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Everything posted by Dimitris

  1. Eye of the Storm By Steve Mills The dispute between Japan and Russia over the Kurils islands turned into an armed conflict in the summer of 2005. A large Japanese convoy is headed for the port of Kobe and the Russians will do whatever is necessary to stop it. Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3 Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/ Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13
  2. Darkest Peru By Steve Mills The 1995 conflict in the Cenepa Valley while a victory for Ecuador did not resolve the border dispute. Both sides settled down to patrolling the area surrounding the Cenepa / Santiago / Yaupi confluence. Bases now became long established, most having been the centre of fierce fighting. The area in question is a surprisingly small zone dominated from the high ground of the Cordillera del Condor. From positions on these heights Ecuador was effectively able to dominate over positions lower in the Valley occupied by Peruvian Troops. Reinforcing any positions proved difficult for either side, the area being remote and consisting of high jungle terrain. Troops almost universally having to be flown in by helicopter. While the Peruvian Air Force, the FAP was equipped with modern fighters they also fared poorly and suffered significant losses. By 2005 incursions by either side across the disputed border looked set to finally resolve things once and for all. The FAP were also keen to try out their newest fighter... (The course of actual events saw an effective ceasefire and DMZ put into place by MOMEP the Military Observer Mission Ecuador/Peru. Several accounts suggest the cause of friction was that the watershed for the Cenepa was not known when the initial agreement on the border was reached. This would however, appear to be incorrect. Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3 Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/ Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13
  3. BOOM! By Mike Mykytyn ************Flash Message*********** To: Alaskan Air Command From: National Command Authority ************************************ You are hereby ordered to DEFCON 1 status. Soviet nuclear attack expected. Execute plan Charlie. ************************************ Plan Charlie: Limited Nuclear Strike ************************************ Upon order launch nuclear strikes on named Soviet Strategic Assets in Far Eastern TMD as well as dispersion of TAC and SAC assets in your theater. Plan Charlie specifies that your targets in TMD are as follows: 1)Anadyr AFB, Siberia 2) SS-19 Stilleto Launch Facilities NW of Anadyr. 3) SS-24 Scalpel Launch Train SE of Anadyr. Dispersion of your assets is critical. Expect immediate retaliation. Eielson and Elfmendorf are expected targets. Preserve a majority of your assets at all costs. They will be needed. ************************************ Scenario Duration is 2 working days. ************************************ Clarification of Victory Conditions ************************************ 1) Destroy SS-19 and SS-24 sites. 2) Destroy all Anadyr air facilities 3) Protect your assets for a duration of 2.5 hours. Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3 Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/ Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13
  4. Conflict in the Comoros By Quinton Van Zyl DATE: May 1998 TIME: 03:00 Zulu (Before dawn local time) LOCATION: Western Indian Ocean Since 1974 the Comoros islands have endured 19 coups or attempted coups. In 1974 The three northern islands of Grande Comore, Anjouan and Moheli became the Comoros and the fourth southernmost island Mayotte elected to remain under French rule. A set of suspicious circumstances has surrounded the most recent coup in that it was intensely monitored by the Indian government. India has never shown an interest in the Comoros until about two weeks before the actual coup, the attention has continued until now. When the Comoran president was gunned down at his residence the Indian Prime Minister declared that the unstable situation in the Comoros was bad for the Indian Ocean community and declared that Indian "peacekeepers" would supervise the setting up of a stable force of leadership. This statement caused the French president to injure himself while falling out of his chair and prompted a declaration of condemnation on the Indian governments intention to meddle in affairs that do not concern them. France went on to say that if any civilized nation was to intervene in the interests of the Comoros it should be France and not India. The situation deteriorated further in that the Indian government has announced that it is growing tiresome of the misplaced French naval presence in an ocean that is India's. That was three weeks ago. Following this heated exchange France dispatched a large task force that rendezvoused with a support ship and frigate of its Indian Ocean squadron based at Reunion yesterday. India has sent a small supervisory flotilla to the islands to ensure a peaceful continuation of the new regime. When pressed for details in a press conference in Paris last night the French spokesman said that very reliable intelligence has suggested that India's interests in the Comoros are purely military. He said that India has long wished to command and control all goings on in "its" ocean and that a base in the west would allow it to have a far greater influence in this area. Apparently the new Comoran regime is being paid handsomely for the future construction of an Indian base. There is also a suspicion that as partial payment the Indian government and its assets will help persuade Mayotte to become a part of the Comoros once more. The French response to this situation was clear according to the spokesman. Firstly, if India got away with this it may encourage them to attempt further abuses of power. Secondly, the island nation of Mayotte is a French protectorate and deserves the best protection afforded by France. The situation is extremely tense and a showdown appears to be on the cards between two mighty naval powers in the Indian Ocean. In the most recent satellite pass, the Indian aircraft carrier Viraat and her escorts had left their base at Bombay… Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3 Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/ Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

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