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Everything posted by IAFmars

  1. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7183 新版幻影2000-5,欢迎大家试用.
  2. 垃圾贴往中国版里发一下也就算了,竟然在通用版里发。 楼主真丢中国人的脸。
  3. 不错。要是资料再详细一点就好了。
  4. 大家好,第一次来这里

  5. It's a good news!:clapping:hehe....
  6. SF

  7. SF

  8. Version


    Taiwan F-16A Block 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is RoCAF F-16A Block 20. Taiwan bought 150 F-16A fighters from US in 1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Model by the Mirage Factory Flight Model by the Mirage Factory Pilot by IAFmars Hangar and Loading Screen by IAFmars Skins by dczone and Coolhand29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning:I changed "vf103MF" pilot and finish a Taiwan's pilot.So if you want use this Taiwan pilot,you must copy your "vf103MF" pilot. Besides,if you didn't Install the Mirage Factory's F-16A,you will can't hear any sounds and can't own seat or effects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation insctructions: Install all files into your objects/aircraft folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My E-mail:iafc@sohu.com Have fun! IAFmars
  9. Wow! It's too biiiiiiiiiiig! May be you didn't adjust appropriate size when you made it.
  10. 中国SF的阵地除了inSky外还有DOF,所以不能说是把主阵地转移到这里,只能说是把这里开发成一个像模像样的“基地”而已 。 我很久前就很赞成顶起这里。因为这里不止会有大陆的人看,而且很多海外华人和老外也会到这里看。这样能够更有利于我们的对外交往联系得到发展 。
  11. Thinkyou very much!! I like it very much!!
  12. I download this mod two times,but its rar package is damaged....
  13. Sky's king is appearing....
  14. File Name: Typhoon hangar File Submitter: IAFmars File Submitted: 4 Mar 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Hanger/Menu/Loadout Typhoon hangar Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    Typhoon hangar
  16. J-10A

    Its cockpit is very mightiness!
  17. 中文版的SFP1?那是国内发行的一个所谓的正版,不太好,建议不要用。网上没有吧,我是很久很久前从音像店里买的。 安装完补丁后它就变为英文版的了,所以没什么意义。。
  18. 哇!非常漂亮! Wow! It's very beautiful!
  19. 歼-10系列。。。

    那个拥有蚌式进气口的J10可能存在吗?我感觉这种设计方式不合理,此型号不可能存在吧。 另外,J10会有舰载机试验型号?J10的进气口位置决定了它不可能称为舰载机。
  20. Wow! It's a useful and beautiful seat!
  21. Wow! It's a classical addon!
  22. Wow, it's a good news.~~ From this mod,may be we can simulate lran's refuelling aircraft or NASA's 747..~~haha

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