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Everything posted by lindr2


    Wszystko bardzo prosto: skopiowałeś cheetah.bmp, cheetah.lod, cheetah_pylons.bmp, cheetah_pylons.lod w aktówkę AIRCRAFT (w korzeń, nie do aktówki cheetah)? Myślę nie ma, dlatego, że bez modelu pilota samolot postawi na jego miejsce sam siebie, a ponieważ skopiowałeś tekstury on będzie białym.
  2. GREAT work! JH-7A GREAT PLANE, I dreamed long time to fly on him. It remind me some story... In 1997 my father rode in China, to help our Chinese colleagues to create TF pod for new chinnese attack plane, we used some some elements from new modification of Su-24. This TF pod is the MIRACLE: i watched video from plane camera: plane fly on very high speed & very close to the earth, an airplane rounds obstacles automatically, pilot only sets direction of flight.
  3. нет я уменьшил сваливание при маневрировании, какой-то юморист поставил сваливание в 1.5 раза больше чем Б-52, пока Woe не пропатчил было ОК!, а потом стало тяжеловато.
  4. Camera as bombsight - Early stage project tested on Tu-16T What you think about idea? [bomb_Sight] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=9 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,-4.38,-0.2 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2.0 AllowedWeaponClass=RCN AttachmentType=SOVIET,WP SpecificStationCode=Tu-16BS PylonMass=0.1 [WeaponData3015] TypeName=Tu-16_BS FullName=Tu-16 Bomb Sight ModelName= Mass=1.000000 Diameter=0.010000 Length=0.010000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.000000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.000000 AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET,CHINA SpecificStationCode=Tu-16BS NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1952 EndYear=2020 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=320 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1952 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=3 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=6 CameraFOV=120.000000 CameraPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=-50.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268566528
  5. No way! you can use any angle to camera. during work on Yak-28 createn different angle sight camera (side view, bottom view), all of them work good, i use latest (oct) patch. Maybe you forgot add to avionics: After that You can use camera, be switching radar modes. [TVDisplayData] UseRadarTexture=TRUE DisplayLimitLeft=0 DisplayLimitRight=127 DisplayLimitTop=0 DisplayLimitBottom=127 ApplyFilter=TRUE FilterMaterial=DTVFilterMaterial [DTVFilterMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=FALSE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=1 BlendOp=MODULATE NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=GreenTVFilter.bmp TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=FALSE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=DIFFUSE
  6. я тут посмотрел в коэффициенты и ахнул: [LeftWing] Cmq=-0.8369 Cmad=-0.8878 заменил на скорую руку Cmq=-0.369 Cmad=-0.378 По моему стало лучше, может еще уменьшить до 0.25 Cmq Pitching moment due to pitch rate (pitch damping) Cmad Pitching moment due to AOA rate (aero interaction between wings and horiz tail)
  7. GooD! plane. But i found some minor bugs HUD folder missed!! http://depositfiles.com/files/2x65e264a in avionics Must be (for WOI, or oct patch) I can't send F-16A_radarPPI.bmp -> it's part of WOI, but you can extract this and move to WOE RadarAGTexture=cockpit\F-16A_radarPPI.bmp AvailableModes=SEARCH,TWS,STT,ACM,GM [RadarDisplayGM] And think this sound will be better WindSoundName=kfirairflow EngineSoundName=MirageF1_09K50_0 AfterburnerSoundName=MirageF1_09K50_AB DamagedEngineSound= AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear EngineSoundPosition=0.0,-6.44,0.00
  8. Не, вектор изменямый я на овт и су-37 приделал, если надо, могу кинуть, Су-37 с ОВТ маневренность имеет -> !!!. А вообще я летную модель не менял, да и не надо это БМ это 9-12 с новой старой авионикой - друзья белорусы обновили модуль обрабтки для радара, все остальное - старое, FM конечно тяжеловата но что поправить - не знаю, если аккуратно летать то - ничего, как авионика?
  9. Projekty

