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Everything posted by GASCAN39

  1. Been so busy hurling around in this thing, forgot to give "props". Excellent work, the cockpit turned out great, (and orange flight suits rock!) This airplane was truly unique, and some excellent paint jobs were seen on them. I actually researched VF(AW)-3 and found out they were part of NORAD! Sounds like their were mixed reviews on the real thing, though; pity, such a cool looking jet!
  2. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    Those days are behind me now, but early in my fire service career, we would stop drinking in time to put on our uniforms and report for duty..... Sad but true, usually on weekend shifts. We would rob the reserve truck of it's O2, sucking it dry between two or three of us using a nasal canula. It would help you through the day that is for sure. Luckily for us (and the public) we never had to respond to anything serious on those days. Now I try to avoid anything more than one or two, as I have embarassed myself and those around me enough to last a life time.
  3. 25 Years Ago

    sad it took a clip on the military channel for me to remember, I entered the army two days later.....
  4. Never Forget

    I remember feeling anguish and anger that day. A moment of silence to remember....
  5. Ted Striker: My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar. Elaine Dickinson: When will you be back? Ted Striker: I can't tell you that. It's classified.
  6. I will need a change of underwear after seeing that!
  7. My internet connection would be fried then!! Yes, a great few weeks, alot of talented people have kept a whole community happy!
  8. RF-101C

    I second that! Love this old bird. The skins that came with this pack are outstanding, and the specific cockpit for it are awesome.... Runs like a scalded dog, migs just give up!!!
  9. Holy Freekin Shi'ite man! I need a forklift to get my jaw off the floor.........
  10. I am loving this beast!! Have flown it non stop since downloading it..... Love swooping in fast and dropping nukes. This thing really moves!!
  11. Frikkin awesome! All I need now are a GTO and some Hendrix playing. Love the animations on this one! Great work!
  12. Would love to see the edits needed for those cockpits! That missle is awesome!
  13. Outstanding job, I completely overlooked this when it came out. (Too much time on the road, can't access the internet). I just downloaded yesterday.....SWEET!
  14. And I had just been pulling the Aussie Task Force out of mothballs, using the skyhawk and Tracker on board the Melbourne. I love the markings on this, and the Crusader as always, rocks! Great Work
  15. looks nice, I would love to shoot approaches from the south on Santorini, and buzz the village of Oia!
  16. Alone, Unarmed, and Unafraid....... Can't wait to take this for a spin! All mod work is greatly appreciated by myself and many ohers!
  17. Hello, and welcome to the community. I agree, the add-ons are what make this series so awesome, especially the B-58. An outstanding design in both real life and in our virtual skies. I trust you have browsed through the knowledge base, alot of answers are to be found there. The game can be unforgiving of any typing errors in folders, etc. Can you give a little more info? Also, there is an excellent search engine on this site, you can probably dig up lots of other similar queries about adding aircraft.
  18. Thank You MK2

    Thanks for the dedication to the community, and all of your efforts toward making it what it is. I have loved this site from the beginning, there is none finer.
  19. My Truck

    I have heard the APUs are worth their weight in gold - many cities don't allow idling at the truck stops these days. Werner is trying to get their whole fleet equpped with them, as are other companies. It must be a great feeling to be your own boss for the most part, keep us up to date on life on the road!
  20. My Truck

    nice truck dagger! On my way to getting my cdl (test this week hopefully) and then on to Werner for a year or more. Would like to go owner/op at some point. The school in Conyers GA turned us loose on the open road in Freightliners like yours. It is a nice truck, handles well, and appears to be 'liveable' for weeks at a time!
  21. Action Figures!

    Personally lost two Joes to the family dog when I was seven. Good to see them thinning out the rodent populace. Got banned from the neighbors house for taking my Joes over to get a little "me love you long time" from their daughter's barbies. Joe was a good guy, til he started drinking. No means no soldier!

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