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Everything posted by SidDogg

  1. ...nope. not Green Hell wouldn't you like to know, though? SidDogg
  2. Yeah, I see that. ...honestly, I'm getting into objects and TODs. I might just put up a fence... SidDogg
  3. .....seriously. What Blasphemy! SidDogg
  4. Ok. So I've tried all that... ...And things are beginning to look up. Not out of the woods yet, though... SidDogg
  5. TE Config ============================================ [TerrainEditor] SaveDirectory=Save BrowseDirectory=.. DEMDirectory=GTOPO30DEM SystemDirectory=System TerrainEngineDLL=TerrainEngine.dll GraphicsEngineDLL=GraphicsEngine.dll TextureListFile=TextureListWOE.ini CityListFile=CitiesWOE.ini [DEMImport] Size=1000 Resolution=1 Longitude=2.5000E Latitude=59.0000N MapScale=100 HeightScale=100 [HeightMap] MinLandHeight=1 [bitmapExport] HeightScale=10 [bitmapImport] HeightScale=10 MinLandHeight=1 [HeightMapColor] WaterColorRed=0 WaterColorGreen=0 WaterColorBlue=192 LandColorRed=96 LandColorGreen=160 LandColorBlue=96 MountainColorRed=96 MountainColorGreen=64 MountainColorBlue=48 [NewTerrain] MapSize=1000 HeightMapResolution=500 TileMapResolution=2000 [FractalGenerator] Scale=0.500000 Frequency=0.001700 [TerrainMesh] TextureThreshold=0.80 LowDetailMeshThreshold=0.50 MedDetailMeshThreshold=0.30 TileToHeightGridRatio=4 RenderMeshVertexCount=4096 RenderMeshIndexCount=6144 SolidObjectVertexCount=4096 SolidObjectIndexCount=6144 AlphaObjectVertexCount=2048 AlphaObjectIndexCount=3072 [HeightField] DetailScale=20.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terrain DATA ==================================================================== [TerrainMesh] TextureThreshold=0.80 LowDetailMeshThreshold=0.50 MedDetailMeshThreshold=0.30 TileToHeightGridRatio=4 RenderMeshVertexCount=4096 RenderMeshIndexCount=6144 SolidObjectVertexCount=4096 SolidObjectIndexCount=6144 AlphaObjectVertexCount=2048 AlphaObjectIndexCount=3072 ...what gives? SidDogg
  6. Hey. I found out something new. Has anyone ever had the height map pop up in squares in-game, like a grid? they look like trenches in between the squares. Kind of like little Hershey's bar pieces... You can actually see it in the third screenshot, where the hangars are at... SidDogg
  7. I've done all of that already. but no matter what...it still sinks underground. ...maybe it's because i apply textures first? I'll figure it out someday... SidDogg
  8. ...Am I a TRAMophile? ...I don't know. SidDogg
  9. ...so are there any importable TMF mirage 2000's out there? SidDogg
  10. .....Just playin' with the F-4S..... ...now on to TRAM..... SidDogg
  11. ...will it work for SF2 with same features?
  12. Those are supposed to be DEGREES, bud. I don't know why they're overentered with such excessive value... SidDogg
  13. mmmmmmm-MMM! that PAK-FA be havin me feelin some kind of way. that woman WAY better lookin than the J-20! SidDogg
  14. Sure thing, bud. It's more or less a matter of trial and error... Try these: tail_light pod_1 pod_2 details2 cylinder01 cylinder02 D3_vertical_stabilizer That should be it. I don't really see anything else that might be directly related. SidDogg
  15. Hello, All. Just a quick quiestion. Does anybody know of the A-7H's munitions capability, as opposed to other Corsairs? Input is much appreciated. SidDogg
  16. Major Dick Winters dies

    ...Now that's a real warrior right there... R.I.P. SidDogg
  17. ...how do you tweak that fly by view to zoom? SidDogg
  18. As some of you may have seen... I decided. To Ghost the f*** outta the Corsair... ...might upload. SidDogg
  19. the bloom does tend to take away from the sand's appearance... SidDogg
  20. DANG! ...how did you get the C-5's to show up? I never get any transports SidDogg

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