    nie ma zamieniłem awionikę i data i dodał 2 pylonę dla M,K,OVT Mój główny cel był autentyczna awionika dla MiG-29'-h 'close to Real life Radars & avionics' nie pamiętam dawno to było
  10. А у меня новее версия Су-39 есть, я для них неделю назад авионику делал, но Erwin hans послал почему-то старую версию... Может не понравилась? МиГ-29БМ на тестирование. http://rapidshare.com/files/171508764/MIG-29BM.rar
  11. I created new 9M127 vikhr and 9M127 vikhr-M for my weapons pack part 4 You can use it. http://rapidshare.com/files/169973063/Pre_Release_4.rar To Erwin: You not accepted my avionics for your plane, what i send you week ago?
  12. Projekty

    Ja też 'free user', ale w Rosji mogę pobrać tak: jeden plik, potem musi poczekać 60-180 minut, potem drugi plik. Zrobiłem 'mirrors' http://depositfiles.com/files/qs14n8j1a http://www.filefactory.com/file/428695/n/MIG-29BM_rar Samolot praktycznie jest gotów, wyłożyłem jego na testowanie, byle posłuchać wasze życzenia. dopracowałem inne MiG's wykorzystując tę awionikę mam ini dla MiG-29 9-12, 9-13, MiG-29 S, M(what if), K 9-31(What if), OVT (MiG-35-1 prototype)
  13. Projekty

    MiG-29BM na testowanie (INI-mod + nowa awionika), może można coś jeszcze poprawić... nie znam. http://rapidshare.com/files/171508764/MIG-29BM.rar

    Ну и че за целый день одна скачка... а ты говоришь зарелизить, видать не нужен никому МиГ-29БМ...
  15. NO. I just read avionics70.dll (oct patch) in hex editor. I find strings 'search, ACM , STT , TWS, GM', it's OK! i know how to use it. But after that i find strings 'GMT' & 'FT' What's this? It's new radar modes?

    Я тут порылся в инфе, думаю надо сделать ини пак для самолетов Ту-16КС, Ту-16Т (из Ту-16А), а что - РАТМ-1400, РАТ-52,УБ-2Ф,УБ-5Ф,СНАБ-3000 я сделал, КС-1 и так есть. Ту-4К с 10Х, 16Х, КС-1, Ту-4Р с АФАшками (ини на 50 камер у меня есть) Ту-16Р с АФАшками H-6D Кстати, я решился вот МиГ-29БМ на тестирование (ини-мод + новая авионика), может можно чот-то еще поправить... не знаю http://rapidshare.com/files/171508764/MIG-29BM.rar давно он у меня валяется, периодически что-то правлю... еще миг-29К (9-31), миг-29М есть (what if) как я понимаю, ну и МиГ-29ОВТ, 9-12, 9-13, миг-29С ини моды (авионика оружие поправлено итд, все думаю положить / не положить)

