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Posts posted by Dimitris

  1. FOST Operational Sea Training #4: Thursday War

    By Paul Bridge


    DTG-010800Z DEC 05

    Location-South Coast

    Sides-TG 603.01 (FOST Task Group)

    Duration-8 Hours


    This Scenario covers all warfare training covered in the previous 3 days including Air, Surface and Sub-Surface threats.

    The Objective is to transit from Plymouth to Portland Bill in 8 hours at high speed giving protection to HMS Ocean and RFA's attached to your group. The group is to arrive at Ref Point PBL and conduct an Amphibious assault on Portland Bill.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.6


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=143


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  2. Falklands War 2002 #2: Return Fire

    By Alfredo C. Cuttone


    After the surprise attack on the Malvinas, the Argentine landing force supported by strike aircraft and naval gunfire forced the Royal Marines on the island to surrender. A massive Argentine movement of troops and equipment to Port Stanley and Mount Pleasant area is now underway, to form a bastion defense of the island.

    The British Task Group carrying reinforcements withdrew after an Exocet attack had damaged some of the troop carriers. Both HMS Westminster and HMS Endurance operating near the Malvinas have been lost and the SSN Trafalgar was sunk during an attack on the Argentine landing force. However the Argentine escorts Rosales and Parker where destroyed by the SSN before it was sunk.

    The British are now readying three carrier battle groups and an amphibious landing force, however this group will need several days to form up, and a small Task Force has been sent to the area to initiate offensive actions.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.6


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=142


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  3. Shallow Waters

    By Steve Mills


    With the abject failure of the reforms in Russia, especially the rise in organised crime, it was only a matter of time before the return to a hard line regime. Once re-elected many felt now was the time to strike, especially with the apparent run down of NATO forces.


    While War is raging throughout the North Atlantic, convoys that have struggled across have only a little way further to reach port.


    This scenario was written primarily to test the operation of submarines in an area of relatively shallow water.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=232


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  4. Ring Of Fire

    By Mike Mykytyn


    A Soviet spy has been discovered within the highest ranks of the American fleet but not before releasing current fleet positions to Soviet forces. Unfortunately, your boat is well within Soviet territorial waters and the might of the Soviet Pacific Fleet is about to be brought down upon you... Can you escape?


    Okay guys I have dropped you into a bad situation (hence the title for you Johnny Cash fans out there). You may take any path you choose to freedom just do it within 3 working days.


    PS- I dare you to run the Straits:)


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=231


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  5. Operation Destabilise

    By Daniel Hayes


    In September 1999 the UN created the Intervention Force East Timor (INTERFET) under the leadership of Australia. INTERFET's mandate was to restore order in East Timor. Pro-Indonesian militia's went on a rampage following the former Portugues colony voted for independence from Indonesia. The militia's enjoyed covert and not so covert support from the Indonesian Armed Forces and vowed to thwart any foreign interference in the province.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=232


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  6. ODAX 2004

    By Francois Guerin


    The French l'Armee de l'Air is squaring off in its annual ODAX exercise, Opérations et Défense Aérienne eXercice. Who will prevail?


    Every year, French Armee de l'Air [Air Force] trains its Air Defense forces during an exercise named ODAX. Even though the Marine Nationale [Navy] is not typically part of the exercise, this scenario depicts her as a potential OPFOR, alongside France's assault aviation.



    This is a speculation of ODAX 2004, the date being the only certain element. I don't know if the Navy will be committed and if it will take place in this region.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=233


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  7. Libyan Scuds

    By Gianni Bartoli





    DATE/TIME: 12 AUGUST 1997, 06:00:00 ZULU


    Libya has moved some Scud missiles forward to Marsa Brega threatening the security of Southern Europe. The Italian Navy has been tasked to remove this threat.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=232


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  8. Hormuz Strait

    By Klaus Behrmann



    DATE/TIME: 22 DECEMBER 2002, 22:00 H Z


    Due to re-emerging threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, the US Navy is ordered to secure the area and destroy all Iranian military facilities in the theatre of operations.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/?page_id=233


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  9. Gauntlet II

    By Chris Elliot


    This is a remake of the classic Gauntlet scenario that first appeared with the original Harpoon.


    Location: Norwegan Sea

    Date: 4 October 1999 02:00 Zulu


    In any all-out war with NATO, Russia would attempt to gain access to the Atlantic by capturing Norwegan seaports.


