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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. You removed tail gun for KD? please show a pics... I want to see it!
  2. File Name: Yak-28, R(Afgan mod), P, PM (Monty_CZ's Yak-28B & P. INI Mod) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 1 Dec 2008 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants Yak-28, R(Afgan mod), P, PM (Monty_CZ's Yak-28B & P. INI Mod) Installation: Install part1, then part Part 2. copy planes to Aircraft forder , copy skins to all Yak-28 folders, add ini to weapondata.ini, copy Fishbed-C.wav to sounds folder, copy BMP&TGA to each Yak-28 folders. Models: Monty_CZ's Yak-28B Brewer, Yak-28P Avionics graphics ('Orel-66-28' Radar): Su-15A http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2236 Engine: Fishbed-C from Soviet Sounds by howling1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1284 Changes from original plane: added ECM & CM in correct places, added real range radars, FT maked removable (but no jettison), Radar removed from L & PP modifications, fuel capacity, speed, celling, engine thrust tuned, for nuclear bombs created separated weapon st, you can use my RN-40 bomb, and some others minor changes... Fixes for part1: corrected fuel amount for Yak-28BI,I, L, R Gun removed from PP. [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=Yak-28B_FT FullName=Yak-28B Fuel Tank ModelName= Mass=800.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=2.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.000000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.000000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=739.500000 Asymmetrical=FALSE Yak-28 History: Yak-28, Bomber in small production 1959 5 planes, Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xHR-23 50 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28P(PM), Fighter in mass production 1963-1966(P) 1966-1972(PM) 436 planes (P & PM), RADAR: RP-15 'Oryol-66-28' (Su-15A radar variant) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), P: 2 pylons for R-8M, K-13 (R-3S), R-98 PM: 4 pylons for R-8M, K-13 (R-3S), R-98, R-60 (R-60 only few planes). NO onwing FT! Note: i heard that some Yak-28PM planes have Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds, but not added gun for them. Yak-28R, Recon plane in mass production 1965-1970 183 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-3' Side view radar 'Romb-4', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) 'Afgan' mod has more flares updated ECM (39th & 87th ORAP use Yak-28R in Afganistan) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds ECM pod Siren-1I Click here to download this file
  3. early Tu-4 gun turrets i think you need this... Tu_4_Guns.txt
  4. I create INI's for Tu-95MA (MA have modified engines), Tu-95V (RN-202 Tsar bomba carrier, fuselage fuel tanks removed), added ECM, RWR entries to A & MA, and Some minor changes.. To Xray: when my & your ini work will done, can you upload planes to CA with your skins? http://depositfiles.com/files/ur6mmz4e4

    Ксати xray показал мне, как ненужные части самолета убрать, а ты говорил ДРугого пути нет... Интересно а 3D модель от С-300 101-й сам сделал? а то я видел Flashpiont mods с автоматами из Medal of Honor, SOF2... содрано 1:1, я летом пару китайцев консультировал по 3D конвертерам... ///--moves to remove wing pylons--// Component[008]=PylonFrontL Component[009]=PylonFrontR Component[010]=PylonBackL Component[011]=PylonBackR [PylonFrontL] ParentComponentName=LeftWing ModelNodeName=LeftPylon DestroyedNodeName=LeftPylon DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [PylonFrontR] ParentComponentName=RightWing ModelNodeName=RightPylon DestroyedNodeName=RightPylon DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [PylonBackL] ParentComponentName=RightWing ModelNodeName=LeftPylon DestroyedNodeName=LeftPylon DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [PylonBackR] ParentComponentName=RightWing ModelNodeName=RightPylon DestroyedNodeName=RightPylon DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE

    ага! но он только КИТАЙСКИЙ вариант с-300П выложит у него вроде СВОЕ шасси...
  7. NICE Tu-126! Do you want to make Tu-95K? My Kh-20M wait her Father...
  8. Не волнуйся, они не секретные, на работе была "зачистка", хотели выбросить в помойку за ненадобностью, я спас...

