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Everything posted by Suffke

  1. Hey! A small question. How can I fly with better look to the back? With many airplanes one is able to do this very badly! Where in the Aircraft.ini I can change this? I have read this here in the forum already once. But I do not know any more where. Sorry for my bad english
  2. to the back look

    Thank you for the help! Will write down it to me.
  3. She is there! Look at SKUNKWORKS!
  4. Fokker D.VIII Released

    Big thank-you to the diligent developers for the great work! Further in such a way! :yes:
  5. Firecage Plane Fest ver 2.0

    Sorry, but in the zip of Version 2.0 is no .doc file :)
  6. Changing Planes in Missions

    I think u find it in the MANUAL of FE on Side 6 in the Hangarreadme. Here it is: The Hangar Screen is your pre-flight area. From this area you can review the mission briefing, alter your aircraft’s ordnance loadout, view and adjust your mission waypoints, and select a pilot for the mission. The main Hangar Screen shows the mission briefing. Along with your squadron and aircraft information, it also displays the current date (in game time). Planned takeoff, target arrival and landing times for the mission appear as well in 24-hour military time. The Hangar Screen contains five buttons, three of which activate subscreens. Loadout Takes you to the Loadout Screen where you can adjust weapon loadout for your aircraft. You can also customize your aircraft’s appearance in the Loadout area and, in some mission types, select the type of aircraft you want to fly.

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