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Everything posted by Dej

  1. As luck would have it I've not seriously tried the Camel before. Had a brief fling several releases ago and found her rather like my first wife, petite and pretty but bloody tempramental (with the emphasis on the latter two syllables!) So my present campaign pilot now finds himself bereft of his beloved Tripe and saddled with the Widowmaker. I tried her out in QC and thank God I did! She's well-named 'Camel'. Not only does she seem to have the hump with me she often turns around and spits in my face. :black eye: Just to check really that I'm not missing a trick, re: the OFF FM as opposed to the RL FM: Should I expect to have to stick on loads of downward trim on the elevators? I know she has a vicious and famous right hand turn but should she be so incredibly sluggish on the left? Should I expect to bleed off energy so quickly in a zoom if she's tail-heavy... seems to stall sooner than is practical. I mean, I know her reputation for stall = spin but what's her best angle for a quick climb? All that said, when trimmed and respected in Free Flight she is agile, hammerheads beautifully, barrels poorly (that's probably me), loops as well as the Tripe and sideslips and skids in a way that could be a real combat bonus. And I'm glad my TrackIR will be sorted tomorrow... I can't fly a Camel on Padlock! So, how do I fly her aggressively and on 'the edge of the envelope'? 'Wooden Cross, Red Cross or Victoria Cross' they told us when we took delivery. I seem much more inclined toward the first two. :crutch00: Any advice welcome, ta.
  2. Creaghorn, With the game as it stands you could always use Interlocutor's method of leading the flight but periodically pressing A to see if your wingmen chase off after something. It simulates your wingmen watching the skies while you do the difficult business of getting where you're meant to go.
  3. Unjamming Guns?

    Nope. I always warm my guns up... but when I get to altitude not when I set off. There's no knowing what little tricks those devious developers may have modelled and not told us of
  4. that great skin

    Gaw, That's Naval 10, otherwise known as 10 Sqn, RNAS 1917. You'll have to experiment with the aces though because I don't know which ones had the red stripes, which the blue and which the black. [EDIT] Did a quick check. Herbert Andrew Patey will give you red stripes, Andrew Gordon Beattie will yield blue stripes and Alfred William 'Nick' Carter will give you black [/EDIT]
  5. This shot I thought was quite evocative. It's dusk, the sun is setting behind me and I'm facing the gloom of the East. I've just set the Albatros in front aflame and he glows like a tiny beacon, ironically taking the light of his own demise into the darkness of his own creation.
  6. My sympathy to you both. But especially to you Interlocutor. My longest serving pilot, Llewellyn Rhys DFC 34 missions 19 hours 7(6 Conf.) kills died in exactly the same way. It actually hurts, doesn't it.
  7. Just what I was going to say. Besides, as Lou's Wiki quote said: However the machine could also be rigged in such a way that at higher altitudes it could be flown "hands off." Hmm, being as the Immelmann was something I could only pull off rather clumsily in the Camel, I'm more and more convinced that it's my own heavihandedness on the stick that's partly behind her misbehaviour. As I noted, in free flight without the demands of combat manoeuvres she was very nice to fly... hence my question about 'pushing the envelope'. More practice is undoubtedly the answer. Thanks again all.
  8. Thanks for all the input folks... sounds like I've too heavy a hand perhaps. The Tripe I could throw around the sky with abandon the Camel clearly needs more respect, although I'm intrigued that two respected pilots don't find her either a handful or quirky.
  9. She's a beaut RAFL, I think your Charlie Chaplin looks better than the 'original' As a change from skin pics, here's a warning... called 'Getting Too Close to One's Kill!' I wanted a screenshot of my first successful kill in a Camel and taxied a mite too close! Apologies for the reduced quality, I've been experimenting with Fraps and have reduced the AA, hence the jaggies.
  10. DiD pilots.

    Hear! Hear! DiD implies some element of RP - no instant resurrection in these parts, oh no. BHaH is the most immersive sim I've ever played and makes the RP so much better. I stated playing the way Siggi describes partly because I'd invested effort in creating and colouring the CHARACTER of Llewellyn Rhys. I haven't gone as far as synching the dates but would if they were coincidental. I did become focussed on survival and the SE5 was a grand machine to get out of trouble in. Rhys only DiD'd because of pilot error, colliding with his wingman, through me playing when I should've gone to bed. My present character, however, was a little more gung-ho, but only because the Sopwith Tripe is so manoeuvrable. Nevertheless, I ended up taking on six Albatri by myself last night when my wingmen were downed. I took out three and was lucky to crash and be made a POW for 20 days. Nice to get six kills in one day but I don't think I'll risk it again. Let's see what Tepes can do with a Camel, but I'm suspecting he'll be a bit more cautious given the Widowmaker's reputation.
  11. DiD pilots.

    Maybe the claims confirmation changes have got in the way. James "Jonty" Tepes, me latest incarnation, just bagged three Albatri on his second day over the Lines... soon as they're confirmed (or not) he'll be volunteering for DiD duty :yes:
  12. Indian Pilot in WW1

    He's also in OFF:BHaH - Pilot72.bmp in ...\PilotPhotos\Britain
  13. Indian Pilot in WW1

    Are you thinking of Indra Lal "Laddie" Roy? Here's his page at The Aerodrome
  14. Gut it, skin it, lop off the feet and head, stuff the body cavity full of herbs and slow roast it... bloody marvellous!
  15. It's been overcast and grey in my bit of the South of England today, with dark cumulus clouds being the only respite from the leaden monotony... not at all dissimilar to the skies over Flanders most of the time, in our favourite game. So I'm on a shopping trip with the wife going to Hedge End, a big shopping complex just outside Southampton. One of the DIY stores there is flying one of these advertising blimps you sometimes see, only bigger than usual. My brain is immediately into OFF-mode, scanning the sky around it for Huns and wondering why there isn't a TAC on my car's dash. Thus pre-occupied I sail past the slip road for the junction. Wife: "What are you doing? You've missed the turning?" Me: "I thought I'd attack it from the East... try and catch the archie napping... ermm." (embarassed silence) Wife: "Twat!" I'll be a while living that one down. :blush2:
  16. Classic! Keep it coming, Siggi.
  17. Hey, more RP. Cool. I missed this first time around. Nice one, RAFL.
  18. Large scale models

    Those kits look excellent. I might have to get back into modelling just to have that Harry Tate on my desk when it's available. At that scale the built examples could do with turnbuckles on the rigging though. There's an excellent method of fabricating them here for anyone who needs it.
  19. My work used to be based in Farnborough so I've seen that SE5 many a time. Was back in Farnborough working on a client site last year, which was very handy for the airshow
  20. Maybe... maybe not Two hundred quid's worth of retail therapy probably dilutes it a little.
  21. Matt, I think your music is so much more in synch with BHaH that I can't see why anyone would want to use aught else. i'm not knocking Barber's Adagio but your compositions are my preference.

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