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Everything posted by FOTF

  1. When Modders go Mad

    I believe that is a F-20 Tigershark, is it not?
  2. I just updated the site. Here is a quick list... A-4E VA-163 Saints (Circa 1969) A-4F VA-164 Ghostriders (Circa 1969) I am very proud of this skin as it is 100% decal. Nothing painted on at all...as a result, the file size is bigger than normal...but worth it. F-4SL VMFA-112 Cowboys VF-171 Aces VMFA-251 Thunderbolts VMFA-451 Warlords
  3. Yeah....working on that noob status..... Glad you enjoy!
  4. Been working on a couple of new Hornets, even got one for the flying leathernecks!
  5. I have just relaunched the Fist of the Fleet website. It was down for a few hours while getting retooled. Some people where whining because my files did not have readmes. The site now has a "FAQ" section. Please make sure you read this section before downloading anything from the new site. I realize installing skins may be difficult, so I gave those people having problems instructions.
  6. Rhugouvi's recently released RA-5C mod is using unauthorized skins from Fist of the Fleet. He did not ask for permission, nor did he deem it necessary to credit me in his readme. Had he sent a simple 5 or 6 word email, I would have been more than happy to oblidge and give him permission. However, now I am really pissed off.
  7. I just uploaded a big update to the site... New Squadrons A-4B VA-22 Detachment Romeo VA-93 Detachment Q (These squadrons served in a non combat support role for carriers conducting space capsule recovery missions) A-4C VA-64 Black Lancers VA-95 Green Lizards A-4F VA-152 Fighting Aces A-7E VA-12 Flying Ubangis VA-81 Sunliners VA-195 Dambusters
  8. Dangerous Waters Contest

    Count me in! You can never have enough games to mod!!!!
  9. Here are a couple WIPs of some new skins coming soon at Fist of the Fleet A-6A of the VA-35 Black Panthers.... AV-8C of the VMA-214 Blacksheep...
  10. Just busy skining USN mudmovers....... I was waiting on Bunyap to send me the models for the B-66 for conversion to a Whale, but haven't heard from him since, so not sure where the Skyraider project is right now. Truth told, with all the skins, and the race sim modding, I don't have time to go to the bathroom without thinking about modding

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