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Everything posted by peterbezemer

  1. I need su-24 very Fast

    you should all learn to speak Dutch, makes it a lot easier for me
  2. thanks! will this pack be updated once in a while?
  3. how can i make the doors open/close automatic, like the f-35?
  4. Hello, I think I am going to create a 'wings over the balkans' campaign. It will be something like the Falcon4.0 Allied Force campaign. I am planning to make a 1990, 2000 and a 2010 campaign. Question: Is there a balkans terrain available? Suggestions about squadrons, planes, etc. are always welcome...
  5. it looks great! I have been flying the old 'F3' (downloaded from AVsim) which is clearly not as good as the Bobrock F3...
  6. but where van i dowload the plane itself?
  7. thank a lot I am planning to make a fresh install (sort of combined WOE and WOI)... so i have 2 little questions: -does it include all weapons of the bunyaps pack and the mirage factory pack? -is it compatible with WOI / WOE latest patch? thanks again, its awesome :-) (can someone also make a gunpack with all the available gundata's?)
  8. http://www.baesystems.com/Newsroom/NewsRel...0892294737.html website contains a very small picture where you can see the real 'skin' for the saudi eurofighters the article: FIRST FLIGHT OF TYPHOON IN ROYAL SAUDI AIR FORCE LIVERY First Flight Of Typhoon In Royal Saudi Air Force Livery A Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft in the full two-tone grey livery of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) has flown for the first time today at BAE Systems’ Warton Aerodrome in Lancashire, North West England. This milestone marks the start of an initial test flight programme for RSAF Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft being assembled at Warton.
  9. Mirage 2000C

    thanks! the plane works fine
  10. might be interesting: http://www.panavia.de http://www.tornado-data.com/Tid/systems/common.htm (here you can find pictures like these: http://www.tornado-data.com/Tid/systems/ai...%20controls.gif http://www.tornado-data.com/Tid/systems/ai...ng_controls.htm http://www.tornado-data.com/Tid/systems/ai...%20controls.gif
  11. you realy should check this out: http://groups.msn.com/TSR-2ResearchGroup/b...talartwork.msnw http://groups.msn.com/TSR-2ResearchGroup/b...ourschemes.msnw http://groups.msn.com/TSR-2ResearchGroup/i...igdisplays.msnw http://groups.msn.com/TSR-2ResearchGroup/b...tailimages.msnw This MSN-Group has lots of info about the TSR-2 I hope it can help you.....
  12. GR9A

    great job, looks good! but I will wait for the real gr7/9 model with correct nose section...
  13. GR7

    Wow, this is it, cant wait! the modern RAF is almost complete now!
  14. Rafale by Foxmonter, FM by Starfighter, VC by Kesselbrut I found it here: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/3rd_Party.html (how) can i download it? it seems a paswrd is needed...
  15. USAFMTL, thanks for the period, idn't see it. chanhing the period alone didnt help, so i will check the export of the meteor. the period caused the loudout problem. ( I didn't write that period there, its in the original zipfile, station 2&3, so its a little bug, maybe craig can fix it) Wrench, thanks, I will try it IRIS-T already worked on my german typhoon canadair: one of the sourches: http://eurofighter.com/news/20071112_lgb.asp ( I check http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/ and eurofighter.com at least 2 times per week, and i read http://www.airforcesmonthly.com/ ervey month ) thanks again folks...
  16. 1 the RAF typhoons will carry the litening3 at the centerline pylon... --- 2 Question: Why doesnt my typhoon want to have meteor missiles? (year=2010) I checked the ini files (compared with gripen) and coulnt find something wrong... (WOE) example [station2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.557,-1.35,-0.58 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,EOGR,SAHM.AHM,LGB,BOMB,ASM,ARM,TLR,2BR,2IR,TER AttachmentType=SWEDEN,US,NATO,UK,USN,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon2 PylonMass=26.15 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName= --- 3 and the pylons between the wingtank and thou outer sidewinder pylons (i guess its station 7 and 2) only want 1 amraam instead of 2 (one each pylon) in WOE why? --- 4 last EF typhoon hotline question: what are the differences between the 01:24 AM release and the 09:28 PM relaese of the typhoon? --- 5 my little decal problem is fixed, thanks for the little advice about the foldername --- 6 I think (not 100% sure) chaff should come from the intergrated chaff dispensers in the outer sidewinder rails instead of the flare dispenseres -- my english is poor, i know... -- thanks again craig
  17. F-35A

    There are a couple of differences between x35 and f35 here some reference photos for the f-35: http://jsf.mil/gallery/gal_photo_sdd_f35atest.htm are you going to make all tree variants?
  18. EF-2000

    fantastic!!! actualy the typhoon seems to be better than my pc... but, on my pc the decals dont show up in WOE. is there someone else with this problem or did I something wrong? (i think its my littel fault :yes: ) I made country specific tyhoon in order to get the right weapons for each country on the plane, one for RAF one for Lufthansa, one for italy etc.... so besides the decals the plane works fine... thanks.
  19. wow, impressive! craig, here is a link to an austrian website about the ef with lots of info: http://eurofighter.airpower.at/ for the loadouts: http://eurofighter.airpower.at/bewaffnung.htm (scroll down for loadouts) and: http://eurofighter.com/et_sr_mc_as.asp (laser designator should be on centerline) about the HUD: http://eurofighter.airpower.at/cockpit-hud.htm the PIRATE sensor: http://eurofighter.airpower.at/sensorik-pirate.htm the EJ200 engines: http://eurofighter.airpower.at/technik-triebwerke-daten.htm and something about the tranches and blocks, not up-to-date: http://eurofighter.airpower.at/fertigung-t-b-b.htm
  20. eurofighter has no built in laser designator, it uses the litening3 on the centerline pylon...
  21. Music

    I think it's good (at least if compared with my own 'music' ) Where will this music appear in the game? I am waiting for the next tracks
  22. Awesome! Good work Graig! I looks perfect! Question: Will it be able to reach the high speeds like the new raptor (in WOE)? the stock F-15 of WOE goes only 1200kmh in the game.... (sort of off topic: now someone has to make a 'falcon 4.0 style' campaign, 2010 conflict or so with raptors flankers gripens typhoons (rafales etc. ...) :P )

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