    Куча технических описаний на рапиде, некоторые я уже скачал... http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=30433
  18. Men you not understand situation: these guy take my weapons and changed some ini entries of them without any report. This is my on post pack support topic. I they like some non-standart effects, they must include effects in pack, give link of this. But some peoples dont want use this effect, IMHO must have 2 versions INI with standart effects & Extended, and of course this info must be in readme. I find another bugs on pack (missing ini (LOD's without ini), wrong ini, i send PM to autors). Maybe I'm not right, but it's my POV.
  19. Brief Tu-16 history (without prototypes) Total produced on all factories (N22,N1,N64) - 1507 planes first plane in 1953, last in 1963 Bombers: Tu-16 (Without index) in production 1953-1958 bombs only (250-9000KG), engines RD-3M (AM-3M), 'Rubidium-MM(MM-2)' radar max loadout - 9000kg, 7 AM-23 guns 294 planes Tu-16A in production 1954-1958 bombs only + nuclear weapon (250-9000KG), engines RD-3M (AM-3M), 'Rubidium-MM(MM-2)' radar max loadout - 9000kg, 7 AM-23 guns 394 planes, include Tu-16A(ZA) (in 1960-69 155 Tu-16A were converted to missile carriers) Tu-16A(ZA) - Tu-16A with refueling system 1957-58 - 59 planes Torpedo carrier: Tu-16T in production 1955-1957 two RAT-52 or 6 45-54VT (45-56NT), 2 UB-2F,5F, 12 AMD-4-500 or 4 AMD-4-1000), engines RD-3M (AM-3M), 'Rubidium-MM(MM-2)' radar max loadout - 9000kg, 7 AM-23 guns 76planes Missile carriers: Tu-16KS in production 1954-1958 2 KS-1 missiles, «Kobalt-1M » Radar. 107 planes, include Tu-16KS(ZA) (added refueling system) Tu-16KSR-2 converted Tu-16KS 1961, 2 KSR-2, «KS-PM Rubikon, Rubin-1K» Radars. 50 planes Tu-16KSR-2A converted Tu-16A, Tu-16A(ZA) 1963, 2 KSR-2 missiles, «KS-PM Rubikon, Rubin-1K» Radars. 155 planes Tu-16KSR-2 mods: Tu-16KSR-IS tail gun removed, added ECM SPS-5 & SPS-100 «Rezeda» Tu-16KSR2-11 with 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2, converted 156 planes ( Tu-16A & Tu-16A(ZA), and some Tu-16KSR-2А). Tu-16K-10 in production 1958, 1961-63 2 K-10 missiles 157 planes Tu-16K-10 mods: Tu-16K-10(ZA) - with refueling system Tu-16K-10-SPS-5 tail gun removed with SPS-5 Tu-16K-10N EN-2-6 Radar K-10N, K10SN missiles Tu-16K-10D 1966 EN-D Radar Tu-16K-10SP - 1 K-10SP Tu-16K-10-26 1969 1 K-10S & 2 KSR-5 converted from Tu-16K-10D - 85 planes Tu-16K-10-26N 1 K-10N & 2 KSR-5N Tu-16K-10-26P 1973 "Litsa' Radar 1 K-10S & 2 KSR-5P from Tu-16K-10-26 Tu-16K-10-26B with BOMBBAY, also has MER (for bombs only) on wings. Tu-16K-11-16 1962, 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2 «Rubin-1KV» & «Kobalt-P» Radars (Converted from Tu-16KS, Tu-16K-11-16, Tu-16S) Tu-16K-26 1969, 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5 «Rubin-1KV» & «Kobalt-PM» Radars (Converted from Tu-16K-11-16) Tu-16K-26 mods: Tu-16K-26P (Plot weapon system) Since 1973 Tu-16K-26PM (Plot-M weapon system) Since 1975, 2 KSR-5M Tu-16K-26-07 Tu-16K-26P with ECM LO-07 Tu-16K-26PB - with BOMBBAY, also has MER (for bombs only) on wings. Tu-16KSR-2-5-11 since 1973 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5, converted from Tu-16KSR2-11, «Rubin-1M» Radar - 155 planes Tu-16KSR-2-5 since 197~ converted from Tu-16KSR-2A 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5 «Litsa» Radar - 110 planes Naval Mine & deep changes carrier, anti-submarine planes: Tu-16PM Converted