    In this remade scenario, NATO has it's hands full in distant parts - the Balkans, the Middle East, South East Asia and North West Africa.


    Russia has decided an all out attack would prove decisive against an over stretched and down sized NATO. By Attacking on multiple fronts NATO will not be able concentrate it's superior technology in many areas, giving Russia a better chance of securing prized targets - namely oil fields and coastal ports. Many NATO warships are tied up in the Med and Persian Gulf - leaving the North Atlantic strangely quiet. A decisive victory in the North Atlantic will force NATO to retreat and regroup - leaving Eastern Europe and more importantly the oil rich Gulf states poorly defended.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  10. Fight or Flight

    By Mike Mykytyn


    One of two scenarios based on Larry Bonds Cauldron. In this one, like the book, you are in command of a small but powerful US escort group which has found itself in the worst possible position to be in at the beginning of a major conflict. You are in confined waters with no support and must escape to the North Sea before you are destroyed. Can you pull it off?


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  11. Battle Islands

    By Klaus Behrmann



    DATE/TIME: 17 JULY 2004, 09:00 H Z (+12)




    After the accidental (hypothetical) death of the ruler of Qatar a new and younger crown prince took over. The Hawar Islands were given to Bahrain by the International Court after a long dispute. Unfortunately, the new ruler does not accept this fact, especially after cash-stricken Bahrain awarded oil and gas concessions to Malaysia and Iran. While the ruler tolerates Petronas, he is not willing to accept Iranian platforms along his shoreline and feels he is strong enough to reclaim the Hawar Islands and teach Bahrain and Iran a lesson at the same time.


    Database: DB2000


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


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  12. The Odd Angry Shot

    By Paul Bridge


    During the 1950s and 60s the UK Forces were engaged in a not so small conflict in Yemen.


    In 1962 a coup in Northern Yemen organised by the Egyptians overthrew the Iman al-Badr in the Capital Sanaa, at the same time Egypt landed forces into the North of the country.

    The loyalist forces backed by the UK fought back the incursions into South Yemen, but at no time did UK and Egyptian forces go head to head apart from the Odd shot at each other nothing happened.

    Things came to a head when Egypt had at least 40,000 troops in country and at over 100 aircraft based in Northern Yemen , these aircraft were conducted strike missions on villages in S. Yemen in support of the N. Yemen forces.

    In late 1964 UK had received some shocking news… Egypt wanted to become more involved …. Strike UK Assets in S. Yemen, Oil Installations were going to be the prime target, and the UK Forces were on high alert!


    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  13. The Widow Maker

    By Paul Bridge


    Captain First Rank Alekseyev of the Ballistic Missile Submarine K-19 re-read the firing orders. Only an hour earlier he had decoded the signal together with the Political Officer - a man who was well above his station.

    Together with his crew they had spent over 2 months at sea , a long time even for a top-line Hotel class SSBN; one of the finest in the Red Banner Fleet. But it had been hard on the crew; no sunlight, just recycled stale air and the smell of sweat.

    Alex had spend the early part of his career on conventional boats in WW2, and the 1950s decided to transfer to the new nuclear boats…but why remain submerged for 2 months?

    The reason was simple …remain undetected… close to the US Coast and conduct missile launch on the Capitalists. He had his orders; the time had come to Unleash the Dogs of War…..


    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  14. Mutual Assured Destruction

    By Paul Bridge


    Mike's show stopping Scenario called "BOOM!" is now a classic for a early/mid-1980s Nuclear Confrontation.

    With Mike's permission I have built the same area of the world but set in 1963 at the height of the Cold War in the 1960s , using the B-47 Stratojet as SACs Bomber platform before been fully replaced by the B-52 Stratofortress. It should make an interesting confrontation...



    Increasing tensions with the USSR came to a climax at 0117Z today when a Soviet Hotel Class SSBN launched an SLBM strike at Washington DC.

    The President survived the strike, and from Air Force One has ordered an all out Nuclear Strike on the Soviet mainland.


    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  15. The Cripple

    By Christopher Comars


    Throughout the Cold War the protagonist's navies and air forces played a dangerous game of 'chicken' at sea and in the skies above it. That incidents took place was widely known but the particulars were kept as closely guarded secrets.


