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Everything posted by TexasBlues

  1. Thank You MK2

    Thanks a bunch MK2, this game is BY far one of the coolest ones out there... period TB Marietta, GA
  2. Does anyone know where i can get a copy of Strke Fighters, or WoE? i cant find them anywhere in the stores. I found SF1 on ebay but have never bought anything from there and dont know if i trust it... i would prefer a store... or a reputable online dealer... any suggestions? TIA TB
  3. Hey All- just wanted to thank everyone here for the killer forum... and to ask another noob question. i went to some of the downloads yesterday and got some of the new missions atc, but there were a couple that i wanted that had the '.rar' extension on them. since i am IN NO WAY a computer tweaker, i wanted to ask... 'where do these go?'... instead of ruining something of mine or something here for everyone else... everything else was simple and installed easily... however, might i suggest including a sim-specific title for downloads? that way we dont have to look thru each and every one of them... and we'll know just where to go for a specific sim... besides... unless it says WoV somewhere in it... i wont know if i can use it... any thoughts? thanks in advance! TB
  4. I have been playing WoV for several weeks now and i have a problem (i think)... I am playing a long campaign, all settings to normal, using an A4, operation rolling thunder, and have landed on the carrier several times... most (maybe 90%) of my missions are successful on the first try... but the battlel line has yet to move to shaw any progress of the air-strikes... i have the latest patch ( i think) the carrier is underway on the screen so i have to hit a moving target and the planning map has changed to show other areas that are enemy installations etc... but still no 'front line' movemment... any ideas or suggestions? thanks in advance! TexasBlues
  5. know what? i never thought of that... and i didnt realize just HOW historically accurate this game was supposed to be... thanks a million for your insight... now i know that i will just have to keep pounding the daylights out of them... and maybe they'll give up...

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