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Posts posted by SidDogg

  1. ...Alright, you freakin' PEOPLE!!!!!


    [all this Kitty talk...HA! :mad: ]


    Since nobody wanna do it, I freakin' did it. OKAY?! :dntknw:



    YEAR: 1986.


    PLAYER: F-14A + 2 x AIM-9P-1 + M61 20mm x 675. No tanks. [That's right. EFF a faceshot!]


    OPPONENT: MiG-23MF + 2 x AA-7 + Gsh23L 23mm x 200. No Tanks.



    Now, needless to say, these aircraft were iconic rivals, and still are today.


    So it is only proper (AND RIGHT) that they be represented in thread form.


    So we're behind each other in headed opposite directions at 16,000FT and about 400KTS. I cued up my weapons, switched to boresight, hit the burners, activated ECM and hit a 7G "reversal" turn hard to the left. It wasn't too long before we met each other head-on. He tried gunning at me, but there was too much separation. I had unloaded by the time THAT merge happened, so I hit another "reversal" to the left. he did the same, but apparently failed to maintain his corner speed. The F-14, obviously, turns at its tightest between 350-450KTS. So as I approached these speeds from bleeding off energy, I come around to at least put my nose on him, only to find this freakin guy not gettin with the program. He has me held of at nearly a perfect 90 degrees AOT. So I unload behind him at about 350KTS. Suffice it to say, we've lost about 5,000FT in altitude by now...maybe when he hit his instantaneous turn, he must have overpulled, because he looked like his energy was WAY down. I continued my left turn, once I got to about 450KTS. Just as my nose came around on him again...I caught him leveling off to unload. I managed to put my nose on his tail so I could level my wings and go all out. We're about a minute into the fight. I closed to within 2NM, that took about 10 seconds. My Sidewinder had locked on by then, so I threw it at him. For the first time since the merge, he seemed to have his energy right, because he made a hard turn to the right at the right moment, and straight spoofed it...No countermeasures. So, of course being in full burner still, I just throttle back a bit and follow him through. He had leveled his wings again after about a 90-degree right turn to evade, and I caught him again. This time, I'm much closer, so I fire my last Sidewinder. It hit him above and behind the right wing, just as he tried to reverse back to the left. That's when he started losing speed and going out of control.


    And I flew past him.


    I don't think we even broke 10,000FT during that fight.....hmmm. Impressive. :yes:


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