    Eventually both sides developed diplomatic and operational protocols to handle how their respective forces responded to provocations and operations in close proximity to each other.


    Still accidents happened and sadly, lives were lost. In this scenario, both sides are in the uneasy Cold War peace of Mutual Assured Destruction while the Soviet Navy is still smarting over its humiliation during the Cuban Missile Crisis less than one-year ago.


    Now a brand new missile submarine has suffered a major engineering casualty and is limping home as NATO forces gather to watch the rescue operation. This is a potentially dangerous situation that just might spiral out of control if somebody overreacts.


    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  16. Damn the torpedoes - Full speed ahead!

    By Paul Bridge


    DTG- 051200Z AUG 64


    SIDES- Soviets, United States.



    With the war in the Atlantic and Pacific into its 3rd week, the Indian Ocean region seems quite by comparison....

    Nato is in need of re-supplying its forces in Europe with the Suez Canal closed the only other option of supplying Europe from Australia is via the Horn of S. Africa.

    Before war broke out 3 weeks ago a Large Soviet group left the Motherland and deployed on its annual world training cruise, in this group was numerous Destroyers, Cruisers and Submarines some missile armed, at present they remain unlocated somewhere in the Indian Ocean region.


    The convoy has to reach Simonstown almost intact but the problem is no Strike Carriers can be released from the Pacific Fleet only the Old Yorktown converted to an ASW Carrier is available with an escort of gun armed Destroyers and Cruisers , the Pacific TF Commander could only spare 2 SAM fitted ships for Air Defense.

    UK and South African forces have deployed to cover the route ro Simonstown using ASW Groups and mpa's, CAP and Strike are provided to cover the Yorktown groups transit to Simonstown but range is the limitation!


    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  17. Damn the torpedoes - Full speed ahead!

    By Paul Bridge


    DTG- 051200Z AUG 64


    SIDES- Soviets, United States.



    With the war in the Atlantic and Pacific into its 3rd week, the Indian Ocean region seems quite by comparison....

    Nato is in need of re-supplying its forces in Europe with the Suez Canal closed the only other option of supplying Europe from Australia is via the Horn of S. Africa.

    Before war broke out 3 weeks ago a Large Soviet group left the Motherland and deployed on its annual world training cruise, in this group was numerous Destroyers, Cruisers and Submarines some missile armed, at present they remain unlocated somewhere in the Indian Ocean region.


    The convoy has to reach Simonstown almost intact but the problem is no Strike Carriers can be released from the Pacific Fleet only the Old Yorktown converted to an ASW Carrier is available with an escort of gun armed Destroyers and Cruisers , the Pacific TF Commander could only spare 2 SAM fitted ships for Air Defense.

    UK and South African forces have deployed to cover the route ro Simonstown using ASW Groups and mpa's, CAP and Strike are provided to cover the Yorktown groups transit to Simonstown but range is the limitation!


    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  18. Cold War Games

    By Mike Mykytyn


    The late 50's was a remarkable period of Cold War naval history. Most nations had rebuilt and whole new classes of warships began entering the fleets with improved propulsions, radar and fire control systems. All of this was done under the context of another coming World War pitting the Western powers versus the Soviet Union.


    One of the more remarkable classes of warship was the Soviet Sverdlov class Cruiser. It boasted a formidable gun armament, modern radars and an auxiliary propulsion system giving improved speed and manueverabilty over its Western counterparts. So important was discovering the secrets of this class of vessel that Western intellgence agencies invested heavily in cladestine operations to learn more about it (including the loss of the famed RN diver Lionel "Buster" Crabbe).It was truly a class of warships to be reckoned with.


    This scenario pits a typical Soviet SAG against a typical NATO formation operating off coastal Norway in 1958. Who will prevail?


    This is a 1-2 ASuW,ASW scenario with a duration of 8 hours.




    Database: 1950-1964 Colonial Wars DB


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  19. Korean War #3: Russian Roulette

    By Paul Bridge


    DTG- 20 2300Z NOV 50


    LOCAL- 21 0800 NOV 50

    LOCATION- East Coast North Korea

    SIDES- United Nations

    DURATION- 8 Hours



    Since the Successful landings at Inchon, UN forces have struck back at the Communist forces pushing them back to pre-war start positions.