    А эта книга у тебя есть? http://natahaus.ifolder.ru/1734170 или http://rapidshare.com/files/26786782/enc_missiles.rar
  10. At any way NO LGB! Tu-22 can use only Kh-22family, Kh-22Mfamily, Kh-22Nfamily missiles (land, attack, ASM,ARM) Anty-Ship Missile No need special sensor, ship very radio-contrast target, tracking ship and provide ship coordinites and movement vector to missile inertial navigation system is no problem. ALL kh-22 is FIRE and FORGOT missiles(exept first Kh-22). land attack missiles also can used at only radio-contrast targets (bridges, factories etc). all kh-22 family data include in my weapons pack part4. but if want use kh-22 on short distance, you must turn of lofted function, i testing Kh-22's at 150-220 km range, they working good.

    Ну ты даешь krizis, так китайцев подставить! теперь у нас долго С-300П (HQ-9) не будет! 101-й мне модель HHQ-9 посылал, написал '...тебе это надо'. я собственно не понял зачем, может ему ини надо было. Похоже других ракет от С-300 у него нет...
  12. The number of people is done by soviet airplanes too worst, than they are, you vice versa do them TOO good, what they are actually. IS GOOD, but not real... BTW all your planes is nice! Some remarks: - Mig-25PD family planes used R-40RD,RD-1,TD,TD-1 missiles and can't use R-40R & R-40T - Mig-25PDS is OLD MiG-25P updated to PD standart in 1979-1984 - Only two Mig-25PDS planes were modernized with ECM & CM modernized planes has name MiG-25PDSL, updating others planes were planned, but PROJECT WAS CANCELLED, like MiG-25PDM - MiG-25PD updated to Su-27 avioncs & weapons level. Numbers of modernised planes .....7011 on first plane & '94' on fuselage of second plane. Sources: http://www.militaryparitet.com/nomen/russi...nrussiaavia/70/ http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/mig25.html http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/mig25pd.html
  13. can you send new data? You included my fixes? I working on MA version, no need to fix some bugs twice.
  14. I will send to you good tu-22 book with drawings & pictures in some minutes, just wait....
  15. 1) for KD you must add refueling system on nose, if this absent on LOD and change engines data Speed is 1640 kmph max / 950 kmph cruise, combat range: 2550km subsonic / 1150 KM supersonic, ceiling 13300 m empty mass 50000KG, normal loadout 85000kg, max 92000kg 2)RDM... mmm not so easy ! get R, change engines add efueling system on nose, add SRS-13S and ECM SPS-151(152,153) data if can find it. and add recon pods 'Tangazh & Osen', ), ASO-2I CM (chaffs)& frares tail turret removed by ECM SPS-151(152,153) Speed is 1600 kmph max / 975 kmph cruise, combat range: 3050km subsonic / 1250 KM supersonic, ceiling 13800 m empty mass 43600KG, normal loadout 85000kg, max 92000kg
  16. You tried my SAM pack? I tested SAM's look's like all work OK... maybe i miss something?
  17. Ok! S-300! but THAT versions? S-300V(V-1,VM)? S-300P(PT,PM,PS,PMU-1,PMU-2)? OR Chinese HQ-9 & HQ-15?
  18. File Name: Mirage 50EV File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 8 Jul 2008 File Category: Mirage and Dassault Mirage 50EV for WOI Mirage 50EV - most powerful version Mirage 50 for Venezuela, have CyranoIV radar, HUD, AM-39 support, ECM & CM Pods Note: French ECM & CM pods barrac1 & phimat set NOT EXPORTED in weapon pack on default, you must open WEAPONDATA.INI, find them ( barrac1, phimat) and change: Exported=FALSE to Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1985 ExportEndYear=2020 Mod based on stock Kfir-C2, no LOD included, you must have WOI, if you want use planes in WoV & WOE, unpack plane & cockpit LOD's & copy them in arcraft\Mirage 50EV, arcraft\Mirage 50EV\cockpit folders. Copy engine sounds to sound folder. Venezuela nation not included in standart Nations.ini, choose from 2 ways 1) install nations pack 2) copy insignia087.tga & finflash087.tga insignia088.tga & finflash088.tga to aircraft folder, add to Nations.ini : [Nation087] Name=Chile DisplayName=Chile Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesLatinAmerican.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 [Nation088] Name=Venezuela DisplayName=Venezuela Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesLatinAmerican.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 Click here to download this file
