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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. If question to me then NO, i ALWAYS ADD INI ONLY to my weapondata.ini, because if have weapons absent in this pack, i deleted some weapons present this pack, add have another more correct ini entries for some weapons of this pack. I sorted my weapons manually, now i download this pack and try to find some weapons that, can need my or have fresh date, now i'm reading behind 'F' letter.
  2. А я себе заменил GunsightMilSize=40 GunsightName=F-100d_sight.tga Так реалистичнее, да и на самом деле он и стоял (прицел от сейбра, модифицированный).
  3. Hасчет вооружения: Р-13И была принята на вооружение в 1974, но войска начала поступать раньше, р-60 в 1972-73 р-23р в 1973-м, думаю тебе можно р-25 взять, как раз то время (в 1967 aim-7e захватили, в 1972 она уже летала). И gunsight у тебя конечно смешной, сетка во весь ИЛС экран должна быть, а прицел как у F-100. [WeaponData2202] TypeName=R-25 FullName=R-25 ModelName=aim-7e Mass=228.000000 Diameter=0.203200 Length=3.670300 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=SOVIET SpecificStationCode= NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1972 EndYear=1974 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=40.000000 FusingDistance=2.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=12 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=10.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=85 LaunchReliability=85 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=5.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=46.000000 SeekerTrackRate=12.000000 SeekerRange=30000.000000 MinLaunchRange=4000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=25000.000000 Duration=65.000000 CounterCountermeasure=75.000000 NoiseRejection=85.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=2.900000 BoosterAccel=46.480000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000
  4. Tu-22 use ONLY Kh-22 family, because Kh-22 family created specially for Tu-22K. I said again Kh-22 Family ONLY, don't search WP for AS-4. I never use NATO designators. Ecm strength is dialectic question, i hve some info about SPS family in russian, to diffult to translate it, and ECM simulation in Game is very primitived, when your ini work is done, plase send my INI files. I will check them, i try create realistic ECM on this stage. Chaffs placed on gears gondols. I have no info about numbers. Flares added only after 1979-1983. About Tu22k PN radar - sorry azimuth -+30 deg MAX, but rubin-1A - 45 Deg. PN, Rubin-1 minimum altitude -> 1000 m.
  5. Rubin radar - 350 km range only GM mode -+45? deg azimuth. PN radar - 500 km range only GM mode -+45? deg azimuth.
  6. I download pack, some my lastest weapons (added ~ one week ago) not present on this pack Spike-EP AT Missile ZT-3 Swift Anti-Tank Missile ZT-35 Swift Anti-Tank Missile Swift_Rack Spike-ER Launch Pod and some s-5 mods you welcome to add it! http://rapidshare.com/files/169973063/Pre_Release_4.rar I not planned to create new weapons on some next weeks. But i plannned to upload part4 and SAM mod.
  7. http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw.html ~1590 plane drawings and have here (~2GB), but catalogue in russian, sorry no english mirror. http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_fn.html - post wwii fighters http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_an.html - post wwii bombers/attackers http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_on.html - misc post wwii planes http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_c.html - helicopters http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_fw.html - wwii fighters http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_aw.html - wwii bombers/attackers http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_ow.html - misc wwii planes http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_1w.html - from wwi to wwii planes http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_civ.html - civilian planes http://www.airwar.ru/other/3m.html - some 3d models ~ 15 piecees
  8. Yes, you ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! But USSR never sold Tu-114 in 1960-70 they use leasing procedure .
  9. I read some entries with my knowledge base, sorry but Tu-4 AWAC is fiction. Chinese version this plane is REAL (KJ-1) 2 planes used from 1967 to ~1990. But MAIN news is that KJ-1 (Tu-4 AWAC) used 'Liana' radar (Tu-126 radar), yes same radar. China took russian radar in 1962-63, but they was not have Tu-95/114 and mounted 'Liana' in Tu-4's Working on ini for this... (need change some things ceiling,MAX cruise speed, empty mass, service dates, others entries is correct )
