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Everything posted by Dej

  1. Gets better every time I watch it! Oh boy, is Lou in for a treat when he gets back off the road...
  2. This video should have come with a warning to fit a plastic cover over the keyboard before watching... mine is now awash with drool! Seriously, while I didn't go quite that far my wife did point out I was watching it with my mouth hanging open! I'm speechless... there's just so much more... so much better. I knew the new map was coming, but it's better than I'd seen, I knew the new medals and documents were coming, but again they're beyond what I saw. And the music... can we have the choice to order a 'deluxe' boxed version with an audio cd included, please?
  3. Like your forum picture Richard. I live in 'Constable country', Flatford Mill is not too far away, beautiful place, well worth a visit.
  4. I was thinking it needn't be radically different, even if P$ is almost new build. I suggest OFF: Hell Above (assuming no one else already has). It's an advance, so to speak, on 'Between Heaven and Hell' but keeps its family history
  5. Fess up, Devs...

    Maybe name just one more aircraft... say, like that we'll have Fours or Nines to go with our Biffs and Harry Tates, or a Bregeut 14 or a Salmson 2?
  6. Bard's Tale I. Had me and several guys at work hooked. We managed to sneak a copy onto the Operators' PC and so we'd be there every lunchtime or calling each other up at 3 a.m, if one of us was on-call... playing Bard's Tale
  7. Olham's thinking of the Basilica at Albert and the leaning statue of Mary and the Infant Jesus: Link
  8. Howdy Folks, Been a while since I did one of these, RL having interrupted the series, as it does everything else. S.e. 5a models - Silver Wish Games; Trees - Free Download, all other 3D content (Bessoneau Hangars, Fuelling Cart, Chocks, et c.) mine, or native C4D. Rendered in Cinema 4D, post-processing in Paintshop Pro X2 (lamp highlight, dawn-tinting, grain filter, logo). Render time 6 hours 38 minutes. I'm particularly pleased with the camera angle. Scenario is... St. Omer Aerodrome, 05:45 hours, 26th July 1918. As ‘rosy-fingered Dawn’ paints the Eastern sky with cliché, two S. E. 5a of No. 85 Squadron, illuminated by the light spilling from the open hangar behind them, are readied for a trip across the Lines. The nearer machine is to be flown by Lt. Donald Inglis, a New Zealander and new member of the squadron, who has yet to open any score. The farther S. E. 5a, in which the armourer is double-checking the Lewis drum, is the mount of No. 85 Squadron’s Commanding Officer, Major Edward Corringham ‘Mick’ Mannock, DSO and two bars, MC and bar. Mannock is a superb leader and tactician and at this juncture a 60-victory ace. Mannock has offered to take the newcomer up to the Front in order for Inglis to ‘bag a Hun’. This they will do, bringing down an Albatros near Lestrem, but it will prove to be Mannock’s last. Shot down in flames - a fate that haunted his nightmares - by intense ground fire, Mannock’s body is found (it is said) 250 yards from the wreck of his machine. Inglis’ machine is also badly shot about and his fuel tank punctured, but he manages to bring his S. E. down safely on the Allied side of the Lines. Buried by German troops close to where he fell, Mannock’s body was never formally recovered and has never been convincingly identified. Mannock was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross in 1919, after intense lobbying by former comrades. [EDIT] Typo [/EDIT]

    I sympathise, mate. I would say, though, that the internet does have the capability to advance human knowledge - WILFing has defintely advanced mine - but what the internet exacerbates is the ability of people to ask stupid questions! Having everything potentially at one's fingertips does lead one into the trap of not engaging brain before operating said fingers!
  10. Fateful Morn IV

    Cheers Ted! I appreciate your looking. I tried to find hard evidence too, even asked at The Aerodrome. So I had to settle for 'Y' in the end. Thanks Richard. If I were accorded that honour I'd be more than happy to help.
  11. Fateful Morn IV

    DPI of 72. But it's the MIP-hammering procedural grass, the caustics and the ambient occlusion that bang up the render time. If I turn those off it's 20 minutes!
  12. Fateful Morn IV

    That's praise indeed, that a body would part with hard cash for something I've created, thank you. Lou, I hadn't considered that point about the lantern... but now it was, of course, deliberate
  13. What I would like to see

    I hope and pray you may, Si. Slarti, I would suggest then, that we both have great taste in women
  14. Ahah! Trophies, slarti, eh? Lou, sorry, but I just couldn't resist
  15. Not quite every sense, Lou... unless you like your leather uncommon fresh!
  16. What I would like to see

    If we're talking remakes can I have a slightly more pneumatic revision of Kiera Knightly, then... ah, never mind, just let me wake up next to Kristen Scott-Thomas, that would satisfy two decades of desire. Er... P4, anyone? MMORPG Elite, with all the gameplay of the original plus the eye-candy and bells and whistles that today's PCs can support Cyberball, ditto
  17. I've Located Heaven...

    Eye candy of the best sort. Here in the UK you'll see WW1 aircraft (originals or replicas) at airshows but it'll be generally only one of any particular make and model. Just watching those SE5s take off together gave me goosebumps. If I ever win the lottery big time, a replica Sopwith Triplane is my first luxury, followed by a replica SE5a, if there's enough cash! Wouldn't it be glorious to have a Squadron and a Staffel strength of replica WW1 scouts and have them flown by the best display pilots to re-enact a WW1 dogfight? Dawn Patrol for the 21st Century.
  18. That is a mighty fine piece of history plus historical re-creation to have in one's den, Lou, as I've remarked before. But, are you never tempted to put it on... assuming it fits, of course?
  19. Wise words indeed!

    Wise indeed. I turned fifty three weeks ago... house was full of the most wonderful chaos and it assured me of: 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
  20. And how to make bicycles look sexy...
  21. Yep, there's some pretty fine artwork lurking in the links and some very nice IL2 skins to boot. Good find... I'll be revisiting there.
  22. Fifa Ban Poppies

    Utterly Ridiculous! I suppose they're going to justify it on the grounds of Health and Safety. I'm all for H&S but the dangers of a plastic poppy stem vs. those inherent in the game itself are minimal. If they want to cover their arses, just leave it to team/individual discretion, for God's sake! EDIT: Just read the article. Players' kit not allowed to carry any additional 'political, religious or commercial' messages! I don't feel a poppy falls into any of those categories and in any case it is globally commemorative so the ruling should not stand. Geez!
  23. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Looks good enough to tempt me back into RPGs... hope they've improved the dire-logue though.
  24. Hearts of Oak... what a awesome panorama. Thanks for posting Flyby and thanks to BH for the extra information. I'd have suggested asking, as he's an expert, but he's already done it
  25. 'Look Bunty, it's a Messerschmitt 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9!'

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