  19. OK! we have 2 GOOD planes with same name Tu-95M, itry to solve this situation Brief Tu-95 History (Without prototypes) BOMBERS: Tu-95 - in production 1955-58 - NK-12 engines (updated to NK-12M, NK-12MV) ONLY BOMBS MAX Wt 172.000 KG (Fuel - 80.73 Tonnes) 31 PLANES Tu-95A - NUC version (RDS-3,4,6S & others) (modified Tu-95) Tu-95V - planes used in RN-202 (50MT) Test in 1961 (modified Tu-95A) Retired after test. Tu-95M - in production 1957-61? NK-12M engines (updated to NK-12MV) ONLY BOMBS MAX Wt 182.000 KG (Fuel - 89.53 Tonnes) 19 PLANES Tu-95MA - NUC version (RDS-3,4,6S & others) (modified Tu-95M) Tu-95K - in production 1958 - 1961 NK-12MV engines 1x KH-20(M) missile MAX Wt 182.000 KG (Fuel - 89.53 Tonnes) 'Yad' Radar 47 PLANES (28 planes updated to KM in 1965-1970) Tu-95KM - in production 1962 - 1965 NK-12MV engines 1x KH-20(M) missile MAX Wt 182.000 KG (Fuel - 89.53 Tonnes) Refueling System, 'Yad' Radar 23 PLANES + 28 updated Tu-95K Tu-95K-22 - updated Tu-95K&KM planes (1985-1990) NK-12MV engines 3x KH-22(M,MA,MP) missiles MAX Wt 185.000 KG (Fuel - 89.53 Tonnes) Refueling System, 'PNA-B' Radar ~ 45 PLANES in service since 1987. Tu-95MS - in production 1981 - 1992 NK-12MP engines 6x KH-55(SM) missiles MAX Wt 187.700 KG (Fuel - 89.53 Tonnes) Refueling System, 'Obzor-MS' Radar 23 PLANES + 28 updated Tu-95K 31 PLANES Tu-95MS-6 2 wing pylons with 4 Kh-55(SM) summary: 6 Kh-55 in rotary clip on fuselage + 4 on wings Tu-95MSM - updated MS (1999 - present day) 6x KH-101(102) missiles RECON PLANES Tu-95MR - updated Tu-95M SN: 7800410, 7800501, 7800502, 7800506 - 4 PLANES Radar 'Rubin-1D', Refueling System + cameras (1964) Tu-95RC - in production 1963 - 1969 NK-12MV engines MAX Wt 182.000 KG (Fuel - 89.53 Tonnes) Refueling System, 'Uspeh-1A' Radar 52 PLANES TRAINER PLANES Tu-95U,KU - converted Tu-95, Tu-95M (1980-1990) AF Command planes (airbus) Tu-116 - 2 PLANES updated Tu-95 (1957) SN: 6800402, 7800409 Tu-142 IS ANOTHER HISTORY !!! Engines: NK-12 - 12000 HP, NK-12M- 4x15000 HP
  20. I dont't know NATO designation of Tu-95 family and does not want to know... Tu-95MR & RC has no weapon, but RC is TARGET DESIGNATOR & DATA LINK FOR NAVAL P-6 & P-35 missles. Tu-142 history (without prototypes) Tu-142 (based on Tu-95RC & Tu-116) in production 1968-1975 NK-12MV(MP) engines MAX Wt 185.000 KG (Fuel - 87 Tonnes) Refueling System, 'Berkut-95' Radar, Radio & acoustic buoys, IR-TV seeker Garara,ECM , radio recon, bombs, deep charges, torpedoes (AT-2, AT-2M) (11340KG) 18 PLANES Tu-142M in production 1973-1984 NK-12MV(MP) engines MAX Wt 185.000 KG (Fuel - 87 Tonnes ?) Refueling System, 'Korshun' Radar,cabine length is increased at 2 metres, at Radio & acoustic buoys, IR-TV seeker Garara,ECM , radio recon, bombs, deep charges, torpedoes (AT-2M) (8845KG) Tu-142M2 Radar 'Korshun-K' & 'Kayra' TV-IR target system (updated 142M) Tu-142M3 in production 1985-1993 NK-12MP engines MAX Wt 185.000 KG (Fuel - 87 Tonnes ?) Refueling System, 'Korshun-K' Radar, at Radio & acoustic buoys, IR-TV seeker 'Kayra',GAS 'Zarechie' ,ECM , radio recon, bombs, deep charges, torpedoes (UMGT-1), missiles (APR-2, Kh-35(since 1986-88), Kh-61 (since 2003-2005)) (8845KG) Tu-142ME EXPORT variant of Tu-142M for India (Radar Korshun-K) 8 planes, simplified buoys, avionics and radar, missiles Brahmos (in project 2007-2010). 8 PLANES Some modernisation programs of 142 exist... WIP
  21. Man, if you read history carefull, you see what all flyable Tu-95, M, K ,KM was updated or retired before 1991 year. All flyable MS, and some K-22 still in service. Some Tu-95MS & MSM will be updated in 2009-2011 (new radar, maybe Kh-90). tu-95 K-22 will be retured or modernised by Kh-32. (Carrier Killer Project).
