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Everything posted by SidDogg

  1. .....So ummmm, hi everyone. Sorta reporting live from CAG-5... Chippy actually made it back here this week. Looking good, of course... ...but I'll let you be the judge. SidDogg
  2. .....So ummmm, hi everyone. Sorta reporting live from CAG-5... Chippy actually made it back here this week. Looking good, of course... ...but I'll let you be the judge. SidDogg
  3. I know I'm working a lot right now... ...Starting on something new. SidDogg
  4. Another WWI vet gone

  5. Happy Birthday

  6. A little more Phun with Phantoms, I suppose... Out to Get 'Em. ...Put 'em as low as you dare. Off the target...WHEW, look at the time! I think I snuck away fair and square... Out of the fray. ...And Finally, Home Free. SidDogg
  7. It's Major Lee's Birthday!

    Happy Birthday there!!! Do you know when the old website will be up again??? I miss the old mods... SidDogg
  8. Man, that's from WAY back lol I was in work long ago, but I'll get it finished. SidDogg
  9. A bit more striking. funny story. the computer froze, RIGHT after i took these... SidDogg
  10. ...Nice night for a deep strike... ...Just thought the pictures were pretty. SidDogg
  11. .....Any Takers? does one even exist? SidDogg
  12. Kinda liked this when I took it this morning. So I thought I would post. SidDogg
  13. hello. quick question. how do I "delete" past uploaded attachments? it seems I have finally reached my limit... SidDogg
  15. Canopies are all finished. Just an example... Just gotta finish everything else, then I'm done with this one. NOTE:HD means "HD". [unlimited setting for best viewing purposes...] Might release for Series 1, as well... SidDogg
  16. ... o-OOOHHH HELLLL NOOO!!!!! ...sunn, what is---what is up with y--w--what? SidDogg
  17. ...This is true. However, in accordance with the AI Config, some pilots tend to stick around till their clips are empty... #thatisall SidDogg
  18. I forget to mention, You WILL end up at low altitude... The improtant thing is to UNLOAD and get your speed up, 400 to 500KIAS. then BANK HARD AND PULL INTO THAT SUCKER right when you get below 400KIAS, speed will go down a bit more anyway. you just have to release the load from the wing right then... Before long, your speed ought to fluctuate around 400KIAS while banking and reversing the whole time. Now the way you get him OUT FRONT... is to watch his bank. From what I have seen, he usually follows 2 to 3 seconds after you do yours... Use your rudder in conjunction to SNAP that bird the other way, RIGHT BEFORE the cross...then check speed and pull accordingly... In the beginning, you were trying to keep up with him. By now, he will have begun to gradually fixate upon your reversals... ...And try to keep up with you. In the saddle. However, being supersmart Mr. SuperAI that he is, he never seems to push the envelope there...wise guy. Once he is THERE...RIGHT at the cross...and you're in his rear, usually at a lower altitude... He gets the gist, and tends to go for broke instead of reversing. Full back pressure, finish the turn hard. DON'T FOLLOW THAT. He's doing his thing. WE are doing OURS. While he's clawing his way out of assed-out-land, you should be able to at least get a BUNCH of speed on him... Enough to lose the burner during the next turn...and perhaps save some fuel I understand someone spoke of how fuel consumption is rather OVERLY modeled in favor of AI in-game... It seems to be the case in dogfights, as the MiG-19S only holds 1800kg clean... ...and the Phantom holds almost 3 TIMES that. Yeah, we know that the J79 was notorious for pigging out... But it's not like the RD-9 was any more efficient anyway. I mean, C'MON. And there's a TWIN set? I understand that it is smaller, but was it REALLY more fuel effficient? ...just sayin. SidDogg
  19. Well... gave a MiG-19S in-game a run for his money this morning at close quarters...in an F-4B to boot ...Until I looked back forward in the cockpit to find the drink straining upwards to do things to me :hie: I have found that the key is defensive scissors. And staying above 350KIAS. PREFERABLY 400 He might get on your tail quick...he might not. but when you get in to him, he's gonna turn hard. That's his forte. When it goes down, It's obvious we're not gonna do energy circles and just play with this guy. We wanna bleed his energy. So, we let him do his thing. But WE are GOING to do OURS. What I DO is stay with the burner and keep a centerline tank [kinda need that...] You see him on you, level off and get your speed up. maybe above 500 or so? PLEASE don't run. I'm not trying to sound asinine or douchy or overly prideful but...NOBODY F's America Your speed is above 450-500, he's on you, even at about 200 yards. BANK HARD AND PULL INTO THAT SUCKER Your Phantom CAN DO IT. Watch your airspeed bleed below 450, and release back pressure accordingly. Perhaps down to 4.5G? You'll find that when you're down to about 360KIAS, your craft can still barely sustain itself in a turn. That's the cutoff. You HAVE to unload from there. But by the time you do that...you find your little adversary has TERRBILE Angle-Off-Tail. Believe it. check six, check the paused views, check the map...it's ALL there. That's why you turn. instead of run. Get your speed up. Turn back the other way. Unload again when your speed is down. Get it up and reverse again. Before you know it...after a while, you're head-to-head with this guy at ridiculously close range. Floor it. EXTEND! Not too far. He'll just be on your tail again. Just enough to get your speed up and BANK HARD AND PULL INTO THAT SUCKER If another scissors doe not ensue thereafter, It's a head-to-head. Use that to make him turn hard for your rear. Because by that time...All the extra unloading time from extending just bought you enough speed to maneuver more... While he wastes energy turning hard just to get back behind you. You could even dabble a bit with moving vertically. If you do take the vertical option from this point...he'll try to get with you, but he has to unload at times, as well... From this point...you're either faster or up higher, and he's lower and slower. Anything goes... Just remember, he's got those burners, too. Make a move before your newfound advantage goes down the drain... ...just sayin. SidDogg
  20. ...can i just PM you? lol don't really have a site... SidDogg

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