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Posts posted by SidDogg

  1. ...NEGATIVE. :nono:


    ...what is that movie, anyway? :huh:


    Look, all I know is, the Person Below Me absolutely LUUUUUVS the Ultra Sabre... :kiss:


    [sometimes I have thoughts of marryin that b***h..... :rolleyes: ]

  2. This thread serves as an interesting insight into the process of freeware model development by a team with different disciplines. So in that light, I'll be regularly updating it as I continue to work on the SupaBug. There will be a few things left as a surprise (can't give away everything...) but hopefully this will serve as an educational experience for most of our members.


    Current update: AGM rails are too big...resizing is necessary, which requires altering the weapon stations. In addition, the ARM and SAHM missiles won't mount with just rails...they need their own separate pylons. Minor work there.


    Also, just found out spoilers are 'cut' the wrong way...totally missread the diagram they were based on! So they'll have to be recut out of the mesh.


    Finally, the more I look at the flaps, the more I notice they seem to not only rotate, but 'translate' when extended. So they're going to probably be hard coded on the animation.


    So, lots of progress, but lots of revision needed.



    ...They DO translate in real life. by a few inches... :ok:

  3. If really pressed for time and you are on your way home, just ESC and that's it. If anything, i NEVER use autopilot unless i'm close to base and need a break.



    One question about Uber AI (for WOE)...Does it dumb down the enemy or does it improve the guys in your squadron?


    see, that's what I've been wondering...


    as far as I've seen, apparenty they don't do too well in a dogfight unless the aircraft is superb.


    [NO LIE :yes: ]

  4. lol gotcha :good:


    Because if you can get me non classified shots, it would be nice :smile:, since my best source at Alert 5 got removed, so I have a limited amount now and need stuff for detailing and stuff.


    Well, for starters...


    Dude was right about the tanks...


    I swear, them s**t's are big enough for 2 people to F in... :huh:


    and the aircraft CAN carry Multiple Ejector Racks, but only for Inert Training munitions...


    and since you guys are worried about Weapons Loadout groups and what not...


    you might as well find a way to hard-code the ATFLIR to the left Sparrow station, IF YOU WANT TO...


    although detachable, it seldom gets taken off...think of it as the Poor Man's F-14 TCS...


    as far as weapon racks go, stay with the BRU-55 Double Rack for double loads of Mk-82 and Mk-83 bombs, as well as all manner of retarded and cluster munitions.


    and of course, you probably know of the AIM-9X...


    and one question about the landing gears-----do they have a functioning spring animation? :dntknw:


    I was just figuring, perhaps you've seen it on video...

  5. I understand exactly what you're saying bud. I must say that I've been tossing coins as to which squadron to assign to the Midway. But to answer your question; normally in peacetime there'd be the two squadrons aboard. But what I'm trying to achieve here is the premise that war's broken out in Europe between East and West, so resources are pretty tight. Basically the US is just throwing whatever it can muster (hence the deployment of VMFA-333 on Midway also.

    What I'm trying to achieve here really is a friendly side that's more outnumbered than it would've been in previous SF2 campaigns. Hence the reduced number of USAF/USN/USMC squadrons. That's why I haven't added both squadrons to Midway. Don't know if you have already but check out my campaign intro text that I have on the previous page of this discussion.


    .....uotnumbered? that's simple.


    just up the number of enemy squadrons :dntknw:


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