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About HornetHandler

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    Miramichi, Canada


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  1. How to check FPS

    Thank you Crusader, That's exactly what I needed. I use to have a button programmed on my throttle but for some reason I changed it during my last update. Thanks again. Jeff
  2. Hello I know this is a dumb question but I cannot find the answer anywhere. Could someone please tell me which key to press during flight to see the FPS. I thought it was shift F but that does not work for me. Thanks. Jeff
  3. Missing Mavericks

    Thank you jtin and Wrench. I already had a separate install for WOV but then I tried to merge everything together in one install. I agree with you guys and I will do separate installs. Thank you for your help! Much appreciated. Jeff
  4. Missing Mavericks

    Thank you Tristan for the fast reply. No, I have not installed this pack yet as I am afraid it may screw up my YAP files. Does anyone know for sure if this pack will overwrite necessary YAP files? Thanks again. Jeff
  5. Hello I was wondering if someone could help me find out what happened to my AGM-65 Mavericks. Whenever I decide to take the A-10 for a hop I have no Mavericks available in the load out screen. Actually I have not noticed any Mavericks lately in any aircraft loadout screens. Since merging WOE to WOV I've added YAP missions 1-10 and Nato Fighters I & II. I obviously overwrote some file somewhere but I do not know where to start looking. BTW I now do backups before installing any new files. Sure hope someone can help. Thanks. Jeff

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