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Everything posted by lindr2
lindr2 replied to Veltro2k's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Thank you for GOOD grey skin, Thundercheif !!! after small work on this in photoshop, i made blueskin http://www.filefactory.com/file/af54f2g/n/SovietBlue_rar -
Fiddler WIP
lindr2 replied to ErikGen's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
It was a unique airplane, I have read recently: R-4R,T has max turn rate 21G max beam elevation tu-128 radar was 70Deg, well trained pilots can launch missles with AoA up to 40 Deg, it means tu-128 can attack low speed planes at 80-100 Deg Hi, this was proved on test, source say. -
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Su-27S - Radar N001V or N001VP 'Panda' max Loadout 6000Kg. Su-27P - same that Su-27 P - Perekhvatchik { Intercepter } Used on AirDef System, any A-G weapons removed {not always}, Radar N001 'Mech' -
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Su-33color tables http://begemotdecals.ru/doc/48-007%20Su-33.pdf You can buy full HQ decals on http://begemotdecals.ru/catalog.php?lang=2 -
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
For skin creators -
su-24 grey skin
lindr2 replied to thundercheif's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - File Announcements
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
KUB: K-Korabel'ny - Carrier Based, U - Uchebno - Trainer, B - Boyevoy - Combat capable; ALL Letters get unique info; P.S -> 76IAP Thank You! Combat capable = GOOD :yes: -
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
now it's just for EASY designaton + RECLAME, let's imagine: MiG-27K is MiG-23BMK, and MiG-27ML is MiG-23BMML. or Su-32FN - Su-27BFN MiG-29M has new wing & tail + new control computer, provide full controlled flight up to 30 Deg AoA, it's almost new plane; in WWII we have LaGG-3(66-th serie), Pe-2(359-th serie) also not so good; -
Скачал МИг-29 хотел полетать, на затем взял себя в руки от крыл конфигурационные файлы и понял, что до полетов далеко придестся денек поковыряться, например какие нафиг AHM EOGR и AHM на ранних Мигах? Про надписи на ИЛС я не говорю - обдолбаный LOMAC живет и побеждает, несмотря не на что: отсканированные страницы РЛЭ, перевод и на аглицкий и т.д. А главное: в качестве руководства они использовали таблицы настроек МИг-29 от Falcon4! хотя есть НОРМАЛЬНЫЕ ДОКУМЕНТЫ!!! Нет конечно 3D моделисты и FM ребята знают свое дело, спору нет летать будет гладко - на насколько реально? Главное есть люди способные помочь, зачем же в позу вставать. Я не собираюсь их учить как F-16 делать...
Спасибо GR Viper, это на ирано-иракских я нашел на ких-то остальных тоже есть косячок А бегемот так миг-29 не и сделал пока http://begemotdecals.ru/catalog.php?lang=1 я оттуда карты размещения, цветовые карты и описание скачал, и остальным советую... кто скины рисует, тем кто хочет сделать высокачественные скины оружия и оружие рекоммендую эту книгу 'Авиационные средства поражения' МО РФ 1995. там подробные чертежи деталей и описание маркировки боеприпасов по видам и годам выпуска. http://www.onlinedisk.ru/file/100577/
AGM-12 Bullpup: How to use?
