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Everything posted by matzusdog

  1. Few quick questions...

    Preacher just a thought, i don't think any of the heavily moustached RN and RAF pilots in 1982 would ever have said aside from that, i fell over this game whilst searching for harrier hud footage for a demo for a harrier game I have been trying to create for a couple of years - looks awesome, and it's about time we had a fully flyable harrier in a flight sim, and it's nice to see a combat flight sim that isn't biased towards the USA. (booo) I remember the Falklands war, and as previous posters have said its almost our (UK's) forgotten war, so it's good to see a great team take a great looking engine and make a tribute to the aviators of this conflict - both sides! although I can see some interesting MP situations where you'll have Mirages,Super E's, and Skyhawks piloted by South American/French/Spanish players flying online against uk flyers in harriers... keep it on, will gladly pay hard cash for this game. As for the modding, if the flight engine plays as well as it looks in the videos, i reckon you could sell the engine and flight model and then we could all make our own little wars... one last question, (and apologies to preacher for the hijacked thread) is there much left to do now? can we have more videos? Oh yes, one last thing, the screenshot of the Vulcan is asolutely beautiful - even if you never release a final game, it's worth it for that. exquisite.

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