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Everything posted by lindr2


    Использовать ATR класс для ланчера, как в моих с-13л и С-8КОР1 а ини для р-40д и р-40д-1 у тебя есть? Я сделал ее на основе р-24, как в реальной жизни, когда полсле мерзавца Беленко пришлось все переделывать на Миг-25б и была создана РЛС Сапфир-25 для ПД. Однако точностные характеристики Р-24, равно как и других ракет я поправил, р-23 и Р-24 ракеты с моноимпульсным наведением, их помехозащищенность и точность гораздо выше, чем у AIM-7F c коническим сканированием. Вот мой weapondata.ini там некоторый беспорядок на позициях 2400-2700 но я потом все упорядочу... http://rapidshare.com/files/157370167/WEAPONDATA.rar.html Все известная мне инфа там, некоторое вещи спорны но ЛУЧШЕ ПЛОХО ЧЕМ НИКАК... P.S. читал этот каталог? http://www.army.lv/files/53.exe ОРУЖИЕ РОССИИ-2002 (экспортный каталог) полная версия там есть цветные фотки С-8 с разными начинками... P.P.S. Когда планируешь семейство Р-40Д издать? , хотелось бы посмотреть, я сам хотел их сделать, но по простому: взять R-40.lod-ы конвертнуть в 3DS, перерисовать носовую часть, мапинг сохраняеться при конвертации, так что новая текстура не нужна, в общем работы на 15 минут... Но хрен потом тут ее опубликуешь, и так меня пару раз с копирайтом опускали...

    не, эту я уже сделал назвал рн-40, она вошла в часть 3, хотя похоже это не рн-40 а 8У69, но РН-40 нужнее... я не понял насчет украинской с-8 с лазерным наведением... Ты вообще мои паки скачивал? У меня много незакаченнных проектов напрмер я следал ини для ВСЕХ модификаций J-35 от А до J в финскими у автрийскими вариантами, все конкренто оттюнил вес, оружий двигатель, сделал ини для французкого ягуара и паистанских миражей, исправил ини и авионику для всех миговб новый илс для су-35 миг-29 итд.
  3. UPDATE: New weapons FAB-500 MPK GPS/GloNaS guided bomb 40km range, Yj-63 chinnnese Land attack missile, PBK-500U data fixed SA-8, SA-9, SA-13 tuned, added variants: Osa-AK, Osa-AKM, Strela-1M, Stela-10M, Strela-10M3 http://rapidshare.com/files/157220044/Pre_Release_4.rar.html

    Хорошо! только я не совсем понял делал или сделал? c-8 делал с разными моделями под разные боеголовки? Украинскую с-8 с лазерным наведением и нашу с-8кор1 делал ? Мои ракеты воздух-воздух давно уже на этом сайте с августа в разделе weapons pack, текстурки правда слабоваты... Я сегодня сделал ФАБ-500 МПК и Yj-63... Сейчас я работаю на четвертой частью своего пака промеж рез-ту кладу на рапиду. потом загружаю на сайт порциями третья часть была большой - 151 экз. я сделал много экзотики 10Х, 16Х иранские ракеты yasser, zoobin и т д Я не налегаю на качество стараюсь делать оружие, за которое никто не берется... Есть инфа по РН-40, и прочим такт ядерным бомбам? Есть инфа по Сапсану-3, АПК-9 ТЭКОН, Фантасмагории ?
