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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. Обновленная FM для Миг-29БМ, смотрим тестируем... старые значения в скобках принимаю помощь от всех P.S. легко достиг 1200 км.ч на 12000 метров, раньше было 600, по моему это прогресс.. все углы закрылок, элеронов, рулей выставил как в рук-ве двигатели потавил как в книге. нужен совет по хар-кам сопр от угла атаки в книге только подьем сила от уг. а.

    массу на пилоне добавь - надо 530кг хотя бы. А вообще HUD надо делать и новую авионику, может потом займусь. Хотя хар-ки радара вреде парень правильные поставил, то ли мой pdf файл таки прочитал или еще где нашел.
  3. Я переработам FM миг-29 в соответствии книгой практическая аэродинамика сегодня буду тестировать, также почто готов Ту-4 пак Ту-4, Ту-4К, Ту-4А, Ту-4Р, H-4, H-4A, KJ-1 заметил странную вещь мощность поршевых двигателей на домножить на 2 чтобы получить положенную скорость, когда поставил диам. винтов для ту-4 5,06м они остановились, типо землю задевают, дальше больше когда уменьшил до 4.56 самолет затацелал на полосеб убрал инфо и диаметре винтов из двигателя №1 все заработало- бред какой-то, тяги двигатьелей едва хватает, чтобы взлететь с полным баком и 4т бомб, хотя они уиножены на 2, бред какой-то !!! Скачал Су-27СМ, Су-47 от Эрвина, буду проверять... Су-39 пока не смотрел, не знаю что там сделано.
  4. Tu-22 BRIEF History (no prototypes, no 22M) include some planes SN (for skin modders) Tu-22A(B) - 15 planes engines 2xVD-7M SLThrustDry=102900.0 SLThrustWet=156800.0 max speed 1510 kmph, ceiling 14700 m BomBs 250-9000KG 12000KG max loadout (up to 24 FAB-250 or 1 FAB-9000) 'Rubin' radar no RWR 1959 - 5 planes SN: 2019012 (101), 3019022 (102), 4029011 (201), 5029025 (202), 1029034 (203), 1960 – 10 planesSN ?(204), 2039012 (301), 3039022 (302), 4039031 (303), 5039045 (304), 1039054 (305) Tu-22R - Recon plane engines 2xVD-7M (RD-7M-2 since 1965) cameras: AFA-40, AFA-41/20, AFA-42/20, AFA-42/75, AFA-42/100 и NAFA-75. 'Rubin' Radar RWR added (Sirena-3) 1960 - 3 planes, 1961-62 – 28, 1963 – 33, 1964 – 37, 1965 – 11, 1966 – 5, 1967 – 10, 1968 – 16, 1969 – 4 in 1975-1980 all flyalbe Tu-22R were updated to Tu-22RM Tu-22RK - same that R, but has 'Kub' electonic recon system updated to RD level in 1975-80 Tu-22RD recon plane - 31 planes added refueling system,RD-7M-2 engines SLThrustDry=107800.0 SLThrustWet=161700.0 RWR (Sirena-3) 'Kub' radar recon system in production since 1965 SN 3083012 in 1981-1984 all flyable RD were updated to RDM Tu-22RDK - updated RK (in 1975-80) Tu-22RM - updated 'R' , 'Shompol' (sime view Radar, same at MiG-25RBSh) ECM SPS-151(152,153), ASO-2I CM (chaffs) 'TangaZh', 'Osen'' Pods RWR (Sirena-3) in service since 1975 Tu-22RDM recon plane, updated RD Radars: 'Rubin-1A', 'Shompol' (sime view, same at MiG-25RBSh) ECM SPS-151(152,153), ASO-2I CM (chaffs) in service since 1981 Tu-22P-1 ECM plane engines 2xVD-7M SPS-44, SPS-55,half SPS-4M,half SPS-5M, RWR (on all P's) Tu-22P-2 SPS-77,half SPS-4M,half SPS-5M, SPS-5M in P-2 pod, 2x APP-22 Tu-22P-4 SPS-22-70, SPS-33-70 и SPS-5M in P-4 pod, SPS-6, APP-22 Tu-22P-6 SPS-22-70, SPS-44-70 и 2xHalF SPS-5M In P-6 pod, SPS-6, APP-22 Tu-22P-7 SPS-22-70, SPS-55-70 и 2xHalF SPS-5M In P-6 pod, SPS-6, APP-22 Tu-22P all planes: 1960 – 2 planes, 1961-62 – 1, 1964 – 5, 1965 – 9, 1966 – 10, 1967 – 10, 1968 – 2, 1969 – 11. Tu-22K 'PN' radar (500KM range) 1 Kh-22 missile (Kh-22, Kh-22P,Kh-22PSI) engines 2xVD-7M has added RWR (Sirena-3) 1960 – 2, 1961-62 – 2, 1963 – 3, 1964 – 2, 1965 – 10, 1966 – 20, 1967 – 20, 1968 – 9, 1969 – 1 Tu-22KD 'PN' radar (500KM range) 1 Kh-22 missile (Kh-22, Kh-22P,Kh-22PSI) engines 2xVD-7M-2 RWR (Sirena-3) added refueling system engines 2xVD-7M (RD-7M-2 since 1965) 72 PLANES Tu-22U trainer 1960 – 3, 1961-62 – 2, 1964 – 5, 1965 – 5, 1966 – 5, 1967 – 10 Tu-22UD trainer has refueling system 33 planes NOTES: Engines: TSFCM0=0.800 TSFCM1=1.200 (VD(RD)-7M); TSFCM0=0.73 TSFCM1=1.200 (RD-7M-2) All Tu-22 has R-23 turret (removed only on some latest R & P in 1980-1985): Recon cameras data & all modifications kh-22 data placed in my weapon pack part 4 All K & R & P series planes can be corverted to bombers (after few days work)... Kh-22 & Kh-22M family has cruise altitude 22000 m, N family 12500-22000 m in 197~ late production planes (R & P) were updated ECM SPS-151(152,153) mounted, in late 197~ early 198~ flare pod forASO-2I was mounted at all planes Turret data: [TailGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION SeatID=2 GunnerID=1 PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position= 0.26,14.25,0.88 MinExtentPosition= 0.55,13.80,-0.42 MaxExtentPosition= 0.10,14.61, 1.10 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Base YawModelNodeName=Gun_Turret GunRange=2000 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=30 MinPitch=-30 DefaultPitchAngle=15 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=45 MaxYaw=210 MinYaw=150 DefaultYawAngle=180 // Internal Guns --------------------------------------------------------- [TailGun] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=23MM_R23 MuzzlePosition=0.00,-13.79,-0.19 MaxAmmo=500 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=10 GunnerID=1 MinExtentPosition=-0.25,-15.54,-0.51 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,-14.72, 0.23 You still read?
  5. "...For protecting from MSL with IR seeker in tail part of fuselage of airplane mounted the station of optical-electronical noise "Sukhogruz" - powerful caesium lamp with an energy consumption 6 KW creates amplitude-modulated noise, jammering IR seeker." Russian internet.
  6. Drawings for ref: Su-25 Su-25 loadout Su-25T Su-25T loadout Ethiopian Su-25T during 1998-2000 Wars (Russian pilots flyed on th. planes, In 2008 the Russian participants of war 2000 considered veterans and get the proper payments from the state.) Su-39
  7. Ok! no need references, i read my info again. You'r right. But how about 'Suhogruz' IR noise generator. Have idea how to create this?
  8. Can you write readme in english? I'm russian, i can read this, but others can't read on Czech language.
  9. In Afganistan chaffs was not needed. Su-25 has 8 places for mount CM. You can mount Chaffs or flares on each place. But main protective factor for Su-25 is armor 10 - 24 mm total ~ 1100-1500 Kg
  10. About flares for su-39: Su-25 normally use 4 X ASO-2V flare dispensers - total 128 flares, in cause heavy AD (in Afganistan for example) used 4 additional ASO-2V on engines nac. Total: 256 flares Su-25T & TM & SM also have special IR noise system, created during afganistan war.
  11. Erwin Hans send me new version of su-39 cockpit - it's GREAT!

