OFF in the sense of 'filling in the blanks' if we find some of the aerodromes whose name is know but not their location. However, there remains the unfortunate limitation of the CFS3 map being one large bitmap. If a way can be found of incorporating a .sid format file then we'd have a properly scaleable map in OFF. I'm afraid don't know what the devs are looking at or have already explored and dismissed. If anything were to come of it I suspect it'd be a Phase 4 feature in any case.
  22. It'll definitely be released. Probably in two parts one, with the aerodromes 'pinned' and another with the trench map overlays and such aeriel photos as are of interest and can be placed correctly (the angle of the shot governs whether one can firt it over GE or not) The interesting thing about the trench map overlays is that the show aerodromes as well and have already indicated that conventional wisdom about some aerodrome locations may not be accurate. As I say though, that bit in particular is progressing slowly.
  23. OFF P3 is.....

    I chose OK and I'm unanimous in this. Losing pilots on full real settings is tough but a predicted lifespan of 17.5 hours was tough too. This is more than a sim it's an education - bringing the textbooks to life. There are other improvements that can be made but the realism is fine for me. I'd say keep up the excellent work you guys have been doing so far in overcoming the shortfalls of CFS3 and leave the overall configurability of your product as is.
  24. Along with my own project of mapping all WW1 aerodromes in Google Earth and overlaying original 1918 trench maps on the modern landscape, which Olham and Shredward are helping with there are several other Google Earth extensions to do with WW1 available here takes a bit of searching to find what you might want but some very interesting stuff... not just about WW1 either. My own project is progressing slowly - a certain sim gets in the way :yes: but here's what I have so far: The grid overlay with numbers is sector references for WW1 trench maps at McMasters University library.

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