  5. T-80

    Man, i don't need your links, i read some monography about t-64,t-72 from it's creators. Your everytime speek OFICIAL version, but REAL situation is following: Not a single modification of t-64 is suitable for battle actions. T-64 was pure psyhological weapon. The amount of breakages of T-64 exceeded all reasonable limits. T-64 never exported. when new tanks started is service USSR always sold old. But not T-64! why? be cause is useless. In early 90 Ukraine try sold T-64 at minical cost - no result. About Iraqi armor: in 1991 main iraqi tanks is T-55 & t-62, some T-59 and t-69 was added. T-72 was present on the armament of elite units in negligible quantities. It's there was export modification with the barrels of cannons 4- categories (has 1-st, 3-rd, 4, 5 categories for 125mm 1 - for USSR, 3- for WP & India, 4 - for others, 5 - is GARBAGE). Newest 125mm ammo sold to Iraq was 1973 year model shells, what solded for cleaning storages for unusal things. Others equpement also was outdated. Of course T-80 have another gear that T-64 because T-64 gear is unusual. When was created t-72 to the Kharkov factory it was ordered to master his issue instead of unsuccessful t-64. It was very abusive for them. Only T-64 with a new pendant and gas-turbine engine could rescue them. As a result of intrigues and corruption in 1976 was accepted on the service of T-80 - tank with the failed to complete engine, t-80 gear is more difficult and low quality by a pendant what at t-72. T-80 has Automat loading, guaranteing death to all crew in the case of penetrating of armor. T-72 family (included T-90) is unique efficient Russian tanks. This is TRUE. T-80 with disel engine can fight with becase they have same guns, and some version T-80 have moregood electronic system that t-72 producted in same time - result of T-72 but vitality T-80 is much lower. It confirms the statistic of chechen war. 28.12.94 Hankala T-80BV take one impact in ATGM and get on fire,2 crew escaped before ammo detonation, commander died, driver heavy wonded... 31.12. 94 Grozny 11.00 tank column with 5 T-80 atacked with RPG and blow-up all crew died, 3 others try ecsape but 2 also destroyed, one bmp-2 was destroyed also, only 4 mens (include BMP-2 descent ) from 5 destroyed venicles was survived. ~ 12.00 one T-72A take some impact at RPG commander was wonded, but tank survived. in 12.45 T-72b1(N414) take some impact from MT-12 AT-gun, t-72 crew can ecsape but continued fight on burning tank for defend BMP's tank blowup in some time... ~ 13.00 T-72B1(N410) destroeyd MT-12 but take some impact from RPG, tank survive this and retreat, no crew casualties. ~ 20.00 one RPG impact immobilised T-80BV, tank was destroyed to prevent capture. at end of 31.12 2 remaining T-80BV from 81-th Guards Motorifle regiment arrived to "president palace", most crew wa wondered survived crews said "it was abmush with d-30 AT guns all other tanks lost... 1.01.95 ~ 2.00 T-72A (N534) was lost from heavy RPG fire, crew escaped... T72A (N533) take 5 RPG impact on engine, crew escaped... one T-80BV from 2 remaining T-80BV from 81-th Guards Motorifle take one impact on engine and burned up, crew escaped ~ 4.00 one T-80 take impact bottom of turret tank blow up all crews died. ~ 8.00 2 T-72B1 (N418 & N439) take some RPG impacts, one tank destroyed, crew escaped , other tank survived. Etc... Must of survived enemy fire T-72 has 7-12 impact, but tanks were repaired... in example: T-72b1 (N221) 276-th MR Reg. 16.01.95 2 armor penetrations from RPG, repaired 21.01.95 5 impacts 1- on right side, 2nd, 3rd & 4 in left side, 5 in turret -> Repaired!!! T-72b1 (N510) 133th Guards Tank Bat - 8 impacts -3 at 28.12.94 and 5 in janvary 1995 -> Repaired!!! and used to 1996 year. at 15 Febr in Grozny lost: 276th Reg - 7 T-72B1; 81th - 18 T-80BV; 133th - 12 T-80BV; 324th - 4 T-72B1, 255th - 1 T-72A; 131th -17 T-72A, 74th - 4 T-72B, 245th - 11 T-80(B?) At period 31.12.94 - 1.04.95 Russian Army lost in Grozny: 1426 men KIA, 4630 Wounded, 96 MIA. RIP HEROES !!!