lindr2 replied to eburger68's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
Try nuclear version - AGM-12D, right? [WeaponData426] TypeName=AGM-12D FullName=AGM-12D Bullpup-B Guided Missile (Nuclear) ModelName=AGM-12C Mass=810.000000 Diameter=0.420000 Length=4.140000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1963 EndYear=1983 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=8 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1963 ExportEndYear=1993 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=TRUE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=NukeExplosionEffect ReleaseDelay=0.500000 WarheadType=14 Explosives=15000000.000000 FusingDistance=10.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=2 Accuracy=60 MaxTurnRate=4.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=80 LaunchReliability=80 ArmingTime=4.000000 SeekerFOV=46.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=46.000000 SeekerTrackRate=11.000000 SeekerRange=20000.000000 MinLaunchRange=5000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=16000.000000 Duration=150.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=10.000000 BoosterAccel=6.070000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.600000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.600000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightFlareEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 -
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
no, Erwin story is MiG-21P -> MiG-21PF ->MiG-21PFS-> MiG-21PFM P- is Perekhvatchik - intercepter, F - new engine {Forsirovanny - Forced}, M- Modernizirovanny - Updated; S - Sloy - Boundary layer blowing system MiG-21PF-V - Vetnam version; MiG-21PFMA - Cuba version; MiG-21FL - EXPORT version MIG-21PF (simplified version for non-WP countries) Other example: MiG-21SM, S - Sapfir radar, M- Modernizirovanny - Updated; MiG-21M - export version MiG-21S; MiG-21MF - export version MiG-21SM; SO EASY... if know Russian language; -
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Small serie Su-27M / Su-35 in serivice since 1992; UB - is Uchebno-Boyevoy - 2 seat Trainer - combat plane; Su-35UB (2000) ; model name - T-10UM, based on Su-35, not on Su-35BM http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/su35ub.html Belarus working on Su-27UBM1 probram ; model name - T-10UM-1 {Su-27UB updated to Su-30KN standart}, first planes showed in 2005; http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/su27ubm1.html Su-27M renamed to Su-35 in 1992; Model name -> T-10M http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/su35.html Su-35BM {Bol'shaya Modernisatsya - BiG Update} - It's NEW plane; Model name -> T-10BM http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/su35bm.html Some planes has 2 or more names: Su-17M3 - Su-19 MiG-27 - MiG-23BM Su-34 - Su-32 - Su-27B; Model name -> T-10B -
It's not Easy - too many errors {need to se ORIGINAL pics, you have this?} ОСТЧТСВИЕ -may be ОТСУТСТВИЕ - {absence} НАЩИМЕ - i don't know can't imagine anyting ЩАЯА - i don't know, may be ЩЕЛИ - {crack,slot,slit} sorry, i can't read words like LKKHFR or NJHFDF, need the ORIGINAL pics.
Su-27 Family WIP
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
BEGEMOT - high-quality decals for scale models {much more su-27 family decals, } PDF Instruction sheet, some with color tables IS FREE URL: http://begemotdecals.ru/catalog.php?lang=2 Example -
scr-shot for example OK! Thank You for answers, i hope we will solve all problems.
OK! no talking about mission radius, it'a very variable value, i have MiG-29 book about this ~ 200 pages. i you have ORIGINAL MANUALS, interpretation not requered, maybe Falcon 4 data & ORIGINAL is identical, maybe but during convertation many problems can be occured transation error, iunits convertion errors [your data in non-metric units] ect. USING ORIGINAL MANUALS IS MORE EASY WAY. for fuselage it's reasonable, maybe. but wing fuel tanks shold have max 320 kg on each, it's important. At anyway biggest problem is loadout: 9-12 {for internal use, non updated} can use 2BR in innerpylons only, max loadout 2000kg, max real life loadout 16700kg, no AHM, no R-27-ER, no R-27T, no EOGR, no FT on wings. for 9-13 loadout increased to 3200KG & on wings FT allowed, & 2BR can be mounted on 4 pylons; for 9-13S AHM introdused loadout increased to 4000KG 9-13SD,SE can carry 8 x FAB-500, loadout increased to 4500KG About skins, sorry guys, skin desings in beatyfull, but i can't understang one thing: why captions is wrong? You can ask us [russians] for this, it's so easy... When ravenclaw_007 worked at UB-16 & ub-32, he asked my about pod captions, it was 15 min deal. MiG-29 is GOOD project, but detais are important, iy's not rivet counting, i always talking abour serious things... about moments of inertia { i have some formulaes} You set for mig-29 9-12 EmptyInertia=197413.39,30260.70,203674.09, Mig-29 empty W - 10900kg ReferenceSpan=11.10 ReferenceLength=17.32 but for F-15c EmptyInertia=161708.0,28137.7,216005.0 EmptyMass=12973.0 ReferenceSpan=13.05 ReferenceLength=19.43 for f-16A EmptyMass=6607.59 EmptyInertia=96709.43,14059.72,100769.15 ReferenceSpan=9.15 ReferenceLength=14.52 for f-16 & F-15 i see the LOGIC, were is the logic for MiG-29 9-12? i tested 'unpatched' MiG-29 -> A-4 killed some of them by gunfire, it's REAL THING? Of course i understand, what making FM model is very difficult work. I know it on own not so successful experience about an MiG-29BM.