    Wiem o trzech rakietach dla S-300 1) krizis zrobił 5V55R 2) 101FS zrobił HHQ-9 3) w nowym WP jestem SA_10B_grumble_miSSILE, a oto tego autora nie znam, to ktoś z Mirage Factory.
  13. Do you have this problem ? I found that engine No-1 have incorrect thrust angle. And i fix this by ThrustAngles=0.0,90.0,0.0 Or it's only my problem?
  14. Projekty

    ja jak długo o to nie myślał, należy popracować z FM. Krizis powiedział że nie ufa charakterystykom silnika. tę godzinę on przerabia silniki dla MiG-23 i 25.
  15. Not so easy: first pics is Su-25T, but second is Su-39(Su-25TM). For use MY VERSION of vikhr (9M127/9M127M) make steps : -download my WP part 4 install LOD & BMP or use AOCbravo big pack; -add data from NEW_weapons.INI [WeaponData0105] TypeName=9M127 FullName=9M127 Vikhr AT Missile ..... - add LGR, ATR class to [LeftWingStation2b], [LeftWingStation3b], [RightWingStation2b], [RightWingStation3b] open data.ini add: [Fuselage] SystemName[xxx]=LD [LD] SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR CameraFOV=1.00000 CameraPosition=0.000000,7.125000,0.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 //SightTexture=Cabina\RADAR\TV-Target.tga EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=20.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=80.000000 SearchFOV=1.000000 SearchTexture=Cabina\RADAR\TV-Target.tga open loadout .ini add: Loadout[xx].WeaponType=9M127 Loadout[xx].Quantity=6 Loadout[xx].RackType=9K121LP_8 Loadout[xx].WeaponType=9M127 Loadout[xx].Quantity=6 Loadout[xx].RackType=9K121LP_8 or Loadout[xx].WeaponType=9M127 Loadout[xx].Quantity=6 Loadout[xx].RackType=9K121LP_6 Loadout[xx].WeaponType=9M127 Loadout[xx].Quantity=6 Loadout[xx].RackType=9K121LP_6
  16. Mercuriy is night navigation & targeting pod... I don't know one thing: can be Mercuriy used at one time with Kopyo-25 Radar pod or not?
  17. Minor bugs: Hangar screen must be resized to 1024x768 in data [Canopy1] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=5.0 //-> Setting[1].RetractValue=10.0 //<- MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=3 in avionics: [TextureData] RadarTexture=cockpit\F-15_radar.bmp RadarAGTexture=cockpit\F-16A_radarPPI.bmp <- add this, this file is WOI part RWRTexture=cockpit\RWR.bmp EOTexture= RadarTextureSize=256 [RadarData] AvailableModes=SEARCH,TWS,STT,ACM,TV,GM [RadarDisplayGM] to Erwin: your new Su-39 cockpit is GREAT !!!
  18. i think more better is [Canopy1] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=5.0 //-> Setting[1].RetractValue=10.0 //<- MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=3
  19. подредакировал еще FM, вот что вышло MIG_29BM_DATA.rar
  20. Projekty

    Zredagowałem FM dla MiG-29BM, teraz latać będzie lekko, jeśli wam jest końcowe to ciekawie ... MIG_29BM_DATA.rar
  21. No way man, 'Miracle' it's not a Terrain following pod name. Su-24 is 'Pod'diest plane ~ 10-15 different pod created for Su-24 '- Fantasmagoria', 'Tangazh', 'Zima', 'Efir', 'Sakhalin' and others. At any way Pods created for Su24 & JH-7A is too big & heavy for Su-39...
  22. 6 view drawings of Tu-95MS with slices http://depositfiles.com/files/7b8gxfuxi or http://www.filefactory.com/file/58dc38/n/1...ezhiTu-95MS_zip

    spróbuj oto to http://www.filefactory.com/file/ca8384/n/GroundObject_rar , u mnie wszystko pracuje P .S. dla MiG-29BM [LeftWing] ..... ;Cmq=-0.8369 ;Cmad=-0.8878 Cmq=-0.1369 Cmad=-0.1878 [RightWing] ;Cmq=-0.8369 ;Cmad=-0.8878 Cmq=-0.1369 Cmad=-0.1878
  24. Sorry! this is Tu-95K-22 my fingers is too fast...
  25. Tu-95MS can use 6 kh-55 or Kh-55sm or Kh-555 on rotary clip on fuselage Tu-95MS-6 can use 6 kh-55 or Kh-55sm or Kh-555 on rotary clip on fuselage + 4 that missiles on wing plylons (2 missiles on one pylon). Tu-95MSM(MS-16) can use 8 kh-101 & kh-102 or Kh-55 family missiles on wing pylons. & 6 missiles on rotary clip on fuselage. Also Free falling bombs can be used NO OTHER WEAPONS ALLOWED. NOTE: on Tu-95M-16 all AM-23 guns changed by Gsh-23L. In this moment all MS updated to MS-6 and MS-16 standart. Kh-55,55sm updated info and models and new Kh-101,102 placed in my weaponpack part 4 and in AOCbravo2004 weapons megapack. Tu-95MS-6 pylons Tu-95MSM (MS-16) with Kh-101

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