    Now is the time to strike deep into North Korean territory. USAAF B-29s have been tasked to strike three major Power Complexes, these are well protected by AAA Sites and Airfields.


    With China now offically in the war things are libel to become hot, as 4 days ago USAAF A-26 Invaders made a major error in navigation and target ID and bombed a Soviet airfield by mistake resulting in many soviet casualties, reaction from Moscow has been of harsh words and threats of action, but nothing has happened….. Yet.


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


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  20. Corean War #2: Dawn Strike

    By Paul Bridge


    DTG- 02 2200Z JULY 1950

    LOCAL TIME- 03 0700Z 1950

    LOCATION- West Coast North Korea

    SIDES- United Nations

    DURATION- 8 Hours

    NUKES- Off


    The first Carrier Strikes of the Korean War were lauched from the decks of the USS Valley Forge and HMS Triumph on the 3rd July 1950.

    The targets were the Airfields at P'yongyang for the Valley Forges Skyraiders, Corsairs and Panthers.

    HMS Triumphs airgroup of elderly Fireflies and Seafires were tasked with the destruction of the Airfield at Haeju.

    Hoping to catch the North Korean forces asleep the strikes were planned for early morning….but North Korean pilots were airborne and waiting.


    This is an actual real life mission but has been altered to enhance game play.


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


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  21. Korean War #1: Opening Moves

    By Paul Bridge


    DTG- 01 1800Z JULY 1950

    LOCAL TIME- 02 0300 JULY 1950

    LOCATION- Korean East Coast

    SIDES- United Nations

    DURATION-8 Hours

    NUKES- Off


    Hostilities are still raging throughout Korea, North Korean Forces have made major advances along all fronts.

    South Korean forces are taking heavy losses and are now pulling back to regroup near Seoul.

    COMNAVFE a mix of US and UK Destroyers and Cruisers has been formed to patrol the coastal areas and try and inforce a blockade.

    The Task Group has been weakened during the last two days as 2 US Destroyers have been detached to provide fire support to retreating US Troops.

    In all the group now consists of the Flagship USS Juneau, HMS Jamaica and the Sloop HMS Black Swan. This group has now been tasked to intercept a convoy onroute from Wonsan to Chumunjin…. An easy task you think….well maybe there could be a surprise or two waiting!


    Status: Released - Tested in v3.7


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/colonialwars/AAR/ANW.htm


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  22. Red Flag #3: Geronimo

    By Mike Mykytyn


    Bluefor and Redfor forces continue to square off over the frontier. Blue's last actions were successful and Redfor paid a terrible price. Its time to press that advantage and get some boots on the ground.


    This is a 1-2 player AAW scenario. Bluefor and Redfor sides are playable but if playing single player Bluefor should be chosen. Scenario duration is 3 hours 15 minutes.


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  23. Red Flag #2: Magnum

    By Mike Mykytyn


    War has erupted and both sides took casualties in the initial air battle over the frontier. Worldwide accounts of the battle begin to fill the airwaves as the various pundits begin to assess success and intentions. Meanwhile over the battlefield a second chapter develops.


    Winning the electronic battle is crucial to winning the physical one.


    This is a 1-2 player AAW scenario. If played as single player the bluefor side should be chosen as the player side although the redfor side is playable (just far less challening). Multiplay is definitely suggested. Scenario duration is 45 minutes.


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  24. Red Flag #1: Fox One

    By Mike Mykytyn


    Bluefor has begun to deploy as Greyfor's artillery continues to rain down on border villages and encampments. As the UN attempts to stop the war at the table Bluefor forces gear up to stop the war on and over the battlespace. At the same time Redfor announces its intention to prevent a Bluefor attack.


    Although orbital assets provide broad snapshots of the overal picture its important for any force to deploy tactical reconaissance assets in hopes of really capturing what is going on at foot level. in real time It is even more important to protect those assets while doing so.


    This is a 1-2 player AAW scenario with a duration of 3 hours. Good Luck!


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


    Discuss & provide feedback & AARs here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13

  25. Eye of the Storm

    By Steve Mills


    The dispute between Japan and Russia over the Kurils islands turned into an armed conflict in the summer of 2005. A large Japanese convoy is headed for the port of Kobe and the Russians will do whatever is necessary to stop it.


    Status: Released - Tested in 3.6.3


    Get it here: http://www.harpoonhq.com/harpoon3/scenarios/


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