Tu-16R, Tu-16SPS, Tu-16-Elka IGDM-500M, 12- IGDM-500, 12 UDM-500,4 – AMD-2M, 4 «Lira», 4 «Sepei», 4 APM, 4 RM-1 or 4 UDM-2). since 1962 Tu-16PL - Nuclear Deep charges 1962 Tu-16SP - converted Tu-16S (~1970) Rescue planes: Tu-16S "Fregat" Converted Tu-16R 1965 rescue bot Pr.347 «Ersh». Recon planes Tu-16R in production 1956-1958 SRS-1 E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), some photo cameras engines RD-3M (AM-3M), RBP-4m RBP-6 radar bombs up to 9000KG 7 AM-23 guns 75 planes Tu-16R Mods: Tu-16R(ZA) - added refueling system Tu-16RN - night recon plane (use NAFA-75 cameras) Tu-16RE - ECM plane (added SPS-2 on bombbay), SRS-1 removed Tu-16RP - ECM plane (added SPS-2 on bombbay), SRS-1 keeped Tu-16RM converted Tu-16R since late 197~ 5 types recon cameras, Rubin-K radar SRS-4 E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), no bombs, nose gun removed 6 AM-23 guns 75 planes Tu-16RR radiation control plane, converted Tu-16R(ZA), two RR8311-100 pods, 1969 - 8 planes Tu-16RM-1 (converted Tu-16K-10D) 2 types recon cameras, EN-R radar SRS-4 or SRS-1M E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), ~1960 11 planes Tu-16RM-2 (converted Tu-16K-10-26) 2 types recon cameras, EN-R radar SRS-4 or SRS-1M E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), ~1960 12 planes ECM planes: Tu-16SPS in production 1955-1957- ECM plane SPS-1,2 on bomb bay - 144 planes (102 planes with SPS-2, 42 planes with SPS-1) Tu-16P-Buket (converted Tu-16) 1962 SPS-22N, SPS-33N, SPS-44N, SPS-55N) on bomb bay. SPS-22N - 34 planes, SPS-33N – 9, SPS-44N – 28, SPS-55N - 20 Tu-16P-Fikus (converted Tu-16P) -1972 Fikus system +SPS-22N, SPS-44N - 10 planes Tu-16-Elka in production 1957 ASO-16 & APP-22, SPS-4 «Modulatsia». 52 planes + 19 converted Tu-16, on late 197~ ECM SPS-151,152,153 was mounted Tu-166-Elka mod: Tu-16-Elka-1 SPS-100А and SPS-100M RWR SPO-15 «Berioza» Tu-16E in production 1957-59 ASO-16, SPS-1, SPS-2 или SPS-2K «Pion» - 89 planes, on late 197~ ECM SPS-151,152,153 was mounted Tu-16E mod: Tu-16E-Azalia SPS-61, SPS-62, SPS-64, SPS-65, SPS-66, SPS-6 «Los'» or SPS-5 «Fasol» tail,nose guns removed Tu-16ER ECM+recon plane ECM SPS-1 changed to SRS-1 recon system Tankers: Tu-16Z Tanker (wing-wing system) since 1955 (converted Tu-16), 19000 kg fuel loadout - 114 planes Tu-16N Tanker (cone system) since 1963 (converted Tu-16), 15000 kg fuel loadout - 46 planes Tu-16NN Tanker (cone system) converted Tu-16Z since 1969 -20 planes Trainer Tu-16U (U-1,2,3,4)
  20. Today I attentively looked on weapondata.ini Look's like you changed effects names for my weapons and on some others. But these effects are not included in pak, and has no links, no refs of them. It's a BIG problem for Pack USERS... IMHO If you change something in my ini, it seems to you must report me about it, or write about it in readme...
  21. eff_fix.rar copy pacticlesystem.INI to Fight folder, nuke effects to effects folder.
  22. Ну почему рд-500, ВК-1, АЛ-21 нормально скопировали, а "родной' кстати тоже не без помощи тех же немцев делался.
  23. Чувак, почитай РЛЭ миг-23УБ на AIRWAR.ru http://1.airwar.z8.ru/bibl/mig-23ub.zip там картинки есть, когда наши в корее сейбр захватили тогда радиоприцел и скопировали. потом модифицированный он и до миг-23 добрался (1970-72 года образец), ну сетка то наша стояла, в РЛЭ написано как целится используя неподвижную сетку и подвижный прицел.

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