    Я ВСЕ недостающие кажется сделал: к-9, Р-4Р, Р-4Т, Р-4МР, Р-4МТ, Р-37, Р-77ПД, Р-77Т, Р-88 сделал ini для Р-40РД, Р-40ТД, Р-40РД-1, Р-40ТД-1, Р-24МР, кажется все серийние кончились.
  7. UPDATE: New weapons: Kh-101, Kh-102 new cruise missiles 5000 km range, 7.45M length, 2400KG based on Kh-55sm & Kh-65, 101 is HE version, 102 - Nuke Igla family (9M331,9M39,9M42), 9M39B - A-A version for choppers use my 9M39 lod, 9M36 Strela-3 (use sa-7 lod) 9M32 Strela-2 tuned, 9M32M Strela-2M added, some bugs of S-6 family fixed. http://rapidshare.com/files/156895420/Pre_Release_4.rar.html

    Не, у меня и так работы много, а тут решил все наши SAM-ы переделать а то ошибок до хрена, и эффективность как у деревянного меча, сегодня я сделал х-101 х-102 ракету для иглы 3М39 сегодня положу на рапиду как всегда , посматравайте мою ветку http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=33204 буду стараться каждый день что-нибудь добавлять. Вопрос: что нужно сделать, чтобы scale animation заработала, а то я парашютов наделал, некоторые 3-купольные, а не работает не хрена...
  9. T-80

    No! T-62 fight win concurse against Object 430, and started in service in 1961 First Prototype of T-64 was created in 1964, it was started in service in 1967, but had too much problems with all systems, bad gears is main problem, unsolved on all T-64 versions. only in 1969 was created model, which limitedly can it was be used in army. No! t-80 has t-72 gear, but T-64 autoloader. Autoloader construction was changed by L.N. Kartsev for save crew lifes. T-64 and T-80 has one movement loading system. As a result the crew of tank is surrounded a ring from shells. T-72 use 2 movement loading system, shells and cartridges placed separately at 2 levels one bottom of other at center , this loadout much more compact, and probability of detonation of ammo falls down in 5-7 times. No! T-64 use in combat one time at 1992 in Movdova Republic -TransIstria Republic conflict. 2 tanks were destroyed, they blowup after one impact of Spg-9 at one and RPG-7 at other all crew is died... T-72 in Chechnia practicaly were destroyed after 6-8 impacts of RPG, one tank survive 13 impacts. Of course! after change gear, main problem of t-80 was Engine, He broke constantly, consumed the enormous amount of fuel, at the temperature of air higher 30'C his power fallen on 27-35%. In mountains he could not move in general...
  10. Su-7 - 4 pylons (2 on fuselage for FT, BOMBS,RP+2 on wings for BOMBS,RP) - 1000KG Loadout, one fuselage Fuel Cell, Su-7B - 4 pylons (2 on fuselage for FT, BOMBS,RP+2 on wings for BOMBS,RP) - 2000KG Loadout, one fuselage Fuel Cell, 2 small wings FC, Su-7BM Su-7B - 6 pylons (2 on fuselage for FT, BOMBS,RP+2 on wings for FT,BOMBS,RP,EP+2 on wings for BOMBS,RP)- 2000-2500KG Loadout, one fuselage Fuel Cell, 2 wings FC Su-7BKL - same that Su-7BM Su-7BMK - 8 pylons (2 on fuselage for FT, BOMBS,RP+2 on fuselage for BOMBS,RP+2 on wings for FT,BOMBS,RP,EP+2 on wings for BOMBS,RP) - 3100-3200KG Loadout, one fuselage Fuel Cell, 2 wings FC in real life 2 fuselage pylons always use on FT, 2 wings pylons for ORO-57 & small bombs. mig-21 chosen because al-7f is bad engine, that a need too more fuel, without FT su-7 can fly only 6-8 min with AB. Mig-21 has smallest possible cost, during a mass production mig-21 costed less than BMP-1. How about SAM's?