  10. OK! I do it. Tu_126.rar Now we have DATA.ini updates for TU-126 (i don't have Tu-126.lod, then i include in txt only DATA.ini sections, what need to change from Tu-95MA, i hope that Veltro accept it and will merge with his Tu-126_data.ini ) I maked two versions of avionics Easy & PRO (both variants have '+' and '-' ). Ranges: A-A 350Km, A-G-400Km scane speed 10 RPM (60Deg/sec). I find serial numbers for all Tu-126 planes (8 planes was producted) And this is squadron: [squadronxxx] Name=67thDLRO DisplayName=67th Special Esc DLRO Nation=SOVIET P.S. I find little bug in tu-95A,MA.V data [Fuselage] ... SystemName[003]=topgun1 SystemName[004]=topgun1 MUST BE [Fuselage] ... SystemName[003]=topgun1 SystemName[004]=topgun2 http://s55.radikal.ru/i150/0812/34/482dce68645d.jpg P.P.S. Some news for wrench, i read some entries with my knowledge base, sorry but Tu-4 AWAC is fiction. Chinese version this plane is REAL (KJ-1) 2 planes used from 1967 to ~1990. But MAIN news is that KJ-1 (Tu-4 AWAC) used 'Liana' radar (Tu-126 radar), yes same radar. China took russian radar in 1962-63, but they was not have Tu-95/114 and mounted 'Liana' in Tu-4's
  11. NICE! i created avionics & data.ini for tu-126. I will test it with Tu-95 LOD and send your at 1-2 hours.
  12. OK! i just do it. Tu-95 by Veltro is VERY GOOD plane, but data.ini has to much bugs & mirror errors. I startring work to creating INI for ALL tu-95's First entry Tu-95A (see hystory topic) http://rapidshare.de/files/41026481/Tu-95A.rar.html Bugs fixed: -wrong gunners positions -wrong gunners numbers in gun section -wrong gun names (must be AM23) & ammo amount -wrong turret aim angles & turn rates -wrong prop RPM (max RPM is ~750) reducton coeff is 0.0882 engine RPM max 8300, min 6600 -wrong max speed & mach & cruise speed limit Tu-95A max speed - 882 kmph, cruise 750 kmph, Tu-95M 905/750, Tu-95K 860/770, Tu-95KM,K-22 - 910/770, Tu-95MS- 830/710, Tu-95MR- 910/768 Tu-95RC - 905/765 -wrong loadout limits Tu-95 & tu-95M has 12000KG max loadout FAB 250,500,1000,3000,5000,9000 BRAB-250,500,1000,6000 can be used Added for A version: - RBP-4 radar avionics - corrected celling & empty W - corrected engines HP - added BSFC - added prop table data PS i have FULL info about Tu-95, Tu-16, Tu-22, Tu-22M turrets (aim angles, ammo amount, turn rate, gun types) you can ask me. PPS NONE Tu-95 can use LGB & LGR! Tu-142M2,M3 can use TV,IR guided Bombs and miisiles, in theory, because have same 'Kayra' like Mig-27K, but not use it .
  13. Tu-126 drawings - be carefull Tu-126 based on Tu-114, NOT on Tu-95, have more big fuselage diameter, lower wings position, new gears.
  14. NEW weapons BRAB-250,500,1000 Soviet Armor Piercing Bombs used in Anti-Ship missions since 1940, also wide used in Afganistan against Modjaheddin's Bunkers... Some weapond updated: - Kh-55, Kh-55SM - updated animation, included fold/unfold engine, noe it's ready to Tu-95MS - some data ini changes to kh-55 family to get release, fly model more accurate. - 3M14AE,3M54AE,3M54AE1 - only one parameter changed arming time from 0 to 1, (maybe 1.5 will be more better) for accurare release process.. http://rapidshare.com/files/155903566/Pre_Release_4.rar.html
  15. Yes a need INI entry with realisic full 360 view example, i try find REAL search ranges and will tweaking it.
  16. UPDATE: SOME INI WORK: I fixed some s-8 rockets family bugs: wrong values, service years ect. and i added mor s-5 variants, because 16 different types of s-5 exist, and some modern s-8 types. Look's like is a final part of weapon pack part4, It's time to collect stones and make fixing bugs and making a release. http://rapidshare.com/files/169973063/Pre_Release_4.rar
  17. I will try to help you, but game has sector view only radar, but we need circle view, have idea? Early i tried to create E-2 RADAR, picture show front view, then rear view. Not so good... And abother one: i view screenshot with 'Zaslon' radar your radar TD too big must be http://aerospace.boopidoo.com/philez/Su-15...%20Avionics.htm
  18. Russian AG & cruise missiles Guidance diagrams for weapons / mission modders
  19. Что возможно а что нет

    Ну раз все молчат я попробую ответить: Звук ветра вроде есть ну и прочие EngineSoundName=M53 AfterburnerSoundName=M53AB DamagedEngineSound=PlaneFire FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear Stallsound=StallSound WindSoundName=kfirairflow Все хотят! Не будет, как и глубинных бомб и ракет с диполями. Пока нельзя, а много ты таких знаешь?
  20. More COLOR tu-4 cockpit photo's full stuff (100 photo) is HERE -> http://www.monino.ru/index.sema?a=pages&id=21
  21. i not fully understand, not problem, that russian caption is INCORRECT, problem is that they are VULGAR. Original 'russialized' A-4 pit have part of russian words, can be translated like 'f...ked stuff' I think it's not GOOD...
  22. Please don't use this 'Russianized' cockpit - russian captions is VERY STUPID...

    Извини я тут заглянул в пре релиз большого WP, с твоими моделямии похоже ты не Р-40РД,ТД сделал, а Р-40РД-1,ТД-1, я эти ракеты делал (только попроще, но носовую часть точно помню) не мог бы ты имя заменить и еще две версии сделать пока еще время есть , там работы чуть в носовой части в моем 4-м паке образцы есть. Если надо могу 3Dmax файлы послать.

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