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Everything posted by Cowman

  1. Book find

    If thats for me, thanks! Very much!
  2. Book find

    I cant emphasise enough that some old charity bookshops are the way forward. While on a trip to Canada with this summer, I went to visit the Canadian Air Museum, we got it opened up after hours for us, was fantastic, got a sit in a few of the aircraft etc. Anyhows, while in the shop they were clearing out the museum library. Found some good books, all for 1 canadian dollar, best for me is a fist edition Winged Warfare! Not bad for a dollar! Cow
  3. Hello to all, Thanks so much for this great sim, however I have just had a nasty run in with a train in my airfield! Ha! Not the best formation take off ensued. To help out it was flying for Jasta 37 out of Mons - en - chaussee Exact map coords: N 49*52'9.0860 E 3*0'34.7539 date was 5th of April 1918 Hope it helps anyone find this, Merry christmas Cow
  4. HITR First Impressions

    Havnt even installed it yet (but purchased it), to be honest none of the planes really appeal to me but at £14.53 for a continued supprt for this project then it gets my money, hopefully i will get the chance to play this over the holidays but if not no issue. Im glad I can supprt this project thru this purchase. Thanks to all involved Cow
  5. Just wanted to saw thank you to all involved. I bought this as soon as I could in the UK and paid what I thought was a hefty but justified price (think of all the cottage publisher books I own etc and it all seems fair). Played it abit and got no where fast. Then I tried out the latest patch, this has made this a new game! Really it has, the interface is better and the game play is vasty improved, the best thing is the melding now of the game and interface is nearly done. I have got damage modelling to show now and by using the nvidia control panel have improved the look of the sim. So in brief: Gameplay:Improved Immersion:Improved Interface:Improved Look and feel:Improved So thanks again all

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