  11. T-80

    The separate model of t-80 is not needed, these tanks are very alike outwardly, but so much differs inwardly. It is related to the conflict of two leading tank factories of the USSR in 1964-1990 - Kharkoм fact & Uralvagonzavod. Briefly history following: Лharkov won a competition on a new tank in 1963 with T-64. However much a tank had problems at the start of mass series. To fix these problems and begin serial a production was charged by Uralvagonzavod, taking advantage of situation, they FULLY REMAKE T-64 in T-72 at the maintainance of external likeness, however much not ONE SPARE PART To T-64 did not SUIT to T-72. Understanding that they were deceived, Kharkov had started the new variant of t-64 in series -> t-80 with a gas-turbine engine. Фfter disintegration of the USSR the production of t-80 almost fully remained on ukraine, however mastered a production of t-80 was in Omsk. In present time war for contracts between t-90 (new variant of t-72) and T-80um still proceeds. Descriptions of same time generations of t-72 family & t-80 family are approximately identical, however much t-72 family has more high vitality (ammo placement, driver placement etc. in T-80 driver separated from other crew by ammo shells & practicaly no chances to escape)...
  12. UPDATE: NEW WEAPONs BRAB-220,500,1000 1930 year mod. used in spain 1936-39, finland 1939-1940, WWII, up to 1950 New project starting Russian SAM tuning... I watch very close to all SA systems... Found too more errors... More versions need be added... added: to SA-2 s-75 dvina (SA-2A), S-75M2 Volkhov (V-759), S-75 Volga-2A to SA-3 (i use different launchers 2,4,mono for different missiles) S-125M Neva-M/Pechora(V-601P),S-125 Neva-M1/Pechora-M (V-601PD),S-125 Pechora 2A (V-601D) to Sa-5 (Original SA-5 converted to S-200A Angara (SA-5A) 16-160 KM range): S-200AN Angara V-870 Nuke missile, S-200V Vega 16-180 km range, S-200M Vega-M 16-250Km Range, S-200E Vega-E ONLY export version, any others versions never exported, S-200D Dubna 16-300km range, S-200DN - nuke version of Dubna. to Sa-6 : Kub-M1/Kvadrat, Kub-M3/Kvadrat-M, Kub-M4, Kub-M5 (R-77-ZRK) STATUS - WIP, SA-8,9,SA-13,SA-19,Sa-7,SA-2 tuning in process. Installation: install original weapons, overwrite it by new, copy LOD & Skin from original to all new versions. http://rapidshare.com/files/156558744/Pre_Release_4.rar.html P.S. About Su-7BKL - this planes has SKI-WHEEL GEAR and too more changes in wing, (new gears bay, new gun positions ect) -> need new LOD... i don't want do it right now... P.P.S Su-7 (fighter version) has 80 shells gun ammo on each gun (total 160), Su-7B - 65, fix-it!
  13. Open Conf.ini go to [Game] section .... HakenAllowed=1 ... It's all! This information contains in help file for russian version game...
  14. UPDATE: NEW WEAPONS BRAB-200DS - first soviet penetrator bomb (1943 year), BETAB-150DS - first soviet Runway cratering bomb. http://rapidshare.com/files/156254106/Pre_Release_4.rar.html Also for testing 2 Early versions of Su-7 (mod of stock Su-7BM) 1) Su-7 Fighter version 132 planes only producted , no wing Fuel cells, only fuselage FT, can use up to 250 KG bomb, and RP, 4 pylons (1958-65) 2) Su-7B Fighter-Bomber, small wing Fuel cells, 4 pylons with 500KG on each pylon. http://rapidshare.com/files/156260474/Early_Su-7.rar.html

    Можешь меня спросить, вдруг отвечу...
  17. One small Problem: Kh-28 has liquid rocket engine, one Kh-28 required 235kg nitric acids, and ~ 200KG TG-2 very-poisonous fuel. Fueling of missile is produced in the day of starting. Therefore you will have to build a freight terminal for the stand of railway composition with 100 tons of VERY POISONOUS EASILY EVAPORATING MATTERS..
