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Posts posted by SidDogg

  1. Well.....


    Purchased the LAST original copy of Strike Fighters: Project 1, sometime in 2003.....went for $15 at an EB's. :good:


    Seeing as it featured aircraft like the F-100 and A-4, it greatly intrigued me...previously, I only flew those on MSFS. :haha:


    ...soon I began browsing around for websites, and I found SFP101.NET. Downloaded a few things...


    Really began to get into the game some more, and that's when I found a hey website, named BIOHAZCENTRAL...


    I also found that it had the most of everything out of this community, and after countless exploits and adventures, I joined in late 2004...


    ...soon after, it became CombatACE. :biggrin:


    I've been here ever since..... :rolleyes:

  2. What do you expect from the same people that think the greatest thing to hit naval aviation is the Super Bug. They needed a name to differientiate it from the baby Hornet in the pattern and the F-4 wasn't around anymore... an unimaginative name for an unimaginative aircraft. I can think of a hundred other names to call it but they had to take the nickname of a known cool plane as if the SH could be cool by proxy... They should have left the Rhino moniker with the F-4.




    well, if you look at it another way...


    ...unlike the Legacy Hornet, the Super Bug has a FAR more imposing appearance, all around, if not straight muscular like the Tomcat's.


    perhaps that's how this dubbing came to be around once more... :dntknw:


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