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About Peace878

  1. Hey people, im a Combat Simulator fan /freak. Years ago i played the Janes F-15 and Janes F-18 Superhornet and then after years Lock on. But i think Lock on sucks. The campaing missions are total s**t and the ai wingmans just copie yr manouveurs. I dont like the radio and the whole radio funk and communications in the game totally unrealistic and cheap. And what i think without a cockpit mouse where you cant klick things is s**t too. Only tastatur shortcuts are not good. i want a good flightsimulator with graphics like lock on , but with cockpits where you can push every button on full realism with realistic traffic and communications and good campaign missions and a better menu for the game and not like in Lock On. Im totally dissapointed from Lock on. The Janes Combat Simulations in the old times are and were the best ones. And lock on theres not really the weather realistic even changes were you are flying. Wind in the campaigns is turned off. You cant really do things in Lock on. Lock on has a big filelist and many downloads for the game but most of them are only bulls**t. Sry people (ich bin verzweifelt) People help combat simulators are dead just ww2 sim are alive. Does anybody know if theres a good combat simulation coming up next??? MFG

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