  18. R-77M-PD (AHM), R-77T-PD (IRM), R-77P-PD - 3 new missiles (2 new LOD's with release animation), & some other new missiles (ini for existing LOD's) R-24MR, R-77P, R-27P, R-27EP http://rapidshare.com/files/152437107/R-77-PD.rar.html
  19. Weapon pack part 3 final Beta for testing... Chutes not working yet animation disabled on nukes... Included INI for some planes & new groung object: SA-6 with R-77-ZRK (only weapon changed) http://rapidshare.com/files/154352999/Rele...F_beta.rar.html Weapons list: Soviet Union / Russia: 3M-14AE Club Cruise Missile 3M-54AE Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 3M-54AE1 Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 10Kh 16Kh Priboy Kh-59 Ovod (Updated) Kh-59M Ovod (Updated) Kh-59M2 Ovod Kh-59M Ovod (Cluster Warhead) (Updated) Kh-59MK Ovod (ASM) (Updated) Kh-59MK2 Ovod (Land Attack) UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb KAB-250L Laser Guided Bomb KAB-250S GPS Guided Bomb R-77M Adder R-77P Adder (ARM) R-77T Adder R-77M-PD Adder R-77P-PD (ARM) R-77T-PD Adder R-77-ZRK Adder (SAM) RAMT-1400A Schuka RAMT-1400B Schuka RN-40 30KT Nuclear Bomb RN-202 Ivan 58MT Nuclear Bomb Kh-555 Granat S-8OFP1 82mm Rocket (Penetrator) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (Penetrator) S-8OFP2 82mm Rocket (HE) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (HE) S-8OKOR1 82mm Rocket (Laser Guided) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (LGR) S-24BME IR Guided Missile S-25-O 340mm Rocket (Frag) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) S-25-IRS 340mm Rocket (IRS Guided) S-25L 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25LD 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25-TV 340mm Rocket (TV Guided) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25-O 340mm Rocket Launcher (Frag) S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25 LGR Launch Pod S-25TV_POD Tu-16 Pylon Iran: AGM-379/20 Zoobin AIM-23 Sejil Farj-e-Darya (Heat) Farj-e-Darya (HE) GBU-67/9A GBU-78A Kosar Anti Ship Missile Kosar 3 Anti Ship Missile IRAN Kh-55 Nasr Anti Ship Missile Retard-750 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-1000 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-2000 Laser Guided Bomb Sattar-1 Laser Guided Missile Sattar-2 Laser Guided Missile Sattar-3 Laser Guided Missile Sattar-4 Laser Guided Missile TIS-33 Laser Designator Toophan 2 Anti-Tank Missile Yasser Laser Guided Missile IRAN TOW Launch Pod Argentina: AS-25K-RC Guided Missile AS-25K-IR Guided Missile AS-25K-TV Guided Missile AS-25K-LS Guided Missile MP-1000 Guided Missile France: AS-15TT Anti-ship Missile Italy: Marte Mk.2A Anti-ship Missile Marte Mk.2B Anti-ship Missile US: ASM-2 Bat Glide Bomb Mk4 1KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 3.5KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 21KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 6KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 16KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 55KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 60KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 100KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 120KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 26KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 80KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 154KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 160KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 19KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 61KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 12KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 5MT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 7MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 1.6MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 3.9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 15MT Nuclear Bomb Mk18 500KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 70KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 1.1MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 3MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 4MT Nuclear Bomb Mk41 25MT Nuclear Bomb Mk53 9MT Nuclear Bomb BGM-71D Tow-2A Anti-Tank Missile BGM-71F Tow-2B Anti-Tank Missile
  20. No... I must finish all unfinished project at first... And i not full understand situation: you have LOD and want get ini for it? I not very much well know about B-52 Loadout... Only some well know facts... P.S. Also chute animation problem not solved yet... Not good...
