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Posts posted by SidDogg

  1. Hum, I just checked: my NAVY (single) missions in SF2V still start on the ground and not on the carrier..... :dntknw: (V and NA mergerd, single mod-folders)


    You have to go to VietnamSEA.INI and put in NavalMap=TRUE


    Then, find your VietnamSEA Water Map BMP, and Insert "Friendly" water areas.


    Copy the green color From IcelandNA's Water Map BMP, and apply it to VietnamSEA's Water Map in any shape or size you like.







  2. Oh, man. Ticos are my blue water crack. Next to a sim with the F-14 in it, my greatest desire was a new sim involving command of an Aegis cruiser. I have your originals already working and showing up in single missions. This update looks sweet!


    BTW, USS Port Royal and a lot of the other Ticos are getting coral blue anti-fouling paint as they come in for refits. This can be seen in the added picture.



    It's sad. The USN is going to retire the 6 ships that don't have BMDS and one other that requires extensive and expensive hull repairs next year because of fiscal budget cuts. Cross your fingers, this is tentative and if certain things improve, the retirements may be pushed back or not occur at all.


    ...Oh my.


    I wonder when Cowpens and Shiloh will get those...







  3. I think the water is much improved from previous games. It's got reflection, a decent amount of wave action... Certainly Atlantic could be represented better, but since this is not a ship/sub sim, I'm not sweating over it. Actually pretty happy with what we got.


    Now, if we ever got the chance to deal with those shaders, we could REPRESENT some 10-20 foot seas!










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