  22. Yes, 4-th planes from top is Tu-95KD - early version of KM, but in 1964-1965 ALL KD were converted to KM. No need talk about KD. More Drawings: http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw/tu95.zip http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw/tu95archiv.zip http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw/tu95kr.zip
  23. File Name: Yak-28B, BI, I, L, R, PP (Monty_CZ's Yak-28 INI Mod) File Submitter: lindr2 File Submitted: 27 Nov 2008 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants Yak-28B, BI, I, L, R, PP (Monty_CZ's Yak-28 Brewer. INI Mod) Installation: copy planes to Aircraft forder , copy skins to all Yak-28 folders, add FT ini to weapondata.ini, copy Fishbed-C.wav to sounds folder, copy BMP&TGA to each Yak-28 folders, add Soviet recon cameras data to weapondata.ini (optional) . Model: Monty_CZ's Yak-28 Brewer. Engine: Fishbed-C from Soviet Sounds by howling1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1284 Changes from original plane: added ECM & CM in correct places, added real range radars, FT maked removable (but no jettison), Radar removed from L & PP modifications, fuel capacity, speed, celling, engine thrust tuned, for nuclear bombs created separated weapon st, you can use my RN-40 bomb, and some others minor changes... see Yak-28 history bottom of this page. [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=Yak-28B_FT FullName=Yak-28B Fuel Tank ModelName= Mass=800.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=2.000000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.000000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.000000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=739.500000 Asymmetrical=FALSE Yak-28 History: Yak-28, Bomber in small production 1959 5 planes, Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xHR-23 50 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28B, Bomber in small production 1959-1961 37 planes, Ground Radar 'RBP-3' Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xHR-23 50 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28L, Bomber in mass production 1962-1964 111 planes, Navigation system 'Lotos', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, Engines 2xR-11AF-300 (3900 | 5750 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28BI, Recon plane in mass production 1963-1964 50 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-2' Side view radar 'Bulat', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds Yak-28I, Bomber in mass production 1964-1967 223 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-2' , 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds, Bombs 100-3000KG (3000KG max loadout) Yak-28R, Recon plane in mass production 1965-1970 183 planes, Ground Radar 'Initsiativa-3' Side view radar 'Romb-4', 'Avtomat-2I' CM, ECM Siren'-1I (SPS-141(143)) Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds ECM pod Siren-1I Yak-28PP, ECM plane in mass production 1967-1971 84 planes, Buket & Fasol,Siren-1I' ECM, 'Avtomat-2I' CM Engines 2xR-11AF2-300 (3900 | 6100 KG/sec), Guns 1xGSH-23YA 100 Rounds Click here to download this file
  24. Some 'post fight' remarks: Yak-28R was used in Afganistan must be ServiceEndYear=1990 Planes, used in Afganistan, has flares like PP version just copy this: in data ini: .... [EngineNacelle1] ... SystemName[003]=LeftFlares ... [EngineNacelle2] ... SystemName[003]=RightFlares ... //Avtomat-2I [LeftFlares] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=-2.68,-0.80,-1.30 EjectVelocity=-5.0,-5.0,20.0 NumFlare=30 NumChaff=0 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= [RightFlares] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=2.68,-0.80,-1.30 EjectVelocity=5.0,-5.0,20.0 NumFlare=30 NumChaff=0 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition=

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