  21. UPDATE! http://rapidshare.com/files/154966729/Release_3.rar.html NEW weapons: PLAB-250-120 Bomb (Anti Submarine) - use in Russian Naval Aviation PBK-500U SPBE-K GPS Homing Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets (PBK- Planiruyuschaya Bombovaya Kasseta - Glide Cluster Bomb) RBK-500 PTAB-1M Cluster Bomb - AT - 268 Bomblets RBK-500 AO-2.5RTM Cluster Bomb - AT/AP - 108 Bomblets RBK-500 SPBE-D Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets RBK-500U family bombs (one LOD, it's true RBK-500U is UNIVERSAL CONTAINER, OTHERS - NOT) RBK-500U OAB-2.5RT Cluster Bomb - AT/AP - 126 Bomblets RBK-500U BETAB-M Cluster Bomb - Anty-Runway - 10 Bomblets RBK-500U OFAB-50UD Cluster Bomb - AP/AT - 10 Bomblets RBK-500U PTAB Cluster Bomb - AT - 352 Bomblets RBK-500U SPBE Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets RBK-500 PTAB Cluster Bomb - AT - 352 Bomblets -> Note: Use NEW DATA! It's Updated ini for Bunyap RBK-500 PTAB - fixed data and name. They used RBK-500 PTAB data with PTAB-1M name. It's wrong: PTAB and PTAB-1M most different versions of RBK-500. ScreenShot: PBK-500U SPBE-k & RBK-500 SPBE-D PBK-500U SPBE-k & RBK-500U Family Bomb RBK-500 PTAB-1M RBK-500 AO-2.5RTM PLAB-250-120 Bomb Weapons list: Soviet Union / Russia: 3M-14AE Club Cruise Missile 3M-54AE Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 3M-54AE1 Club Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 10Kh - V1 based Land Attack Missile 16Kh Priboy V1 based Land Attack Missile 2-engined Kh-59 Ovod (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59M Ovod (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59M2 Ovod - new TV seeker & fins Kh-59M Ovod (Cluster Warhead) (Updated) booster added (with remove animation) Kh-59MK Ovod (ASM) (Updated) some LOD fix's Kh-59MK2 Ovod (Land Attack) new version of MK UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb - FritzX based RC Bomb UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb - Heat Guided Bomb UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb - FritzX based RC Bomb KAB-250L Laser Guided Bomb KAB-250S GPS Guided Bomb KAB-1500LG Laser Guided Bomb - new Gyro stabilized seeker KAB-1500TK TV Command Guided Bomb (Updated) - added release animation KAB-1500S GPS Guided Bomb - added release animation R-77M Adder R-77P Adder (ARM) R-77T Adder R-77M-PD Adder R-77P-PD (ARM) R-77T-PD Adder R-77-ZRK Adder (SAM) RAT-52 Torpedo (Updated) - added release animation RAMT-1400A Schuka - RAT-52 'Big Sister' RC version RAMT-1400B Schuka - RAT-52 'Big Sister' Active Radar version RN-40 30KT Nuclear Bomb RN-202 Ivan 58MT Nuclear Bomb Kh-555 Granat - Kh-55SM with HE warhead S-8OFP1 82mm Rocket (Penetrator) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (Penetrator) S-8OFP2 82mm Rocket (HE) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (HE) S-8OKOR1 82mm Rocket (Laser Guided) UB-8M1 Rocket Pod (LGR) - Note: ATR class weapon! S-13KOR 132mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-13KOR-T 132mm Rocket AT (Laser Guided) S-13KOR-OD 132mm Rocket FAE (Laser Guided) S-13 LGR Launch Pod - Note: ATR class weapon! S-24BME IR Guided Missile S-25-O 340mm Rocket (Frag) - Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OF 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) - Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket (Frag/HE) S-25-IRS 340mm Rocket (IRS Guided) S-25L 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25LD 340mm Rocket (Laser Guided) S-25-TV 340mm Rocket (TV Guided) S-25-OF 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-O 340mm Rocket Launcher (Frag) Note: Use NEW DATA! S-25-OFM 340mm Rocket Launcher (HE/Frag) S-25 LGR Launch Pod - Note: GP class weapon S-25TV_POD - Note: GP class weapon PLAB-250-120 Bomb (Anti Submarine) - use in Russian Naval Aviation RBK-500 PTAB Cluster Bomb - AT - 