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Posts posted by alexbuko

  1. Thanks MiGBuster for this great solution...it works fine also for my Win10 64bit Setup. I my NVidia Control Panel I changed in the program settings for SF2 the  antialiasing transparency from Supersamling to Multisampling and suddenly it worked for all SF2 versions including the Black Sea Crisis mod. I had similar video display issues with Il-2 CoD Blitz Edition and it turned out to work for this program with the same settings as well.

    So far thanks again MigBuster and good hunting everyone!


  2. Hi there!
    I started a new OP Darius Campaign as a USN F/A-18C pilot today and completed my first strike mission. Surprisingly I was awarded the Medal Of Honor after this mission - see the pics. This Thread is funny and I´m happy that someone started the DID idea, for I tried to enhance my simulation experience with the same idea for a few years now - with changing success. Thanks Dave for this kick starter!
    I wish all the hardcore simmers good luck in the skies and many successful DID reports here! Best regards,




    After taking off for a strike mission shortly before 6AM, I decided for a high in - high out mission profile as I laid my waypoints as far as possible from enemy airfields, SAMs and other strongpoints. The few radars trying to lock on from a distance were easily jammed by our powerful onboard ECMs. During the approach I had to attack an intercepting Iranian F4 that slept through the fighter escort with AMRAAMs and downed it. Shortly before the attack run my wingman downed a second Iranian fighter - a Saeqh - with an AIM9X and so the strike on a Uranium storage facility and chemical storage tanks near Ardekan was no problem and successful.


    On the way back no enemy fighters managed to intercept my flight. The landing on the carrier was ditched in warm and soft morning light - what a mission!








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