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Everything posted by SidDogg

  1. ...AHA! Ahem! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I am sure you plan on making the rest of them also SidDogg
  2. No, not like that!!! For GENERATING planning maps. SidDogg
  3. Yeah, they cancel each other out..... ...at least until the big PLUS+ arrives SidDogg
  4. AH! You mean like European Air War. SidDogg
  5. If it's in the list as CVN-75... That would mean there is a '90s scenario... Because the Truman wasn't commisioned until then. SidDogg
  6. The Way to Wonsan. And the Way Back Home. SidDogg
  7. Well, that would mean they need a MOVLAS SidDogg
  8. ...oh! Oh! OH! I spy a launch baaarrrrr SidDogg
  9. Hey, Everyone. I was meaning to ask if there were any more J-8's around... ...besides just the Finback or the Finback-B. Are there any more variants around??? SidDogg
  10. ...honestly, I just need later variant single-seaters, man. I'm sure the tandem ones rock SidDogg
  11. Finback-D? Finback-H? SidDogg
  12. hgbn, your graphics card should be configured to do that in-game already... SidDogg
  13. Dang, man. I'd like to think we need some of that in our lives SidDogg
  14. ...Geez. You GOTTA be the guy with the secret SidDogg
  15. Alright, folks. Haven't messed with FakePilot in a MINUTE...gotta get that SidDogg
  16. Merry Christmas

    Melly Chlistmis, an Hapee Horrudays to EVWYWAN!!! SidDogg
  17. ...Hey. I had another question. I don't mean to come across as demanding, but... Have you thought of making TFDViewer read 1x1km tiles? Now THAT'S a super-detailed terrain! SidDogg
  18. Alright, man. Just letting you know... Tile editing works like a champ! Terrains like that are a doozie I intend to make it work. :yes: If you need anything with this, let me know. I'll do my best. SidDogg
  19. It kicks rear if your terrain's not larger than life I'm just hoping there is a way to do it one day... SidDogg
  20. ...Just tested it for ya No dice, though. 4000x4000km does translate to 8000x8000 pixels. ...at least that's the size of my heightmap BMP. maybe that's what I meant... see what I'm sayin? SidDogg
  21. You can do that yourself... just dance with TFDTool.INI..... #selfexplanatory SidDogg
  22. No, Seriously. It's not a joke... ...or a bump, for that matter. SidDogg
  23. ...your facebook link doesn't work, pa SidDogg

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