352 Bomblets Note: Use NEW DATA! RBK-500 PTAB-1M Cluster Bomb - AT - 268 Bomblets RBK-500 AO-2.5RTM Cluster Bomb - AT/AP - 108 Bomblets RBK-500 SPBE-D Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets RBK-500U OAB-2.5RT Cluster Bomb - AT/AP - 126 Bomblets RBK-500U BETAB-M Cluster Bomb - Anty-Runway - 10 Bomblets RBK-500U OFAB-50UD Cluster Bomb - AP/AT - 10 Bomblets RBK-500U PTAB Cluster Bomb - AT - 352 Bomblets RBK-500U SPBE Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets PBK-500U SPBE-K GPS Homing Cluster Bomb - AT - 15 Bomblets Tu-16 Pylon - Note: GP class weapon China: Yu-2 Torpedo (Updated) - added release animation Iran: AGM-379/20 Zoobin AIM-23 Sejil - AA version of RIM-23 Farj-e-Darya (Heat) - TV version of Italian Marte Mk.2 Farj-e-Darya (HE) - TV version of Italian Marte Mk.2 GBU-67/9A - US GBU-8 based GBU-78A - US GBU-15 based Kosar Anti Ship Missile - C701 based Kosar 3 Anti Ship Missile - C703? based IRAN Kh-55 - Ukranian Kh-55 with HE warhead Nasr Anti Ship Missile - C706? based Retard-750 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-1000 Laser Guided Bomb Retard-2000 Laser Guided Bomb Sattar-1 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-2 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-3 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based Sattar-4 Laser Guided Missile - AIM-54 Based TIS-33 Laser Designator - Chinese origin? Toophan 2 Anti-Tank Missile - Updated Tow Yasser Laser Guided Missile - RIM-23 body + M117 Warhead IRAN TOW Launch Pod Argentina: AS-25K-RC Guided Missile AS-25K-IR Guided Missile AS-25K-TV Guided Missile AS-25K-LS Guided Missile MP-1000 Guided Missile France: AS-15TT Anti-ship Missile Italy: Marte Mk.2A Anti-ship Missile Marte Mk.2B Anti-ship Missile US: ASM-2 Bat Glide Bomb Mk4 1KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 3.5KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 21KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk4 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 6KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 16KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 55KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 60KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 100KT Nuclear Bomb Mk5 120KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 26KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 80KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 154KT Nuclear Bomb Mk6 160KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 8KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 19KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 22KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 31KT Nuclear Bomb Mk7 61KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk8 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 25KT Nuclear Bomb Mk11 30KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 12KT Nuclear Bomb Mk12 14KT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 5MT Nuclear Bomb Mk14 7MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 1.6MT Nuclear Bomb Mk15 3.9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk17 15MT Nuclear Bomb Mk18 500KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 70KT Nuclear Bomb Mk28 1.1MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 9MT Nuclear Bomb Mk36 10MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 3MT Nuclear Bomb Mk39 4MT Nuclear Bomb Mk41 25MT Nuclear Bomb Mk53 9MT Nuclear Bomb BGM-71D Tow-2A Anti-Tank Missile BGM-71F Tow-2B Anti-Tank Missile
  22. I planned to upload to rapidshare new version with readme & some new weapon FOR TESTING. If someone have problems with my weapons, please report me. I will fix problems. It will be last change for Part 3. I plan to upload pack on CA this at this weekend.

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