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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. 300 The Movie

    I do have to admit that my wife's cat has been held up and had "THI IS SPARTA" yelled in its face. My wife keeps askiing me if it will end soon. Poor cat just sits there.
  2. Museum Tomcats Siezed

    one of the main reasons for her being put out to pasture $$$$$$$$$$.The manhours per flight hour for an F-14 are astronomical compared to a Hornet/Super hornet. After all we know the military always does things in the most fiscally and logical way. besides the bomber/missile threat to the navy isn't what it was in the past.
  3. Museum Tomcats Siezed

    I just watched a history channel doc on the f-14 retirement and the need for security because Iran needs the parts and low and behold they screw up. Be afraid be very afraid for right now Iranians are scouring all air museums throughout the country looking for an F-14 to strip.
  4. I PLAY. You guys are great and much appreciated. I love the things you do. I dload em, install em and play em. KEEP IT UP. and much thanks.
  5. 300 The Movie

    The movie is based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller (Sin City, The Dark Knight Returns and more). The movie adapts his stroy which is told in comic book form. this results in the colors and tone of the movie. Take it for what it is and enjoy. It is also coming out in IMAX.

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