а ну все понятно, не в свое дело полез, хотя я читал профеесиональный анализ его романов, мягко говоря - ФАНТАСТ. Ghost recon моды мне нравятся, особенно 'Brothers in arms' или мод по WW2, но flashpoint круче!, его недаром его разработчики симулятор для армии сша сделали.
Soviet next generation aircrafts
lindr2 replied to Erwin_Hans's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Sci-Fi/Anime/What If Forum
Soviet plans - Upgrating All MiG-29 (9-12 & 9-13) to 9-13S standart, 1100-1200 from 1388 producted will be upgrated in 1990-1993, then in second stage GM-mode will be added in 1992-1995; {last 9-12 for internal use producted in 1986} - MiG-29M, 'Mig-33' - export version can be in serial production in 1994-1998 full GM mode include guided weapons, then will be chaged by MiG-35-1 & Mig-35-2 - MiG-29K for Ulianovsk - can be in serial production in 1993-1999, then will be changed naval version MiG-35 - Su-27M can be in serial production 1992-1998 then will be upgated to Su-37/Su-35BM version - Su-30 serial prodution 1992-1997 then upgrate to to FULL A-G capablity; - Su-34 in serial production in 1995-2002 must replace all Su-24 - Su-24M2 not planned, Su-24 must be replaced by Su-34 - Su-25TM in serial producton 1993-2000 then?, i dont know - Yak-141 1990-? - Tu-22M3 upgade in 1995, creating Long range interceptor based on Tu-22M3, with 400km range AHM & passive H Anty-AWACS missiles to escort TU-22M3 formations western interceptors can be destroyed on takeoff - Mig-31M - 1992-2000, then ?, - MiG-31D anty-sattelite missile 1993-? - Mig-27K upgrate to use Kh-31 1990-1992 - Il-102 - 1992? -
Кокпит вроде не МФ делали, а человек, который Миг-21 кокпит делал, черт забыл как зовут, ему ГРОМАДНЫЙ респект - сделал, все, что мог. В основном был виноват момент инерции, как я уже говорил: правила должны быть для всех одинакоми, нельзя ставить Су-27 угол устойчивости 15 градусов, нельзя считать момент инерции для русских самолетов исходя из макс взлетного веса, а для своих из нормального, нельзя, если хочешь сделать самолет а не мишень. Есть еще вопрос: при выполнении петли самолет выходит с креном, надо посмотреть внимательно, я правда баки пересчитал, там слишком много топлива в крылья залили. Реально там 320 кг в каждом при плотности 0.8. Примерчик: F-16I я отстрелил ему левое крыло, - все равно летит...
У буржуев стон стоит http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...iew=getlastpost - помогите, сбивают... А я проблему маневренности решил, F-5E с Sidewinner AIM-9L из пушки валил. правда обнаружил неприятную проблему: летали в восьмером на МиГ-29 9-13 над Европой, перехват пво легкое - сбили 7 атакующих и 8 прикрытия, одного из атакующих сбило ПВО. В воздушном бою потерял 2 мига, но еще 2 разбились по неизвестной причине - надо разбираться больше пока такого не было. Посмотрел скины в лупу - ну да, Русский - не РОДНОЙ!
J-35 Draken pack (A,B,BS,D,FS,J,OE,F.35)
lindr2 replied to Dave's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - File Announcements
it's Ja-37 Viggen Pack {Xplane} panel from http://gsainz.free.fr/pages/mirror_homepag.html -
lindr2 replied to Veltro2k's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
...and to 43 OMShAE Crimea, 'Gvardeiskoye' Russian Naval / Military Base, replaced Su-17M4 in 1999-2001 Su-24 [serie 15+ [18] ] Moved from Ostrov Base to Crimea in 2000 -
lindr2 replied to Veltro2k's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
No, i think T-60 ЦАГИ [TsAGI] (1977-1981) is BEST... :yes: -
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