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Everything posted by Duiker

  1. hello, I tried to get unlimited ammo in the game: Wings over Europe; cold war-soviet invasion. In the options screen i set the 'ammo usage' on 'easy', but it doesn't change anything. I want to use it especialy in the "instant action" game. Can someone give me advice?? Thanx Sander Looijenga Netherlands (europe) (p.s. i am a complete newbe in this game)
  2. Oké, i think i got the idea, but..... There is no data.ini file! I made some screenshots of it. I used the F15-A airplane. This is the way i got there; my com./c:/programfiles/wings over europe/objects/aircaft/F-15A.... Sander
  3. Hello, As i wrote before, i am a newbe. Can you tell me how to get to the data.ini file? Sander
  4. Well, the manual says that i would get unlimited ammo when a put in on 'easy'. But it doesn't work like this in the game. (as far as the missiles anyway, the guns are unlimited) Or maybe i need to 'reload' in some way to get another round of ammo? Sander
  5. Okay, thank you for the information. Do you know of a cheatcode to make the ammo go unlimited? Sander

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