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Posts posted by emenance

  1. My plan was to leave it up for a few weeks so the stragglers get the news, then pull it down. I'm still trying to decide how to handle it, as there is a lot of good info that I hate to just see disappear into the ether. I've also had several people express interest in taking it over, and I'm weighing those options. Unfortunately I've been too busy this week to spend much time on thinking about it. I hope to have some sort of announcement/decision in the next few days.


    As for withering away and lack of participation, that's one of the reasons I decided to pull it in the first place. This is not something that just happened since the announcement, it's been going on for months. If it depresses you to come, then by all means, no one is twisting your arm... ;)



    someone should just simply take it over , I mean all it is is content and if someone else is willing to keep the info alive then it would be the best thing to do. Just deleteing things something alot of people enjoy doesnt make sence to me. :search:


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