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Posts posted by solotk

  1. Guys this thread has made me chuckle. Looked at the TE , and thought my degree was easier :(


    I've looked all over, and have a couple of n00b questions, if someone could indulge me, or point me at the right links on CA?


    1. I want to make non-standard structures and import them into SF1 / WoE


    2. Do I need to build these models in 3DS . or can I use sketchup, or even some of the FS2004/FSX scenery/object creators and files and jiggleypoke them in somehow?


    3. Can I import built from stock objects into the TE/SF1/WoE?


    I'm planning to build a campaign around the East African Campaign in 1940. So, whilst ground detail will be spartan (YaY!) , I do want it accurate and atmospheric.


    All answers greatly appreciated.




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